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Posts posted by stevewin

  1. At this point, why bother?, You currently have a player who was 4th round rookie last year (Derek Fine) and hurt most of the year and a guy with two years exp (Derek Schoman) who not sure what round he was drafted or by who. Neither of those players have been around long enough to know how good they might be. Unless you get lucky anyone you get at this point likely isn't going to be better than the current players, so I think you're better going with best player available and maybe pick up another FA tight end someplace rather than "waste" and I use that term loosely another pick. Usually after the draft there's a bunch of more signings, maybe you get one there or a training camp cut from soneone. I also would be fine with a trade with some team, but I see no need in drafting one at this point . You can't keep chasing draft picks every year and right away give up on whom you already have. That's the long term secret to failure!


    But wherever they may get another TE from, just make sure his first name is Derek! :worthy:

    I agree - what's the point? Drafting a 2nd day TE to replace some other 2nd day TE already w/ experience on the roster?

  2. Just stumbled on this - go to link and select Aaron Shobel under 'On Demand'




    "If you can play on Sunday and help us win I don't care about anything else"


    Requisite Dumb Question: "If TO comes to you and says where's a good place to hang - do you know the kind of places he might want to hang out at?"

    Good answer: "Probably won't be with me - with three kids and a wife - he probably won't want to hang out with me" :blink:


    Also - cleared on injury - ready to go

  3. Don't know all the details of this - but were the weather conditions that day bad enough that they shouldn't have gone? I assume it is the captain's responsibility to check the weather and make sure everything is safe - is it common for these kind of charters for the owners/captains to take chances? (we go to the coast a lot, and I have gone on a few onshore charters - but I am always wary of the ones that go way out just because of something like this...)

  4. I don't know if anyone else has experienced this, but virtually every time I've flown into Buffalo over the past two years the approach into the airport has felt harrowing. Like we fly very low over houses for what seems like many minutes before landing - that low altitude combined with our typical crazy winds that seem to knock the airplane around, always has me at the edge of my seat. And this is usually in much larger aircraft.

    I seem to always have exactly the same experience. A few years ago I was flying to Buffalo - our flight actually got rerouted to Pitts b/c of bad weather in Buffalo - after a couple hours on the ground there we take off for Buffalo - and once we get to Buffalo - going through the usual turbulent descent - just at that point where the runway is in sight and you finally feel really safe - the engines go full throttle and we pull up in this loud wailing ascent. WTF!? The pilot gets on the radio after a few minutes - says just as we were about to hit the runway, he detected wind shear and pulled out of the landing.


    Funny - I never really had any discomfort flying until I had kids. When my kids were under a year old we took a trip to San Jose - on the flight out we are cruising down the runway and at top speed when all of a sudden the pilot hits the brakes and we are screechiing down the runway til we finally come to a stop. WTF!? You could smell the burning brakes. The pilot gets on after a couple minutes - just as we were reaching takeoff velocity a flock of birds flew in front of the plane so he aborted the takeoff.


    That same year w/ my kids just babies we few out of Buffalo after Xmas headed for LaGuardia. There was a NorEaster - and when we got to NYC they were putting planes in holding patterms while they tried to get the aircraft down in the horrible conditions - so we are circling around in the worst turbulence I have experienced for almost an hour - the longest hour of my life - all I could think was get the damn plane and my babies safely on the ground! After we finally landed all flights were cancelled - we were the last flight in - I was never so happy to be on the ground. Standing in the terminal waiting to talk to the desk about accomodations for the night - the windows of the terminal were all flexing from the ridiculous winds - I actually thought some might blow out while we were standing there.

  5. Legalities aside, for me - morally/ethically - how it is being used makes a difference. If you are trying to hack into someone's computer - or are using a neighbor's connection daily as your own because you are too cheap to buy a connection yourself - then that's wrong. If I'm visiting my in laws in Buffalo - who have no computer/connection, or go to the beach say - and can pick up a connection in the neighborhood/area to check my email or do some superficial browsing - I have no guilt about that at all.

  6. Do they still have 'Lums' in WNY? When I was in HS my friend's brother used to work the night shift at the one on the corner of Geo. Urbam and Dick - we used to go in after a night of drinking and it was a game - we would order normal breakfasts and he would deliver the most ridiculously large portions of everything - stack of pancakes larger than the plates themselves etc. We were always determined to eat everything - he was always determined to see us puke - good times :rolleyes:

  7. I remember watching a game w/ two old friends against the Jets - Conlan laid out Roger Vick - I think Joe Namath was doing color (?) can still hear him "He put a big man down there!". To this day every once in a while when we get together "The Hit On Vick" comes up :w00t:


    I also vividly remember watching Penn State/Miami in the Fiesta bowl when Conlan was unbelievable - after his second interception I told my friend "That's the Bills' next first round pick!"

  8. I'm wondering if a twist is that Tony really is good - and now they messed up whatever plan he had to get the real bad guys undercover (either rogue or as some super triple secret gov agency/assignment)

    HA - LAMP - called it, bitches! :wallbash:

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