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el Tigre

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Posts posted by el Tigre

  1. Having mulching blades and a side discharge means you aren't mulching. You need to get the plug that closes your deck to mulch properly.


    I have about an acre of grass and use Gator blades on my mower. I've never raked anything and I keep my lawn about the same length you do. Mulched grass is food for your lawn.

    Darins right. The side discharge hole is the reason for the clumping and the raking. Get the plug and you shouldn't have that problem anymore.

  2. Here's what cracks me up;


    Jim is asked a question about his thoughts on Tebow. He answers. Then douchebags like Florio and his band of merry morons attempt to bash Kelly for "knowing it all". That's what Jim gets for answering a friggin question.


    THEN, Tebow is SCHEDULED to work out for the bills. During his stay here, Jim finds it would be a nice gesture to take the kid out to dinner, talk some Football, and give him some tips. Suddenly, Jim is "whooing" our first round draft choice.


    See the theme here??? It's the off-season, so when in Rome..... <_<

    You hit the nail right on the head here bro. The media puts guys in situations like this then spins it any way they see fit to stir up some drama. Much of the sports media has switched from reporting news to creating news.

  3. Sometimes I think that future candidates should be from a pool of business and industry leaders. Clearly, to get where they are, they had to be hard working, wise with money and generally street smart intelligent. Since they make lots of money in our free capitalist system it should be mandatory they serve 2-4 years and they can return to their businesses after their stint. Of course there would have to be some checks and monitoring going on to insure that they wouldn't be totally self serving. It would be to their own benefit to make sure citizens had as much disposable income as possible. As happy as possible. What we have now is a bunch of paid salespeople. Experts in bs for the purpose of gaining power and money. Not motivated to help the country at all. Not smart. They have law degrees so I guess thats supposed to mean their smart. Government has become a industry in its own right. A lucrative career choice. Imho its not meant to be that. It's a necessary overhead to run basic services and thus should be lean as possible. What better type of person to run it than someone who has built something from the ground up and had to budget and plan wisely. Obviously a raw concept I know but look what we have now? How could this be worse? Anyway, just thought id float it out there.

    Your idea sounds nice,but it wouldn't be effective,nor should it be. You would be ruling out an entire class of people from running for office. Only rich,powerful buisness leaders need apply? No way. Few,if any,of our most effective presidents of the last century were successful buisnessmen.

  4. Id would like to add to your post.


    Wait till after a good ass rain, it will loosen up the soil, makes the job MUCH easier.


    You do have to put a light layer of topsoil down, enough to cover the seeds. If you don't the birds will eat the grass seeds, happened to me when I did my backyard, learned the hard way.

    You are correct. You need to cover the seeds. I meant that he doesn't have to lay any new soil UNDER the seed. It's probly nice if you do,but not absolutely nessecary.

  5. Good post. I agree with your comparisons of Graham to Woodley and Freeney. I think the guys gonna be a great pro and I would love it if the Bills drafted him. Another positive attribute of BG is his character and work ethic. By all accounts he's a great kid who provided tremendous leadership to his teammates while UM football was going thru it's toughest stretch in decades. GO BLUE!!!

  6. If you can have an inch or two of fresh topsoil down, just shake seed liberally onto the dirt. Turn a leaf rake upside down and rake over it a few times to work the seed in. Then just cover it with some peat moss and make sure it stays damp at all times. Should see sprouts within 5 days.

    This is the easiest way to do it. The only thing I would add is that you don't have to add any topsoil. You can just water down the ground and soften it up real good (an inch or 2 deep) with a steel rake or hula hoe. It may be easier on your back not to be lugging around new topsoil.

  7. Who has the time to go to class, practice with your college team to be great and practice pro-style plays? It would throw off your college play and is a horrible idea.


    Tebow was a winner in college and enjoyed huge success. Unfortunately Urban Meyer's system doesn't groom NFL-ready QBs. But it does produce BCS championships, which is all that matters to him and Florida. Tebow's playing style and throwing mechanics don't translate well to NFL play. So he has no choice but to change his throwing motion and practice pro-style offensive plays/formations if he wants to be drafted as a QB and play as a QB and enjoy success as a QB.

    :thumbsup: Exactly. After practice,training and class,these kids aren't left with much time.

  8. So let me get this straight. The state of California is broke because of the war in Iraq and the spending habits of the Bush administration. Did I get that right?

    In fairness to Dean,he said the country is broke for MANY reasons. I didn't take that as blaming it all on the Bush administration.

  9. I know a lot about paint...and little about decorating.


    This might help:




    You will never go wrong with off-white, semi-glossy or glossy trim.


    Also - ask the paint seller for tips. They know this stuff. Nothing against the lowes and Home Depot stores, but perhaps go to a company that exclusively sells paint - like a Sherwin-Williams franchise, and see what they recommend.

    Good advice. White or off white is always a solid choice for interior paint. Be careful about asking a chick for help in picking colors. You may end up with some pastel that could affect your manhood in a negative way. One tip - use semi-gloss instead of flat on your walls,it is way easier to clean. Stuff will just wipe off instead of sticking and staining.

  10. I see everyone here suggests buying used. I'm not gonna say that's wrong but there is another side to that. I've bought used and I've bought new,and I've had mixed luck with used. When financing you have to look closely at the options available to you. Sometimes you can get superior financing,if you have top notch credit,by going new. Sometimes the financing difference is enough to offset the price difference between used and new. Also,sometimes when you find that perfect used car - great model,low miles,good price - you end up with a lemon. There may be a reason the previous owner traded in such a nice car in such great condition. It was nickle and diming them,so they traded it in on something new. If it's still under warranty,it may not cost you money,but it's still a time consuming pain. Just some things to think about.

  11. I have a question for you guys that have XM. If you pay for the subscription,does it cover multiple radios? In other words,if I have one in my car and I buy one for my house will they both work,or do I have to pay a separate subscription for each radio?

  12. Tigre, I am afraid you are guilty of letting your misplaced anger cloud your judgement.


    The Peters situation wasn't the one good move sandwiched between years and years of bad calls. They knew they were at odds with Peters why didn't they keep Peters and draft Ryan Clady in 2008? Or keep Peters and drafting Michael Oher in 2009. Oh, that's right, they had LANGSTON WALKER. They didn't need TWO tackles.


    Face it, the Peters debacle was just one in a very long line, a line that got significantly more concentrated with the hiring of one geriatric, unqualified old fool named Marv Levy. The fool who insisted on hiring an idiot named Dick Jauron, who in turn sent the organization into complete irrelevance.

    The thing you and I really differ on is our evaluation of Peters as a player. I just don't think he's that good. Certainly not worth the money the Eagles gave him. He has the ability/potential to be great but has never fulfilled that potential due to motivational and health issues. Did trading him create a hole? Yes,but a good front office would have made the moves to compensate.

  13. Take what you make in a year, deduct 60% for hometown discount and tell me how much you want to work there.


    Simply a money issue. Used to happen practically every year with Orlando Pace and Walter Jones who were routinely franchised.


    The Bills made some mistakes in years past that surely emboldened Peters and his agent. Things like obliging players requests to be traded or released(McGahee and Takeo Spikes), agreeing to let Nate Clements become a unrestricted free agent when they had the right to franchise him and he had no leverage....... Some people here were actually adamant that that type of willingness to give in to player demands would somehow make the Bills look good to potential free agents. Like the Bills were therefore somehow "good guys" who cared about player needs.


    Truth is, what they had shown was that they had no backbone so Peters and his agent brought the fight right to them. He had no leverage. The Bills held the cards, they could pay him or make him play for what he had bargained for. He was either going to have to come to play in 2009 or he would have killed his premium earnings potential. Armed with the past histories of guys like Pace, Jones, Julius Peppers etc....the Bills took the easy way out, now they can certainly expect more of the same from good players on good value contracts in the future. If Byrd has a good season next year, expect a demand to renegotiate followed by a request for a trade. That's the formula in Buffalo.

    Peters is not worth franchise money. He isn't now and he wasn't when the Bills traded him. The Bills FO screws up all the time,and that probly laid the groundwork for the Peters situation. But that doesn't change the fact that the Eagles WAAAAY overpaid Peters. The big F-up by the front office was not trading an under acheiving malcontent. It was that they didn't make the right moves afterward.

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