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Posts posted by zow2

  1. Good grief, over the years Buffalo fans have run alot of athletes/coaches out of town. Some good people too. Drew for some reason is still around after putting up stats the last 30 games that Danny Weurfel could have put up! I respect Drew off the field but he needs to go now. Other than posting on message boards, there has to be a way to get through to Bills management to try another QB, at least in road games. The fans welcomed him here with open arms, now we need to run him out before the whole community implodes!

  2. I haven't been to that many, but I'd rank the following (not including the Ralph).



    1) Baltimore M&T Bank (formerly PSInet)

    2) Miami

    3) Atlanta- yeah a sterile dome but still very nice)



    1) LA Mausoleum- saw the Bills play the Raiders there in 1987, awful place.

    2) Fedex Field- Danny has added some improvements including 3,000 obstructed view seats behind I-beams. This place was designed in Stadium 101 class. basket weaving for stadiums! I turn down free tickets to this place all the time.

  3. The 737 that Rosened near Pittsburgh a few years back was on approach at about 5,000ft when it had the uncommanded rudder deflection that billsfanone it.  It was not at 30K feet.  A similar 737 Rosen near Colorado Springs some years ago was also on approach below 10,000ft.

    You seem to know your airplanes, but just wanted to set your facts straight.



    OK, whose playing with the words edits?!? pretty funny, but jeez at least don't abuse it on a serious topic!

  4. If you viciously yaw a plane, you're going to stall one or the other wing at least.  That was the major stumbling block the Wright brothers overcame: coordinating yaw with roll on a turn to keep the wings from stalling.  Before they did that...everyone else spun in. 


    But all I know is that there's been a few 737 crashes (one in Pennsylvania years ago is the most well-known) where the rudder snapped all the way over (left or right, I don't remember), and the plane spun in from 30k feet.


    And for those of you flying a 737 soon...Boeing has since fixed the problem.



    The 737 that Rosened near Pittsburgh a few years back was on approach at about 5,000ft when it had the uncommanded rudder deflection that billsfanone it. It was not at 30K feet. A similar 737 Rosen near Colorado Springs some years ago was also on approach below 10,000ft.

    You seem to know your airplanes, but just wanted to set your facts straight.

  5. I'm sorry, but this public lip service (especially by the D) that "we lose as a team" is absurd. You know guys like TKO, Williams, Fletcher, Clements, etc...are frothing at the mouth privately. They are probably fuming that they have the lamest QB in the league and nothing he does inspires the offense to score points. Drew has not made an extraordinary play in over 2 1/2 years!!! my god, that awful!!. Even the O-linemen were quoted after the Miami game as wondering where that Drew came from? (the one who actually stepped up in the pocket and made a completion). The Bills will be a divided team very soon and I don't wish injury on anyone, however, if one of our linemen did happen to leave the door open for a Cardinals player to flatten Drew, i wouldn't be too upset. Just a nice high ankle sprain or something. Sorry, that's how I feel. Unlike some people, I do believe that Shane Matthews could dink and dunk his way down the field better than Mr. canon arm.

  6. I was at the game.


    Now, to preface these comments, I will say this......they have the NICEST scoreboards in the NFL.  Bar none.  I did some work for TV, and have seen many, but these things are awesome.


    That said, the tailgaters suck.  The lots around the stadium don't fill until about 11:15 or so.  They are all permit anyway.  And if you find one for the common folk, the going rate anywhere near was $30.  The tailgating was pretty lame, and the mood is tranquil.  Not to say some didn't have nice spreads, but overall it's a D+.


    Inside the stadium itself, it was painfully boring.  Nothing cool at all inside the stadium to look at besides the scoreboards.  Actually, it's cool that the seats are purple, but that's about it.  The place obviously has no tradition or anything so it's pretty boring.  All of the seats are divided into little sections of railed in seats, so it looks like the whole bottom level is divided into little boxes of about 1,000 fans each.  Crappy.  C-, mainly because of how nice the scoreboards are.


    The fans themselves suck too.  The place never really got juiced.  It was a little juiced when Sanders ran back the TD, but overall, it sucked.  No one really talked about playcalls, or the game at all.  Also, didn't get hell at all, for wearing Bills gear.  It was nice not to be hassled at all, but gee, cmon, yell something at me for christs sakes.  D+


    Overall, a VERY boring and lackluster NFL atmosphere, especially compared to a Buffalo, KC, Green Bay or Pittsburgh....all of which I've either been to or worked at. 


    Overall, I rate the NFL experience in Baltimore a C-




    I disagee. The tailgating is urban...I'll give you that but Sundays game was my third at M&T/PSInet Stadium and it's an absolutely beautiful stadium to watch a game in. Not only do the scoreboards blow anything out of the water (Makes ralph look like a kiddie tv)....the sightlines are perfect and the field is gorgeous. Better looking than our fake grass. Have you ever been to the Redskins Fedex field down the road? holy cow, what a dump. Baltimore blows that away. It's a very modern, nice looking stadium imo. Also, i was invited into club level and it's like you died and went to heaven in there (wall to wall carpeting, bars everywhere, huge couches and recliners,,,,NFL ticket on plasma tv screens). Seriously, the atmosphere might be a little more corporate (even though I had drunk punks screaming at me for being a BIlls fan)...but the stadium has to be one of the nicest in the league.

  7. I got a little ribbing also. One drunk punk was especially crazed as we were walking down the aisle to leave. Even his buddies tried to push him down in his seat and tell him to relax. Anyway, I went to Bills games many times with college friends who were rooting for our opponent and wearing their team colors. Bills fans are the meanest, nastiest, drunken group of people in the NFL . I love 'em but I've seen how they treat harmless people wearing their home team colors and it's ugly.

  8. I guess great minds think alike because after the Jets loss I compared these Bills and Mularkey to the 2003 Jags and Del Rio. It's a very valid comparison (Leftwich/Losman...Del Rio/Mularkey,,,,and good defense). The Jags are hanging tough every week and winning the tight games now. Leftwich is improving rapidly. JP must play by week 9 or we are making a Huge mistake.

  9. Belichick & Weiss couldn't do it in his later years there. Greggo (and no matter how much you hate Gilbride, he knows QB's and the passing game)..couldn't do it. And now fine coaches in Mularkey, Clements and Wyche can't do it. Drafting a cocky, mobile QB was obviously a sign that the Bills braintrust (TD) knows it too. They aren't stupid. They were hoping that maybe MM and his staff could get the Bills through the 2004 season with Drew at the helm but it was a mistake. Even Mularkey admitted in training camp that a reasonably mobile QB who can make plays when the pocket breaks down is vitally important in today's NFL.



    I just can't take it anymore. I've been spouting off for 2+ years already about how this guy doesn't inspire our team at all and he doesn't have the skills left to make plays. We are loyal fans and deserve better. I never root for the Bills to lose but the more our offense is inept, the quicker this painful chapter can end. I don't care if he throws for 300 yds against the Cards and Jets. I want him gone or I will not travel to another game like I've done the past 3 games (home & away). I know it's no big deal to you folks, but I'm one person out of thousands thinking the same way.

  10. Here's just one simple example of a guy (Garcia) who is not the greatest talent in the NFL....he doesn't have the strongest arm and he's not surrounded by the most talented offensive players...yet he continues to inspire his team and he MAKES PLAYS when things break down. Garcia is the anti-Bledsoe.


    By the way, Lee Suggs is 100 times better and more explosive than either Willis or Travis (at least right now).


    Sorry Bills fans, Drew is draggin our team down the tubes. Gosh, why couldn't Garcia have been available instead of Bledsoe a couple years ago?!

  11. ...I was watching midget fb today (my daughter cheers).  Her team has more of a concept offensively than what I heard through my transistor headset.




    Let's check off the games played so far this fall, shall we?


    Jax--Winnable.  LOST.

    Faiders--Winnable.  LOST.

    Patsies--Toughie, but still potentially winnable in the 4th.  LOST.

    Dog-Ass Jets--Winnable.  LOST.

    DolFelons--Winnable.  WON.

    Nevermores--Winnable.  LOST.


    I don't know how much more of this stevestojan I can take.  It's week after week, YEAR AFTER F_____' YEAR!  It doesn't matter who's coaching (although I think Tom Clements is this year's candidate for the Sheppard/Killdrive Worst OC in the League Award).


    But, sad to say, the Bills are saddled with the worst offensive line in all of football, and THE MOST BRAIN-DEAD QUARTERBACK IN THE GAME TODAY. 


    FOUR STUPID PICKS!  (two in the shadow of the Raven goal post).  FOUR SACKS!  ONE FUMBLE BY BRAIN-DEAD DB making a grand total of FIVE TURNOVERS.  THEY CANNOT SCORE A TOUCHDOWN TO SAVE THEIR FRICKIN' NECKS.  They had so many chances to put six points on the board and failed.  AGAIN.  I've never seen a team beat themselves every which way like this sorry-ass excuse of a team does.


    J.P. Losman can't get healthy soon enough, folks.  This season is over.  He has to play to get experience and give us diehards a glimmer of hope, because right now, with BDDB at the helm, there is none.


    Dump BDDB.  Dump Travis Gump.  Dump Mike Williams.  Dump Josh Reed.  Dump Rian Lindell.  Dump Tom Don Ho.  Dump Modrak.  START OVER!


    Ever since Jimbo retired, there has been by and large a culture of losing that has permeated this franchise.  They expect to fail, therefore they do.  There is no confidence whatsoever in what this team does offensively.  The defense cannot make a stop when the situation calls for it.  The STs are way too inconsistent and shoot themselves in the foot repeatedly with bonehead calls against them at the worst possible time.  Even when they had a chance in their most recent playoff game, they imploded and the Forward Lateral became part of NFL lore.  They haven't had a sniff of the playoffs since.


    I felt badly for the fellow TBDers who had to sit through that debacle today at M&T, let alone the Bills living room fans who are likely cleaning up the broken glass from the beer mugs flown through their TV screens or who have required medical attention from the fists pounded into their nearest walls.


    This sorry excuse of a team should be ranked DEAD STINKING LAST in every league power ranking.  Why?  BECAUSE THEY DESERVE IT!


    Hell of a last four days around here, people.


    Thursday--6 freakin' points (1 TD) by SU.

    Saturday--Ha!  Fo' by the Nits (two freakin' safeties)

    Today--2 freakin' FGs by the Bills when the situations DEMANDED that touchdowns be scored. 


    And to make matters worse today, they made a frickin' highlight hero out of that overrated schlupp, the obnoxious Freon Deion.  Thanks a lot Bledsoe, YOU BUM!


    This has all the makings of a Richie-the-K debacle kind of year.  Then, I can hear Tagia-boo announce to all the world next April,


    "With the first pick in the 2005 NFL Draft, the Dallas Cowboys select..."


    Face it people, the Bills are now the laughingstocks of pro football.  They're at the bottom of the food chain.  AND IT SUCKS!




    Yeah great post. I was there today and left disgusted. I loved the Ravens radio announcers laughing at Drew's expense after the game. We are a joke. I've never been a Bledsoe supporter so I can't be too upset. This type of performance was totally predictable. As bad as this sounds....not scoring a late TD is for the best. Everytime we score late all the Bledsoe apologists come out of the woodwork and say "see..he still has it!" Well, he doesn't have it and never will again. It's time for a new start. Mularkey didn't ask for Drew, he got stuck with him!

  12. I Tivo'd "Inside The NFL" the week after the Jets game and blew through it twice looking for the Bills /Jets highlights. They did not show that game either. Makes me angry that they skipped the Bills highlights two weeks in a row. Once more and I will never watch that show again!

  13. They're on a run of good times right now.  But the 90's were a load of misery for Boston as far as their 4 sports franchises went. 



    True, but the 90's is nothing. At least they had some good times in the 80's too with the Celtics. What's it been for Buffalo, the AFL Championship in 1965? Man, i was just born that year so I couldn't even enjoy it?!?!?


    Oh I forgot, the Bisons won the AAA title this year. Ok, I'm happy again!

  14. We all know the Sox just made the greatest comeback in ALCS history against the Evil Empire and the Pats have won 2 Superbowls and 20 consecutive games. It must be nice to be a Boston area sports fan! I gotta believe that both teams will crumble at some point real soon. Can one city be so blessed to have yet another Superbowl and break the World Series curse in the same season? oy vey!

  15. This pretty much sums up how the Bills offense is viewed on a national level. Sorry for bringing up football. You can now get back to your baseball posts,




    "Buffalo (+5½) at Baltimore


    This game would make a great Fear Factor stunt: The person who can stomach these wretched offenses without leaving the room wins.


    Ravens 17, Bills 14"




  16. A guy like McGahee probably never had to work exceptionally hard in high school and college. Let's face it, with that talent he could just glide through practices and bring it come gametime. Now it's a different story. He's a pro and all the pro players are damn talented. Sounds like MM got through to him. great to hear.

  17. I would sure love to get a hit on the pipe that the officials are taking passing when New England is playing.  2:45 to go, 3rd and 7 from their own 40, Brady rolls out and hits Bethel Johnson for a 48 yard gain.  On the play, # 72 absolutely tackles Grant Wistrom as he's about to break free to disrupt Brady.  Probably the most blatant holding call I've seen all season, and I get to watch our offensive line every week.


    The level of officiating in this league is consistantly horrible.  Worse than that, it seems to benefit the better teams when the game is on the line.  I harken back to the phantom call on CV in week one and the abysmal call on Campbell this week.


    Have I mentioned that the Patriots didn't have ONE holding penalty in the game against us, despite the fact that we consistantly blitzed on passing downs?  NOT ONE.






    I'm glad you mentioned another NFL game other than the Bills. We obviously focus on Buffalo but I've watched plenty of games this year and there's been horrible calls in many of them. My beef w/ the officiating is that they seem to call penalties when they "think" they see an infraction....often times the Linesman throwing the flag is well away from the play or on the wrong side of the infraction (so he can't possibly see it clearly). These idiots need to keep the flags in their pockets unless they are 100% sure a penalty has occured.

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