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Oneida Lake

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Everything posted by Oneida Lake

  1. on the MS, do you use one of the big 4 drugs? My wife was diagnosed last year and uses Copaxone, daily sticks but she thinks its helping.
  2. I play basketball twice a week with the same 10-15 guys. I'm the oldest guy out there and it shows (boy does it show!), it's a great sweat, though the knee kills. Interesting point. I ran the Boston Marathon in 2001 at age 50. They print the first 14,000 finishers in a book. I was the eighth name from the end. What a burner!
  3. I know put the word "ass" in front of people's names that you don't like, and would never have the nerve to do so in person. And then write about them on a football message board. It makes you feel better about yourself. Try it.
  4. Having Campbell and Euhus out is very scary for this week, and weeks after. The TE is a very important position on most NFL teams and part of Bledsoe's improved play is having a couple of reliable TE. Now we have none. It's like taking away a quarter of your firepower. Clements may have to be creative here or this could be a real factor.
  5. I opened this only to see Rudy's avatar. Um, yeah...go Bills.
  6. A name has been added to my list of biggest scumbags. Uday, Qusay and Who-Dey
  7. For some reason music teachers are often big jerks. They are frustrated that all the training and practice they went through for years wasn't enough to land them a seat in the New York Philharmonic Orchestra. Now they have to teach the great unwashed. How denigrating. Your kid and probably alot of other kids are paying for her lack of success. Turn in the violin and understand that you can never win this kind of battle. Good luck to your daughter, maybe her payback will be achieving a level of success that Ms Sourpuss never could.
  8. Well Kill Kitna has a better alliterative ring to it anyway. Note to PC posters. I'm using "kill" here in a euphemistic fashion to suggest we will defeat him handily. Not "kill" in the "love to see them cartwheel" Alaska Darin bunny murdering fashion. Carry on.
  9. Beavis: "Heh, heh, heh...Mead107 said ASS..heh, heh Butthead: Yeah, heh, heh, he said ASS..heh, heh Beavis: Mead107 is heh, heh, is Cool..yeah, he's cool Butthead: Yeah, he said AssDrew..cool, heh, heh, heh, he's cool Beavis: I like Mead107...he's cool, say assdrew again Mead107 Butthead: heh, heh, yeah...say it again.. Beavis: Where does he, heh, heh, come up with this stuff? He's coool..
  10. Pete still wanting to prove a point about Bledsoe. Unless we win the Superbowl it will be " I told you about Bledsoe" from him and the other ICE-suckles
  11. Same old crap from Pats fans on the AFC championship game Drew won to get you in. Here ya go, genius. Bledsoe came in with 2:35 left in the first half after Brady twisted his ankle. Ya think Favre would come out with a twisted ankle in a conference championship game? I think not. Bledsoe threw 3 lasers immediately (and this is why with Weis gone you're in deep doody). 11 yards, 12 yards, 19 yards TD to Patten. He completed the game(over a half) no INTs, no Fumbles, and a win with 3 knees at the end of the game. This after 4 months of not being on the field, against a Pitt defense, at home, recognized as the best in the AFC. The over the shoulder pass. something Pats revisionist history jerks like you love to throw out. Do you remember the situation? I thought not. Line of scrimmage Pitt 32 yard line, 3rd and long. Bledsoe is blitzed. Nine yards behind the line of scrimmage he is spun around, as he goes down he throws the ball backward toward JR Redmond it bounces on one hop and hits him in the shin. If he takes the sack, they are out of field goal range. Grounding is called (wrongly, as mentioned by the announcers) but a defensive penalty neutralizes the down. Bledsoe played solid and won that game, and all morons like you want to do is somehow take that away from him. Bledsoe made that franchise. No fans, a crappy stadium and he brought it all back with a brand of exciting vertical offense football. Deny that if you will, but it's all BS.
  12. I am an idiot. I read these threads as if something different will come out of the overly flogged "my take on the playoffs" blather. We all know the situation. Unless you know of some obscure tiebreaker, longshot, new NFL ruling, the Ravens jet will Rosen on Thursday, Ralph has paid off the officials, snippet of info, please refrain from the "this is what has to happen" thread. We know. We ALL know. These threads have reached the level of "how can the Bills get in the playoffs" answer even MY WIFE can quote with accuracy (and she thinks "the Ralph" is something I left on the floor in the bathroom Saturday night).
  13. Dude it's not whether WE think they're still in it, it's whether THEY think they're still in it. They will come to play. By the way, could you check the archives and see if you've EVER posted a comment that wasn't totally idiotic?
  14. How do ya fit them flat panels on them there curvy-walled igloos y'all live in up there?
  15. This is going to be a very, very tough game to win. These guys put up nearly 500 yards against the Pats.
  16. I'd say he was in on at least 5 or 6 plays. The losses at TE will really affect Bledsoe, he was working the TEs in alot, now with a 4th string TE starting I feel one whole weapon set is hurtin'.
  17. No banning. Every board needs a fool, and this guy has been giving us weeks of entertainment.
  18. And I was disappointed that Bledsoe didn't make it clear to the refs that Henry scored a touchdown in Oakland. And...nevermind
  19. To suggest that if your team is beaten that we can't beat that same team is foolishness and the height of arrogance. But you are Pats fans, it just comes with the territory. The game that counts is the next game, not the last game. When you guys fall, you're gonna fall hard.
  20. Hold on there TH. You've got a good team there, but they are not a standard by which all other teams and all other Sundays are measured. You need to check your hat size there my friend.
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