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Everything posted by Tenhigh

  1. I need you to understand that you agree with them yet you are calling them Nazis. It's ok to ask yourself AITA once in a while...
  2. This admin is absolutely shameless.
  3. This post epitomizes what is wrong with our country. We can't keep calling each other nazis and cultists when we disagree on stuff. As for the OP, yes, there is internal strife on the right just like there is on the left. Those weren't Republicans protesting before the SOTU, just like Langford was mouthing "that's true" while Biden was chastising Republicans over that border bill.
  4. John, do you have anything of substance to add to the conversation? Personally, I think his speech had nothing to do with making the country better, it was a great big political add. Nothing sells better to dem and undecided voters than "let somebody else pay for it". It was kind of funny how he was complaining about rich folks not paying their share of taxes when his son was indicted for not even paying his legally required amount.
  5. Pay package was excessive, but the Tesla board put it through. If I own Tesla I am showing up to the shareholders meeting and demanding answers. Did you see the scumbag lawyers are trying to get paid $290k an HOUR? These are your real criminals.
  6. Where in here is the Nazi amplification? This seems mostly directed at the ADL, which tends to paint any point that doesn't paint Judaism as perfect as antisemitic. It's the SPLC wearing yamika. Do you think what the Jews are doing in Gaza is good for the world?
  7. Here, read this and then let's discuss tomorrow. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/09/25/bidens-claim-that-trumps-tax-bill-gave-companies-reward-offshoring-jobs/
  8. You aren't entirely wrong here, but I have a few things to take care of before I can give you a full reply. Thanks for the reasonable discussion.
  9. Lol, fair enough. My day is going great, tks for asking.
  10. I am not surprised that you have no idea. Listen, I work for a company. Those tax cuts incent keeping business onshore and gives my company the ability to pay me higher wages and bonuses. It also makes it possible for us to invest back into our business, creating opportunities for new revenue. That increased revenue and salary are taxed. Good talk Tibs.
  11. Is this a question? A statement? Which tax cuts do you hate, Trump's? Many of them are set to expire next year, do you think Biden extend them if he wins?
  12. Disagree, and I find this post offensive. As a former bartender, a good Old Fashioned is much harder to make than mixing Countrytime and water. She is FULLY qualified to run a lemonade stand.
  13. We need to cut national spending across the board. Pols on both sides have been shameful with our nation's coffers, and it's time to fix it, as it's not sustainable.
  14. Dude you think everyone right of you is a Nazi, you are personally diluting the term. I will say that I hate the viewpoints of actual Nazis, but respect their right to free speech if its not directly promoting physical violence. Chomsky had a good quote about it, IIRC.
  15. I guess Q is better than Ole Adolph. But why hate the guy because you disagree with his politics? Yet you consume the bejeezus out of his platform. These childish left and right wing purity tests are really damaging our country.
  16. Touche! Actually on the train and my autocorrect changed whose to weird.
  17. What a weird thread, why are you hating on the guy weird platform gives you do much of your content?
  18. Many of them repetitive posts. You are right, this is the way.
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