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Posts posted by stevewin

  1. What this defense needs are a few more guys with high motors in good standing with the community. You know, someone slow, white, weak, with short arms who give blankets to the homeless. And we should definitely extend their contracts.

    You forgot the ability to jump out of the shallow end of the pool :)

  2. Caught some of Dilfer on Cowherd today - had some really interesting things to say


    - The Jets gameplan to start the game was to throw a lot of very quick (1-2 sec) short passes to neutralize the front four of Tennesee. He said then - when offenses are going to very quick hitting pass plays, DL are told to just make a quick initial move - then stand up and try to get hands up/ interfere w/ passing lanes. He said as soon as the Tenn DL started doing that, the Jets would run right by them (think he actually used the term that the OL were "hitting them in the stomach" as the Jets ran by). Gave a lot of credit to Mangina and the coaching staff for a perfectly executed gameplan


    - Re: Cassel vs/ 'the system' - said Brady is great in that system, and would be great in others. Said Cassel is doing great in that system, and would probably be a 'good' QB in others. Said it is not only the 'system' in NE, but really the amount of coaching that is done to constantly teach/prep all their QBs throughout practices and the season - that is what Cassel is benefitting from now - the constant attention and coaching from the staff/organization - even though he was only a backup all along. Thought that was interesting - many thought the lack of game experience given Cassel would come back to bite NE, but apparently the other prep he has been given throughout is paying off. He also said that what NE has done is initially come out and throw very high percentage pass plays to start games to give Cassel a lot of initial completions and success which gives him confidence going forward into the rest of the game to complete more long/iintermediate throws. Also mentioned that the key to NE winning yesterday was them answering each Dolphin TD on the next possession with a TD - he considered that a really remarkable feat - and really the story for the game and huge indicator for NE.

  3. How many times do you watch other teams with an offense that's clicking with movement and misdirection and play action, and quick, crisp plays and think "Why can't the Bills ever look like this" - today was one of those days they actually did! No doubt that KC contributed a lot to their own demise - they really were doing things that 'bad' teams do to lose - but it sure was fun to see the Bills take advantage and execute.


    Boy our RBs looked good today - Marshawn running tough as usual but also seemed to be making really quick decisions - at one point I thought to myself too 'Jackson just looks *good* running the ball out in space'


    It's nice to see the OL for the 2nd week in a row come out and seem more agressive. Loved it after the cheap shot to Lynch when the OLineman came over and mixed it up - showing some heart/toughness/passion even after the play(!) - something sorely missing for quite a while....


    If Mitchell is going to be the designated blitzer he needs to wrap up the target - plain and simple. It seems to me they really are starting to telegraph when Mitchell is coming too. Another 70 yd gash up the middle - where is the MLB on those plays??? Poz seemed invisible the whole day - hardly remember seeing him in on a play...


    It was a little better today - but it is very disconcerting to keep seeing QBs leave the pocket and have the whole side of the field completely open - amazing to me the horrible job the DEs are doing on contain...


    A great win reagardless of the opponent etc. - too bad the stupids Jets won but it is nice to enjoy a game stress free in the 2nd half for a change - I think I actually stopped calculating ways they could still lose even before the 4th quarter :rolleyes:

  4. I saw it last weekend with low expectations after hearing a lot of talk that it wasn't as good as Casino Royale, but I personally really enjoyed it and liked it a lot better than CR. To me they have definitely taken a step toward Bourne territory - but I actually liked that aspect of it - and even the story kept me interested. I'm not looking for some homage to Bond tradition though - just an entertaining movie.

  5. Great Grandpaw arranged it.


    He was in the Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Regiment 9, Company B. A 16 year old apprentice carpenter settled in Cincinnati when hostilities commenced.


    Buncha krauts - the initial regimental commander, Col. McCook, was killed near New Market, AL., and replaced by Lt. Col. Gustaves Kaemmerling.


    Old Georg got his leg drilled during the Chickamauga and Chattanooga battles while storming Lookout Mountain. Survived as a cripple in the rear echelons to fight again at Mission Ridge TN and Buzzard's Roost, GA.


    Then drifted north after the war, and married a WNY gal. Her family were Presbyterian abolitionists who were part of the Underground Railroad, so when he wooed a daughter, in their lights his ethical credentials were sterling and was allowed to marry her even though he couldn't work land due to his combat damage.

    Good stuff

  6. 1) Nobody in the history of football has ever needed a field goal against the Bills and missed it. Smart opposing coaches will start sending in the kicker from 90 yards and be successful.

    That's funny - I always tell my kids that when another team is lined up for an important/long kick and they're trying to be optimistic about a potential miss - "Kickers *always* make big kicks against the Bills"


    5) I have come to a conclusion about alcohol and the Bills that I thought I would share. I have seriously cut down on my drinking. In fact, the only time that I drank and watched the Bills this season was at RWS. That said, when watching the Bills, I recommend either not drinking at all, or drinking to the extent that you completely pass out so you are spared the emotional free fall from euphoria to servere depression. Of course, forget about driving if you go with the second option.

    Ha - I seriously considered not drinking at all last night - had a bad feeling about the game and knew as usual alcohol would inevitably double/triple the depression if/when they lost. I did end up having a few but luckily for me decided to stop at halftime.


    9) Let it be known.....I have changed my mind about Jauron. He is THE perfect coach for the Bills. Face it, Bills Fans are masochists, and this loser is the ideal coach to help us suffer yet more.



    - Like everyone else - real dread started to creep in for me when Rogers owned Preston those first few plays - but it was good to see the OL actually come around do some positive things. Peters seemed to be especially fired up - a few plays he aggressively jumped (I dare say Coy-Wire-like) on top of or over piles down the field - that of course in and of itself doesn't do anything, but at least he was running with the play and showing some emotion - not like most of the times when the Bills OL is standing there like idiots with their hands on their hips watching as spectators when the play is just ending


    - Amazing the success the defense can have when they put some pressure up the middle. For the rest of the year I would love to see Fewell just attack w/ abandon - F--- it, what have you got to lose - at least make it friggin exciting


    - Good teams have playmakers that make game changing plays and the Bills just so much lack that. Both the McKelvin and Simpson almost-interceptions were extremely tough plays - but teams that win MAKE those plays (see Palamalu)


    - Was glad to see Johson in there and even Jackson at receiver at times. Fug Hardy.


    - It was nice that the D didn't give up a demoralizing nine minute drive to end the game in the last quarter, but it's nice that the Bills are so adept at blowing games they can draw from any number of scenarios from their bag of disgrace :thumbdown:


    - For the last series, it is not surprising to me that they played it that way. The way things were going the whole game it just seemed there was more potential for a negative rather than positive play every time we went back to pass. I did think they might take a shot to Evans in the end zone on 3rd down - maybe even try to get a PI. As it stands - the thing that diappointed me most on those 3 plays is that we didn't get more yards on those runs - just 5 more yards could have made the difference. Regardless of the play calling - in the end, after opening holes all game, they ran for 5 yards in 3 plays when it really mattered the most - that is simply not good enough.


    - Call me a pessimist but I had almost no hope Lindell was going to make that kick. I actually turned the channel just as I could tell it was going to miss - and (purposely) haven't watched any replays - so I don't even know if it was close or not. Can anyone that was there comment on how hard the wind was really blowing?


    - My kids are 10 and for years have watched games wth me since they were just toddlers - and I've told them for years "It's too bad your team has never made the playoffs in your lifetime for as long as you've been aware of them" - had to say that again this AM - how depressing

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