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Everything posted by dpbillsfan

  1. $1.89 north of Little Rock. The gas stations are practicly giving it away for free!!!!
  2. Went thru two plant closings in less than 3 years. The last one came after I relocated for the job. I've been very lucky to have bettered myself with each new position. I took a job as a Manager for a food manufacture where business has doubled since I've been there. Hang in there and I hope if your married that your wife is very supportive.
  3. I did go see Van Halen this year when they came to Little Rock. I went for two reasons..1. I never had the chance to see Dave with VH and 2. I picked up two tickets in the 20th row off of Ebay for $80. Would I spend several hundred bucks to see a band that might have an "off" night and sound terrible, no?
  4. Did everyone see Ralph after the FG? "Whoooo Hooooo"...lol
  5. The company I work for is developing a Whole Grain French Toast and a Whole Grain Pancake for possible use by Nutrisystem.
  6. Stan The Caddie to Kramer "Go for the green".
  7. I used to live about 30 minutes from where the Rams used to have their training camp at Western Illinois University. I got to meet and talk to Kurt several times thru the years and he really was a nice guy. No ego at all. Just too bad he couldn't have flip flopped his weeks as QB.
  8. WTF!!! Thanks for ruining my day. Whats next? No Santa, No Easter Bunny?
  9. Just saw that Little Rock was added for Jan 09. Pretty pumped, have never seen them live. Heard their new song "Runaway Train" on their website. Sounds great.
  10. Looks like one team came out inspired to play today.
  11. 7 am this morning gas was $3.41 and at 5 pm it was $3.99 in Little Rock. Every gas station I drove by was packed.
  12. "It wasn't always that way though. A few years ago I was flipping through channels when the World Series was on. He just couldn't comprehend how I could watch anything else other than the World Series. (I don't watch baseball on TV, and to be honest I had no idea the game was on.) To his credit, he quietly left the room and proceeded to watch the game down the hall. He did, however, question my patriotism and told the guys in the other room I was a communist." Gonna have to check out his blog more often. Pretty funny stuff.
  13. x2. Have had this happen before. The problem is at your battery connection.
  14. Figured out why he was mowing so early. He was having a pool party this afternoon. So guess what I did about 30 minutes into it? Thats right, I fired up the mower, then the weed eater, edger, and ended with an extra long dose of the leaf blower right by the fence. I would even space out the different equipment just to rub it in. And my back yard didn't really need mowed.
  15. Neighbor who lives behind me decides that 7:45 am this morning is a good time to fire up the lawn mower.
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