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Posts posted by zow2

  1. I think they have to board their plane from the regular terminal and get screened there. In the old days they would go thru Prior aviation and get special treatment like the coddled babies that they are. I'm sure the Bills organization has instructed the NFTA & FAA to treat our opponents like crap. Donahoe has that much pull!

  2. Name for me how many RB's in the league can take it 80 yards.  Make sure they are starters.



    Lee Suggs can go the distance from anywhere on the field. The guy is much faster than I ever thought he was.


    McGahee is fine. Once he gets outside he does have very good speed. I realize after yesterday that he is definitely better than Henry. Henry goes down so much easier on the first hit.

  3. I'm cutting Mularkey slack. He didn't hand pick this team. He has to coach the people he has. He could have crawled in a hole and died after those first couple ridiculous losses. Instead he has started to at least instill a tough attitude at home and re-establish the home field. Now I agree, he has to start winning some road games. I truly believe we are hamstrung on the road w/ Bledsoe since it's much harder to run and protect the QB. You have to be somewhat dynamic on O and we can't be dynamic w/ Bledsoe. MM has shown the ability to change "on the fly" during games and go with what works. Now he has to find something (anything!) that works on the road. I would like to see him stick JP in there for some spot duty even in games that are close...and unless we are truly in the playoff hunt, JP must get a start late in the season to accelerate his development.

  4. I love the Bills being on the "Giving" end of this controversy and not the receiving end. We're a tough town and we need a bad a$$ team. Martz whines after every loss (Bills cut blocks, Pats DB's holding, etc..) Let me tell you...it's never hurt the Denver Broncos to have a tough reputation (or cheap shot if you prefer?). I don't want the Bills cheap shotting but if it's gonna be border line stuff, I'd rather be the team dishing it out. NFL football is not for the meek.

  5. Mularkey and his staff are awesome. Quiet public demeanor but the wheels are always turning in his head. To me, they were saddled with a very one dimensional QB and they have done their best to milk the most out of him and the offense. All the little gadget plays are nice and very welcome since the Bills usually have to run a very boring offense. Using D-linemen on offense in certain situations really helped in a couple games. I really think he has gotten about all he can get from Bledsoe this year. Let's face it, Drew isn't going to be able to win anymore in road environments...especially when the running game gets shut down. Cutting Shaw was another good move, promoting Fast Freddy, starting to get the TE involved again... etc. On top of that Mularkey has made special teams a priority using starters at a few positions and we still have a very stout D. I really like the future of MM and his staff. They don't sit on their hands and hope things get better.....they are constantly tweaking things. It's just too bad we are going to waste one of the best special teams seasons we've ever had and a very good defense in another non-playoff season.

  6. I know Big Ben has had a tremendous year so far...But I'd still want Losman/Evans over just Ben....

    I think people are giving up to early on Losman because of 5 plays in garbage time against NE......



    No One has given up on Losman yet. We all know he could be the 2nd coming of Jim Kelly if things fall the right way for him. We all hope and pray that he is. My argument about Ben was that he WAS a sure thing. A no brainer. Now he's proven that to be correct.

  7. A deal did not get done. To me that's means it was half-hearted. To move up 3 slots would not have cost us the moon. Yes we would not have been able to get Lee Evans but we would have gotten the best player who inexplicably dropped to #11. If this is my one "irrational" post then so be it. I've seen a lot worse on this board.

  8. I'll never forgive TD for not doing what it took to get Big Ben. Even this poster knew that Ben was not only the best QB in the draft but he should have been the #1 overall pick, period, end of story. This is not revisionist history....I said the same thing a year before the 2004 draft. Not only is the Big guy mobile, but he is tremendously accurate...and that is something you could easily see in his college play. I think TD made a half-hearted attempt to jump ahead of Pitt but don't tell me Houston or Jax would not have taken a sweet deal. Dunta Robinson and Reggie Williams would have been on the board at #13 for them.

    I like Lee and JP but right now, JP has a Loooong way to go before he is in the class of Big Ben. A real long way!

  9. I love when the media really piles on to subject matter that I agree with. It's like here in DC with the "Start Ramsey over Brunell" stuuf that's been at a fever pitch for 3 weeks. Now Ramsey was named the starter. Hopefully Losman will get the start in the next road game in two weeks. I expect Losman to get his a$$ kicked for a few weeks but the learning experience will be crucial to his development.

  10. They need to start JP in the next road game. Drew can handle teams by playing conservatively at home but on the road he is "roadkill". I would get JP ready for the Seattle game out there and give him some very vanilla plays to run.....stuff that he is good at in practice. He obviously wasn't looking at the whole field when he threw that 2 yard INT last week so he needs to sharpen up. Seriously, Drew should never start another road game again for the BIlls.

  11. Seriously, these are very intelligent coaches. They now know Drew can't be rehabilitated, especially in road environments. This is a players league and Players make or break coaches. The Bills don't have enough playmakers on O yet. That's apparent. We also don't have any playmakers in the secondary. Maybe Clements but that's about it.


    Anyway, for further proof that players make the coaches..please see the following examples in 2004


    Parcells- the god of coaching can't coach for crap w/ this 2004 version of the boys.

    Fox- lose a couple players and boom, the golden boy is suddenly Greg Williams.

    Gibbs- did he all of a sudden forget how to coach? I think not. His QB's stink.

    Fisher- Jeff is one of the best coaches around. not this year.

    Vermeil- yep, he is a terrible coach this year.

    Tice- lose Moss and it's over for Tice.

    Gruden- chucky suddenly lost his coaching skillz.

    Martz- he's got great players and continues to coach a schitzo team.


    Anyway, just trying to point out that the players win and lose games.

  12. By reading over some of the posts here the last few weeks you would think WM was definitely in his class. I'm just making an observation that NO, he isn't. Dillon has speed, power and a burst. So far I've seen power and average speed from Willis. I like the guy but I need to see more.

  13. I won't get into the Big Ben comparisons becasue I am still seething we didn't do whatever it took to get him. Unlike other monday morning QB's here, I was screaming to draft Ben back in 2003 while I watched him play at Miami. Anyway....I hope for the best from JP. He looks raw and unsure of his leg still. Like I said in another post, JP needs to use his god given speed to buy time in the pocket, not scramble for yardage. Even Vick cannot make a living scrambling in the NFL. It's too brutal on the body and he will get stripped more often than not. I'm sure he learned a good lesson last night. Drew is dead. no reason to discuss him anymore. He will never lead us to a road win again.


    The D last night was really robotic in the 1st half. I couldn't believe how they just sat back and reacted to stuff instead of making things happen. Very discouraging. All in all it was horrible to see the Pats players yucking it up on the sidelines in the 2nd Qtr. We didn't even give them a game. Their fans got to go home midway thru the 3rd Qtr without even a worry?!? The Pats organization & players are so far ahead of the Bills it's scary.


    Oh and when Willis McGahee is even 1/4 the RB that Corey Dillon is then call me. Because Willis could not hold that guys jock right now.


    The only thing I wish JP had that Beldsoe has is durability.

  14. JP looked tentative on the leg. I hope for the best. All I can say right now is...he ain't no Roethlisberger.


    He did learn some great lessons is a no lose situation though.


    1) Don't try to make a living scrambling in the NFL. You WILL get stripped of the ball. Use your legs to buy time and the occasional sideline scamper but mainly learn how to throw NFL passes and buy your self time in the pocket.


    2) Really keep your eyes open or you will be embarrassed and throw directly to the wrong guy. Don't lock in on one guy like Bledsoe does.

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