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el Tigre

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Posts posted by el Tigre

  1. Seems to me the school was just trying to avoid a confrontational situation. The fact that these kids were also wearing flag bandanas tells me they were trying to stir up some trouble. They're probly the kind of dudes that resent seeing all the Mexican flags and thought they would wear their flag stuff and hope some crap started. I think the school acted correctly.

  2. While I really detest defending this twerp, there is no question he is thrown by the accent. Hell, I was thrown by the accent.


    Yes, after being thrown by the accent he was shown the paper, but we don't know what he saw. Was "German" spelled with a capital "G"? Did he look at the right question? Was it typed or hand written?


    While none of us knows exactly what went down, it looks to me like he was initially confused by the accent, and then was just didn't recover for some reason. It didn't look like he really studied the paper, and put together what was going on. I don't think he understood he was being asked about another language, but thought the word uttered by the interviewer meant something else, entirely.


    He still sucks, though.

    You're probly right,but it's more fun to say he's stupid! :doh:

  3. Unfortunately,this whole situation is typical of this board. The general mood around here is one of negativity,bitching and sniping at one another. I don't know why that is. I'm a active participant on a college football discussion board and the atmosphere is so much different there. It seems everybody there feels a sort of brotherhood,for lack of a better term,that brings us to the board in the first place. We still have our differences,but we seem to handle it in a much friendlier way. Here it seems most want to tear the other guys throat out at the first chance. Sometimes it's hard to have a civilized discussion or debate here without being called an idiot,moron or told to STFU. There are some cool and funny people here and it's definitely a great source for Bills info,but some tighter moderation would probly be good for this place.

  4. Week 1 Buffalo vs. Miami LOSS

    Week 2 Buffalo vs. Green Bay LOSS

    Week 3 Buffalo vs. New England Patriots* LOSS

    Week 4 Buffalo vs. NY Jets WIN

    Week 5 Buffalo vs. Jacksonville Jaguars WIN

    Week 6 BYE

    Week 7 Buffalo vs. Baltimore Ravens WIN

    Week 8 Buffalo vs. Kansas City Chiefs WIN

    Week 9 Buffalo vs. Chicago Bears LOSS

    Week 10 Buffalo vs. Detroit Lions LOSS

    Week 11 Buffalo vs. Cincinnati Bengals WIN

    Week 12 Buffalo vs. Pittsburgh Steelers LOSS

    Week 13 Buffalo vs. Minnesota Vikings LOSS

    Week 14 Buffalo vs. Cleveland Browns WIN

    Week 15 Buffalo vs. Miami Dolphins WIN

    Week 16 Buffalo vs. New England Patriots* WIN

    Week 17 Buffalo vs. NY Jets LOSS


  5. Kids really are pills when you get a bunch of them together. It must be that they exhibit a more raw and unfiltered version of human nature, but man are they cruel to each other. They try their darndest to find strange or undesirable traits in their peers, and then just hound them endlessly about it.


    When I was in elementary school, I was the nerd...despite praise from the adults, I would've traded in my smarts if it meant the other kids would just leave me alone. I got along alright with most kids and I had a nice group of friends, but that didn't stop the bully types from making me miserable at every turn. Those days are long gone, but that crap sticks with you even if it's only in subconscious ways. One thing's for sure, it won't be pretty if I ever find out my own children are participating in bullying.

    Something that has changed since my school days is the elimination of fighting. I'm not sure that's been a good thing. One thing that acted as an equalizer was if the bully ended up getting the crap kicked out of him. Back when I was in school,in the 60's and 70's,some fighting was allowed to go on. The teachers would find out what was going on,and who the instigater was,and apply disipline as they saw fit. Now,anybody fighting is immediatly suspended,regardless of who's at fault. I think that has actually led to more bullying.

  6. I'm thinking that forcing citizens to pay for a product like health care is unconstitutional. Also, they were willing to pass the healthcare bill (if they had to) without actually voting on the real bill which is also unconstitutional.

    That's a bad example.Everybody should have to pay for their own healthcare. Those who are not should be forced to. They are currently freeloading off the existing system and making those of us who do pay for ourselves,pay for them also.

  7. Or have a policy along the lines of those associated with the Area 51 "camo dudes" (security guards). They can shoot anyone at anytime that tries to infiltrate a very specific line. Period.

    If the magnet of jobs is eliminated nothing like you propose would be needed. A national ID system and stiff penalties for employers hiring illegals would fix the problem.

  8. You are right. But why stop with just immigrants? Why not allow police to stop anyone at anytime for anything? I mean if you aren't guilty of something, why would you object? If they can prevent just one crime, it will be worth torching every liberty our Constitution and Bill of Rights guarantees, right?



    Mexican immigrants are easy targets. The vast majority of them come here to work hard and make a better life for themselves. The real problem is the buisnesses that hire them. Pass a law that says you hire illegals and you lose your buisness and this immigration problem goes away. Unfortunately the buisness men who exploit them also pay for the politicians. Because of that,the politicians will continue to target the immigrants.

  9. Jeff Ireland is an incompetent dumbass and should be fired. Obviously,any organization is going to want to know the background of a person they plan on paying lots of money to. A good interviewer can obtain all the information needed without ever asking a question as stupid as "is your mom a prostitute". If I owned the Dolphins I'd fire Ireland and hire somebody that has some common sense.

  10. i don't know if anyone has ever heard of this guy but he was one of our undrafted free agent signings. if you have never heard of this guy go ontohttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUyj73qqOgU and watch video of this guy. i don't know how he went undrafted cause he is a beast but i'm glad that we picked him up. he led the sec in tackles for losses and sacks

    I agree. When I read Colemans stats I really wondered how he went undrafted. We need some input from a SEC expert. Hey Cynical,you out there????

  11. I don't think Brown has any realistic chance at starting this year. He's a developmental prospect from a smaller program that played in a spread offense. He has a big adjustment to make to the NFL. In time he may be good,but we won't know for a couple of years. I hope Brohm shows us something,cuz I think we know what we have in Edwards and Fitz,and I don't think either are starting QB's.

  12. With what we have? You're kidding right? A walk on with one arm could compete with what we have here now. I say let him sit and learn, but he could very well be our best QB. That skinny, non mobile kid from Michigan who was a developmental prospect really sucked when the Pats drafted him in the 6th round, didn't he? I said give him a couple years on the bench anyways, but we don't even have a Drew Bledsoe for him to watch, so yeah, he could be the starter. But maybe you're right, it's might be against NFL rules to have a 7th round draft pick become a starter.

    I never said he can't develop into a good player. But it didn't happen for Tom Brady in year 1,and it won't happen that quick for Brown either. Like I said,check back on him in a year or 2.

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