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Posts posted by stevewin

  1. I was driving to work listening to Imus in the Morning - they were having these news updates about a plane hitting one tower - at that point it was still being considered an accident.


    When I got to work things were already turned up a notch with the second plane. There is a break room with a TV - by then people had gathered to watch - I remember standing there with everyone else thinking what the hell is going on. My most vivid memory is standing there in a room full of people and seeing the first tower go down - everyone else was mostly just stunned - but I will never forget one girl immediately breaking down crying - it really hit home then - we had ust witnessed hundreds of people die on live TV - and no one knew what else was going to happen next either.


    I also remember picking up my kids from day care - they were like 3 1/2 - and we mentioned to them about the 'bad men' who flew the planes into buildings - not sure they really understood what was going on.

  2. To recap: so the brain trust's solution to fixing a bad veteran line was to trade the All-Pro LT, cut the overpaid LG, dump both sucky Cs, move the RG to RT, and move the sloth-footed RT to LT, draft a C to play RG, draft a T to play LG, and pick up another teams backup utility guy to play the pivot in a 3-4 dominated division. And, not even halfway through pre-season, they are starting to work a 7th round pick from last year in with this group until he tweaked his back. And, the depth is virtually non-existent.

    But they run screens better

  3. I'm not saying that it was necessarily preferential treatment inciting jealousy, but I thought this was kind of strange


    What encouraged Jauron even more was after going through 20 minutes of rehab drills, Owens stayed on the field and watched the remainder of practice.


    “In the past the one day that he came out and worked we didn’t have him stand on it,” said Jauron. “After working on it he said it felt good enough to stand out and watch the rest of practice.”

    He hasn't been even out on the practice field because he couldn't stand on it? That's one serious toe injury :lol: Maybe they could give him a chair or something to lean on...



  4. .......This freaking Ustream is a loaded gun. I love it. These guys are going to drop juicy bits of info if they keep this stuff up.


    Tune in next time...when we inadvertantly learn Dick Jauron's nickname amongst the players as "Mr. Tinkle".

    The whole time I was watching I was uncomfortable thinking "Please don't say anything stupid" - he actually showed some restraint as he sat there reading all the comments including things like "DIK IS A BIG DIK HOMO" and disparaging things about coaches/players (and the commissioner) and you could tell he was reading them and choosing to ignore them - but all it takes is one bad slipped comment about a coach/player/league official (even if possibly intended in jest) to get picked up and cause all kinds of hell/controversy. I was also uncomfortable at one point when they took the impromptu 'cribs tour' -hoping at every turn there wouldn't be a room filled with bongs or cache of weapons etc. (incl "hoes locked in the bathroom" which they joked about at one point) :o

  5. or at least one theory


    The screen and draw game has been a struggle for the Bills for the past few years, and it’s had very little to do with Buffalo’s running backs. Screens have appeared slow to develop the past few seasons as Buffalo’s linemen sometimes struggled to get out in front of the backs or get downfield to execute their blocking assignment.


    Some of the interior linemen of the past also had trouble at times executing draw plays when it came to sealing off the edges to allow a back to get through the hole.


    As a result offensive coordinator Turk Schonert had fewer options when it came to play calling last season as screens and draws were not yielding the positive yardage they should.



  6. Going a little off topic, I think this could generate some legitimate discussion.


    Wouldn't game planning and adjustments be a worth while tool to use when evaluating a player in the preseason? IMO, it would. Right now, they pretty much just go out there and run plays, and evaluate how the player does. But during the regular season, that's not what happens at all.


    Wouldn't it be favorable to a coaching staff to design gameplans and configure adjustments in the preseason to watch how well the player can carry out those orders? Can they stick with their assignments? Do they freelance? Do they have the mental makeup to be able to not just act on talent alone, and instead be able to read-and-react while simultaneously processing their assignment(s)?


    I think that would be a very important factor, especially for the Bills, who claim to value how smart they want their players to be. On the other hand, if this was actually an effective method, I'd think coaches around the league would actually be doing it.

    Not only that - but also get some *practice*/experience in real game conditions for all the personnel (incl veterans/starters) who are going to see the same looks in the regular season. Isn't it better to at least go over various schemes/assignments prior to the game and have the units execute against in live game conditions in pre-season games than wait until the first regular season to do it live for the first time?


    Part of it I think is how you define 'gameplanning'. I don't think you need to come up with exotic schemes intended to specificaly defeat an opponent in preseason, but it would be nice to minimally (for example from an offensive POV) go over potential looks, where blitzes/stunts might be coming from w/ protection responsibilities etc. This isn't "giving anything away" - it's just preparing and practicing execution against a certain type of defense...

  7. Who's the Dude in the 2nd pic?


    I was a bit bummed out that what could have been my best shot, a one-handed catch, was mostly blocked by another player. :-)


    Actually the way it came out makes an interesting picture - just say you meant to do that :P


    Also like how you caught the Hamburger Helper Hand tattoo on the asst coach on the one pic :lol::lol:

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