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Everything posted by JStranger76

  1. Because they can get a much better player at about 5 other positions than at OT. That's why Hopeful.
  2. I'm with you. Especially with you on Spiller. Can he bounce back from a bad game? Don't worry about trying to get Jackson 1000, he won't get it anyways. Not like it would cost him the record for consecutive 1000 yard seasons anyways. Let's see Spiller with the full workload..........
  3. The front office better go after a couple other positions like TE, RT, or LB. You just can't "sit out" free agency. Just be smart about it. Go after positions that are not as pricey as others and such.....
  4. Agree gumby. I don't see us going all the way with Fitz unless we build a 85 Bears or 2000 Ravens defense. Top QB or legendary D, either way it's gonna take a few years to develope one.
  5. I never said he didn't make ANY plays Promo. Frank Reich threw a few TD's here and there too. Easy killer, I don't think anyone, especially me, said Fitz was bad. In fact I hope he stays here a long time. But should the Bills have a chance at a TRUE franchise guy with top notch skills, I have no problem with them taking that chance.
  6. One example is if Fitz can't step into a throw it's pretty much guaranteed the pass has no chance to be completed. The elite guys can pull this off when they have to. Nobody said ignore the plays he makes, but he has clear limitations. It's OK, I love the beard too!
  7. Take away Fitzy's stats though Promo and you can see when you watch him he clearly only has the tools of a backup QB, as least when it comes to throwing the ball.
  8. Fact of the matter is no CB on our roster cause any WR to lose any sleep. Hopefully the pick doesn't come until the 3rd though! Get tougher upfront first.
  9. Can't really disagree any so I'll just try two fill out your top 10. Robert Quinn and dreaded DB pick of Patrick Peterson. I'll just add that if we did pick Pat Peterson it better of been one hell of a free agency!!!
  10. 100% agree with Trader. I'll get even more extreme and say it wouldn't hurt to have two capable TE's. Now we're gettin crazy in here!!!
  11. Oh, it goes back much further than week two guys!!!!!!!
  12. That's exactly what I meant Bill, sad as that is. 30, if not more.
  13. Had the Bills let the top posters here make the draft picks this past decade I guarentee the franchise would have 30 or more wins this decade. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
  14. Exactly Dr.DankOne. Bowers can put his hand down on 3rd and long though! Kinda like getting D-lineman and LB all in one pick. Ooooooooooooh I like it!
  15. I've never been a Whitner basher, but I'd be fine with Wilson holding the fort for a year or two IF it meant the Bills adressed two out of the following four positions in free agency: TE, RT, LB, D-lineman who is at least very good vs. the run.
  16. One thing that needs to stop though: whether you like Mallet or not stop with the I'd rather have the Bills wait and grab him in the 2nd crap. When a QB has an arm like Mallet, even if he's only played barely decent, someone will spend a high pick on him. IMO he's played pretty darn good, but no, not great. You sit him a year and get this team a TE and RT in free agency. Then in 2012 let's the chips fall where they may.........
  17. If people can't see how losing this game would make us better off long term than no game ever will. The learning how to win, building a winning culture crap just doesn't hold any water whatsoever this time. If we lose, we are basically certain of having either the QB or D-lineman of our choice. Look, nobody hates the Jets more than me. I'd love to watch Rex Ryan die on the sideline from being so fat and ugly and I mean that. But I'll take one more loss this time.......
  18. Well, if it means not burning a draft pick I would bring Florence back. But we actually got him (to paraphrase a long time TSW favorate) "on the cheap". He's kinda getting up there in age though so we may end up not having to pay too much once again. He's a decent veteran CB.
  19. I just got the feel this thread was about draft position. Just pointing out where we stand.
  20. We are the B squad Big Cat. For what it's worth, we're back up to picking 4th in the draft as of right now.
  21. As far as I'm concerned every single guy on this list can hit the road. I wouldn't mind keepin a few of em, but none sure fall under the category of "priority", more like, it would be fine to keep him, but it really doesn't matter. When people are listing players like Wilson and Florence as priorities, it shows just how low on top talent this roster really is.
  22. I'm on it too. As for starting a thread during a game save it moderators this one was over a long time ago.
  23. How will we pick 12th though? Tradedown? I'm calling 6th.
  24. For our 1st pick, in order of who I would prefer.........DaQuan Bowers, Ryan Mallet, Robert Quinn, Nick Fairley.
  25. Yeah but are we ever more than a wildcard threat with Fitz........probably not.
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