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Posts posted by stevewin

  1. uhhh, yeah, but their still a better team by far then the Bills. At least they had a shot at the playoffs today. We have been out of it for two months...yeah, not mathmatically, but I think you know what I mean..

    I almost think that is easier than beng a Bucs fan today - WTF - what a horrible way to end the season

  2. This is where you are wrong. What JP lacks is something that even the best coaches cannot teach to him. It's the situational awareness. He also does not have the techniques with his throwing ability to be a top flight QB. Now that teams have taken away the bomb, he cannot sustain drives with the other parts of his passing ability (or lack thereof). I watched Ryan Leaf when he was with San Diego. How long did he last...a couple seasons? JP's overall game is no better than what i saw from Leaf.

    It's the exact reason Losman was labeled a coach-killer coming out of college - he has some athletic ability but it is the mental part of the game and intangibles that make good/great QBs - which he simply does not have and hasn't gotten after 5 years.


    At least most Losman fans have moved past some of the initial stages of QB grief - admitting he is not good "now". But they will always hold onto the 'proper coaching' excuse. If he can just go somewhere else and get proper coaching they say - then he'll be great. Then when that fails they will just go back to the old tired "he was mismanaged early in his career and that destroyed him for life" - which is the biggest load of crap I've ever heard. If you are good/decent you make plays - esp after being in the NFL for 5 yrs - at some point the onus is on the individual to have the skill and be able to put it together.

  3. I agree completely. Obviously the safest thing would have been to take a knee (/sarcasm) - but it amazes me how JP seems to be absolved from blame because they asked him to just execute a simple play w/o turning it over which 31 out of 32 QBs who started that week (and likely all their backups too) probably do w/o fumbling the game away.

  4. I still think it's hilarious - call notwithstanding - so many people trying to use as a defense of JP "But he sucks so bad - you should know better than to put him in that position!" as an excuse that he's beyond blame - it's not his fault he sucks so bad he can't *possibly* be asked to execute plays even high school QBs can.

  5. One word - birthright.


    My kids are 10 yrs old - and have watched the games w/ me since before they even really knew what was going on. Every year like clockwork at some point the Bills are eliminated from the playoffs and I say - "How sad the Bills - your team - have sucked basically your whole life - for as long as you've known them" - but they accept it, and take the punches, and keep coming back year after year - like any good Bills fan. Birthright.

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