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Everything posted by Billsjunkie

  1. Your kidding me? Did these guys watch JP last year? They really think that there was still a QB controversy going on at the end of the season? Wow.
  2. I post over at a gaming forum called Maddenplanet.com Anyway there is an Eagles fan that I respect and have known for a long time. He really thinks Walker is going to go nuts in our style of defense. He said that he goes balls to the wall when he is in there. Says that he has very powerful hands and upper body strenght so don't be down that he is under the 300lb mark. He can hold his own. Thats why he was only showing up for half a game because the Eagles don't rotate in and out and Walker was out there for the whole game almost. But he said with our rotational system Walker should be a stud. The interesting thing is that he said he is VERY SMART. Could be why he caught Marvs attention. My buddy says that Walker belongs to an Engineering Firm. I thought that was kind of cool. So it sounds like not only does he give full effort all the time, he is also smart and and a powerful player that uses his hands well.
  3. Yeah because Holcomb lit the world on fire when he came in. Holcomb isn't suited for this offense. Nall has an arm and looked good in the action that he did see. Not too mention he has been in the league for a few years now. Not saying that he would be great but I think that he can check down to the backs like Holcomb did when he came in. I still remember ESPN being all over Holcomb because he had a 90+ rating. Well of coarse!!! Your not going to cause too many TOs or have many incomplete passes when your dumping off passes 5 yards down the field. Its the backup QB position. Chances are if your starter goes down your screwed anyway.
  4. I agree. I think he goes to the Bears at #8 like I have been saying all day if that trade goes through.
  5. Thats what I thought Bill. I knew in Mularkeys last year they were moving him around at TE and RT. But I never heard of him having a full offseason and trainging at LT under TDs regime. Only when Jauron came in did the Bills pencil him in for good on the o-line.
  6. I agree people and there link requests drive me nuts. Google it if you don't believe someones word lol. Lazy people....
  7. If I remember right Peters never trained as a LT until this past year after the bye week. But I could be wrong. I have been before. I do respect your insight and knowledge.
  8. Troy Smith will be long gone before than. Third round at the latest but I see someone taking a flyer in the 2nd. It is interesting that you don't hear anything about him now. Heck after he won the Heisman, Marino and company had him on the set and he was asking Troy if he wouldn't mind being drafted in the 1st by the Browns. Man how one game can kill that hype lol.
  9. Lets also remember that TD didn't sign him to be a lineman lol. He was a special teamer/goaline TE and the coaches started to work him in on the line at a latter point. To credit Peters as a dominate LT to TD is crazy.
  10. HA HA HA I was also thinking of going with a throwback Jim Kelly. Ole Jimbo hasn't let us down yet.
  11. I agree. But teams that go nuts like the Redskins and Dolphins every year are not guarenteed anything like the media seems to think. But those teams also haven't drafted well and even if they did in some years they didn't have the AMOUNT of picks needed to aid your FA signings. So again that goes back to your point and my point. You need to do well in the draft along with supplementing your team in FA. Of coarse we know that NE does a great job of drafting talent.
  12. Lol good point. My point was that Spikes has always been a class act and him being traded to the Eagles and not some bottom feeder should not bring hatred towards the Bills.
  13. I'm starting to question his knowledge lol. Bulger never was a Packer.
  14. Let me say thats interesting but its also not the norm. Gelling is very important. The big reason why teams before FA ever hit were always contendors. The Bills, Niners, Cowboys, etc.
  15. He is going to a contendor. There should be nothing to complain about. We always loved our Spikes. He was always treated well by the fans.
  16. Aaron Brooks is a horrible QB lol and only spent one year in GB. Bulger wasn't ever Favres backup.
  17. Brunell. Had some nice seasons in Jacksonville and lead them to the playoffs. Had a decent year in Washington and they just resigned him.
  18. I'm just glad that Levy is trying to build some things through the draft and not just going for the glamour picks. The only thing that I don't like being built through the draft is the o-line and Marv has the same thinking. Experience is key on the line. But besides that we have not gone out in either years for Marv and spent big on other areas of the team in FA. You can not build a winner with other teams castoffs. You need to build from within. I love Marvs approach even if its not sexy to the casual fan.
  19. Not a chance in hades. Sometimes posters on here kill me. Too many fumes maybe? Carr will be a starter somewhere else or at least compete for a starting role.
  20. Nall will be the #2. Heck people were clamouring for him to start last year before the bye week lol. I also think we use a late round draft pick on a QB though. Just to groom and mold just in case. Hey Jim Kelly had his Frank Reich. I wouldn't mind using a 6th round pick on a QB that could be a project.
  21. Say no to Michael Bush. Just had another surgery on his leg. I'm sick of rehabbing RBs. Lets get one that can run from day one after the draft.
  22. One LB in Poz or Willis (wont be there IMO) would be great. But two? No way. I'm one of firm belief that Ellison is going to be a star in this Cover 2 defense. Look how good he played when he was just thrown out there. Very good tackler,smart and has speed. Not to mention the guy can get up in the air. That pick against Miami was sweet. Something you need your LBs to have in the Cover 2.
  23. I doubt it. No way does Olson go that high. Mid 1st round and thats pushing it. Olson is nothing special. Workout warrior and good combine numbers have hyped him up. Besides Desmond Clark was a machine out there for them. Very good run blocker and when Grossman could actually get a pass to him in the beginning of the year he was scoring TDs.
  24. I had two jerseys going into this offseason. I knew Willis was not going to be Bill. The writing was on the wall. So I gave that one away to a kid that could really appreciate it even if he wasn't on the team. Now I have a Spikes one in the closet that my wife gave to me the year he tore his Achilles. I'm thinking the only safe jersey right now is Brian Moorman lol. Seriously I probably will be picking up a Lee Evans jersey at some point.
  25. Being serious..... The worst thing that could happen is that the Bills take Brady Quinn if he is still on the board. That would be the most off the wall pick in history if you ask me. Especially just watching Losman in those interviews. He is clearly the leader of this franchise now.
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