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el Tigre

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Posts posted by el Tigre

  1. Ok. So James used to be married to a porn star. Think about that. Why the hell would anybody marry a porn star????? Not only would she obviously cheat on you,but the affairs are filmed for the whole world to watch. So it must be an "open" marriage where you would get to bang others as well. The whole concept makes no sense. Why get married at all?????

  2. I think Mayweather will beat Mosley in a fight that will resemble Mayweather - De La Hoya.


    Then it will be clear the next fight for both of them should be Mayweather - Manny.


    I still think Mayweather has the better overall boxing skills and footwork, but Manny's no slouch and he has better power than other fighters Mayweather will have fought recently.


    I'll reserve final judgement until the Mosley fight, but for now my slight edge goes to Mayweather.


    Would be a great fight, I think.

    I agree on all points,except I give the slight edge to Manny. I agree Mayweather is probly the better pure boxer but I give it to Manny based on aggression and punching power. I think Pac wins a close decision in a fight that reminds us old-timers of Duran-Leonard 1.

  3. There are some serious issues that need to be fixed in these negotiations. One is rookie pay. A couple years back when Miami drafted Jake Long he became the highest paid O-lineman in the NFL the minute he signed his contract. I love Jake Long (he's a Wolverine),but there's no way he should be the highest paid at his position without ever playing a down in the league. That's just one example,it happens all the time. I don't blame the players for trying to get all they can in a brutal sport that has a short window of opportunity. But both sides need to look at the big picture. There is plenty of middle ground for a fair agreement if both sides are reasonable.

  4. Anybody else watch the fight last night? If not,you didn't miss much. Totally one-sided,domination by Pac. A lot of my buddies think he's dirty (PED's),they say he won't take the blood tests to fight Mayweather cuz he says he's afraid of needles yet he's got multiple tats. I think there's a little more to it than that (timing of blood samples etc.)but they have a point. If he's clean,what's he afraid of? I love to watch Pac fight but I've never seen a small guy carry his punch as he gained weight the way he has. And I've been a big-time fight fan since the 70's. I hope it doesn't turn out that he's been cheating. Anybody got an opinion??

  5. I know this is extremely unpopular (especially with all our needs), but I think Buddy Nix & Doug Whaley (who is the player personnel director from Pittsburgh) are utilizing a strategy seen in Pittsburgh...It is not a fun way to look at this team because we'll never look to sign anyone in Free Agency but mere role players (i.e. dimeback corners, long snappers, blocking Tight Ends, 3rd Running Back)....Some may call this cheap, but it has worked in Pittsburgh (albeit Pittsburgh has signed some guys this off-season)....However, as everyone knows with Pittsburgh, you MUST find the gems in the draft....You had a good draft last year (Wood, Levitre, Byrd, Nelson) and if we can build on that this year (with an awesome draft) maybe we'll be dare I say it 8-8....I know its a huge gamble for the Bills with all the needs but if they can pull it off, they may be good in 2-3 years. And I know the 2-3 years thing is something most fans don't want to accept and I know I don't want to stomach missing the playoffs for another few years.....I am saying this based on remembering '83, '84, '85, '87, '88 drafts...IT TOOK 5 DRAFTS FOR US TO PUT THE PUZZLE TOGETHER (remember it was before Free Agency, too)...


    Shoot darts at me if you want, but based on our needs and the overall weakness thus far of free agency, this appears to be the way they are going (long term vs. short term overpaid solution).... I am not happy with it but I am willing to give this group time and see what happens..

    I don't think it's a gamble at all. It's really the right way to build a team. It's just that the Bills have been bad so long a lot of fans have lost their patience,and they vent on boards like this. As long as they can show they're moving in the right direction I think most fans will keep supporting the team.

  6. You're right. We don't get the same feelings. But again, flip around your pity and "feeling sorry." Does it offend you if I say that I feel sorry for you that you believe in a make-believe person? It should because it's offensive and belittles your beliefs.


    Understand that I'm not saying you'll harbor doubt about your faith if I say that. Just saying that you'll be annoyed and think I'm being a jerk to equate your god with the tooth fairy, Zeus, and Santa's elves.


    Or turn to an an analogy. I would guess you love being an American. Would you say to a Korean that you feel sorry for them because they live in Korea?

    I don't feel pity for you. I tried to explain that in my last post. It was a wrong choice of words. You probly do think I'm worshipping a make-believe person,and that's fine. It doesn't offend me. I'm not sure if you're really all butt-hurt about this or if you just want to argue.

  7. Oh no?




    That's odd.

    I guess I should have used different words instead of "feel sorry for". But it's the same way I kinda "feel sorry" for people that don't like sports. They are missing out on all the fun I have following sports,that's all. And if you don't believe in God you can't get those same feelings from faith that I do. I can't see how we could disagree on that.

  8. It doesn't come off as preachy but understand that your pity is obnoxious. We're living nice atheistic/agnostic lives. Flip it around. Would you feel insulted to find we feel pity for you because you believe in Santa Claus? Pretty sure you'd find that offensive.

    No,I wouldn't be offended. To each his own.I guess I used the wrong words when I said feeling sorry. I was just trying to share some positive thoughts on faith after many in this thread seemed to scoff at it. You and Jim seem pretty defensive about the issue.

  9. I see alot of cats here that don't have a belief in God. That's cool and I hope I don't come off as preachy,but I kinda feel sorry for you guys. I was raised Catholic and have a deep belief in God. It's a comforting feeling that I guess you guys can't know. I know there's more than just the material world that we are now living in. When I go to mass I always leave with 2 things. 1.a little nugget of wisdom that I take from the Homily (sermon). Sometimes it's something that applies directly to everyday life,sometimes it's just a different way of looking at things that opens your eyes a bit. 2.a warm,content feeling of confidence.I'm not sure why,other than it just reaffirms your faith. Like I said I hope I don't come off as trying to force my beliefs on anybody. Just wanted to share my thoughts on the subject.

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