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Phil Indablanc

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Everything posted by Phil Indablanc

  1. I thought it was "you still need the tight people in place to accomplish great thongs."
  2. Having lived in Roch for several years a long time ago I am going to say that the best coverage is with the Demagogue and Comical. Best coverage newspaper requires that the discarded bird seed be easy to wrap as well as having the ability to soak up even the juiciest of craps. My parrot has never been the same since I left WNY.
  3. Titans under is a lock down jam up jelly tight play
  4. A section of rebar is a lot easier to stash than a baseball bat. When I was a kid in NYC we would hide sections of rebar under the park bench slats so we would have a weapon at the ready when needed. Maybe the same thing here.
  5. I don't remember which one it was but last year one of the rags was incredibly accurate in the playoff predictions
  6. Keith's nickname was Killer McKellar which was shortened to just Killer. Hence the K-Gun.
  7. Barge Inn, Barbers, The Roxbury Inn (the rox). I probably should have gotten out of Brockport more.
  8. Here is quote from Drew regarding his reuniting with Bill. "A lot of times when I was young, he would stand right behind me when I'd drop back to throw. He was yelling in my ear," Bledsoe said. "It was to the point that I couldn't wait until Sunday so I could get out on the field and get away from him." I hate to break this to you Drew but if Bill were still on the field on Sunday you still could not get away from him.
  9. If I have to start using the stuff one day I will just use it until I need glasses.
  10. It really needs to be New Mexico Dateline 10/10/2007 The always blue skies over Armadillo field are a welcome site for the fans as the 5 and 3 dillos take on the world champion Buffalo Bills.
  11. Greenville SC and it's about 85. I have a 1:00pm tee time tomorrow
  12. I played last weekend but on the fourth hole I stepped on a rake next to the sand trap. That was the best two balls I hit all day.
  13. I grew up on 18th and First Ave but have not been there for a while so I hope these are still there. 2nd Ave deli on about 10th street is considered one of the best in NYC. Afterward head down to St. Marks Pl. (8th street and hit the Gem Spa for an eggcream. All the bands used to go there after the gig at the Philmore. (God I'm old )
  14. They made a movie about Marvcus Patton who played with the Bills 90-94?
  15. "The Bills may have to make a small concession to swap 2nd round picks " Moving up from 55 to 44 is a concession?
  16. Addendum: I just saw that you are going tonight. Pat O'briens on St. Pat's eve!!! That makes it a must. Remember, Scarlett O'hara was Irish
  17. It's been a loooooong time for me but if it is still there check out Pat O'briens for drinks. I think it is on Carondelet (sp?)
  18. The movie was geographically accurate in that scenes were (mostly) shot along the route that the Warriors would take to get from the Bronx to their home base in Brooklyn. The subway skate fight was takes place in Union Square station which is on 14th street in Manhattan a few blocks from where I grew up. Roller hockey was about as popular as basketball in Manhattan so it is not surprising that they used a roller skate reference (Roller blades did not exist at that time). At the time of its release there were some isolated incidents of violence at theaters so it was amusing to see one of Brockport’s finest parked in front of the (Strand) theater when it started showing there. I agree with Promo, though. It was pretty lame. Can you diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig it?
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