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Everything posted by JimBob2232

  1. Is it possible we are really jet lagged? If so - this aint going to get better.
  2. Other than the lack of offensive injuries - that quarter could not have been worse..
  3. Peyton, Eli, Big Ben, Dak, Lamar, Tyrod...
  4. II want to see Shorter get some looks here. Still think he has potential.
  5. Always makes me angry when this happens - but we didn't really have business winning that game.
  6. Something weird happening on d. We are overcommitting with our safeties leaving open the big plays.
  7. Im watching Eli and Peyton and they have no clue what to say. it's kinda funny - they clearly (and admittedly) planned to spend the entire game talking about Rogers...now they are pretty clueless what to talk about - except what they WOULD have said if rogers was in.
  8. This is probably the right attitude. A few years ago we were the underdog. The surprise team that took the league by storm. That helps being the underdog. Last year we were supposed to win it all (so we thought). For a million reasons - that didn't happen. Now people are expecting us to just be back in the pack. Gives us a chance to play that underdog role again. We're a good team. We're a Super Bowl team. But we have to scratch and claw our way there. Nothing will be given to us this year. Thats a good thing. And barring significant injuries - we should be back in the AFC Championship game at a minimum.
  9. id take rivers as our QB2...
  10. So we’ll have a big 10 East and big 10 west. Essentially it’s big10 in the big10 East and pac12 in the big10 west. And then they compete in a conference championship game for a playoff spot. then we will have the SEC north (ACC) and SEC south (SEC) and the same will happen there. That’s what should have happened years ago. And a couple wildcard slots too. Sounds about perfect to me! (I kind of hate what is happening in college football overall - but this seems to be the right “end”. I just hate the “means”.
  11. Yup. And in college guys like Joe Paterno (spare me the scandal stuff - the last 10 years were a mess even without that) & Jim Boeheim. You want to see people go out like Coach K. But sometimes they just hold on too long.
  12. He should be on the hot seat. The sooner they replace him the sooner they will be on their way back to contention. He won't be the coach when they get good again. This is the problem with aging legends - nobody wants them to hang it up - but really - they need to. They are hurting the team.
  13. Kim, Damar, Dawson Knox Brother and Murphy combined with major injuries (or scary or poor recovery of),Von Milller, Tre White, Dane Jackson, Hyde and Poyer... And then the utter collapse in the playoffs. Its a season i want to forget. And im sure im missing more things...Sure i can be happy with the overall record....but meh...what a horrible tragic year.
  14. Cousins was actually pretty interesting. Mahomes is a guy i like - i just have to hate him! Agree - mariota was a WTF kinda guy.
  15. All true. However the real problem IMO is that you can plug and play almost any RB and not have a drastic change. Why pay Barkley 16M/year when you can get 80% of the production for $4M/year? Thats the issue. Daniel Jones is not good, yet got $40M/year because the fear was that you can't replace him. It's not bias against the player or position - its supply and demand. I do think the Franchise tag concept makes this harder. Players dont get to know what their real market is - and are forced to sign and play for a "less than they think they are worth" - and in some cases - thats egregious. But I dont know Barkley is getting 16M/year anywhere else either. But he is at the whim of the Giants offering him "fair market value" without knowing what that is. Maybe re-work the franchise tag to allow the team to match other deals would help. I dont know. And in disclaimer - im a HUGE Barkley fan. Love the guy. Behind Allen, probably my 2nd favorite player in the NFL. But it's a crappy position to play in todays NFL.
  16. Gameday is going downhill. Corso has at most 2 years left (and arguably should have zero left). Pollock is now gone. Bear is gone. Never a big fan of Desmond Howard.... Herbstreit is great. But he is now doing NFL stuff too. I am not a big McAfee fan. Will be interesting to see where this goes.
  17. I get it. This was Howard Sterns schtick for a while too. Honestly, personally, I change the channel if I see him, and it stops me from watching ESPN when he is on. I honestly can't stand him. I do the same with Hoda Cotb in a non-sports arena. So it's not working on me....except I do greatly dislike him. lol.
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