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    Nice, France

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  1. The fact they were back for a second SB in a row SB XXV was the 1st game i ever saw, and it was a rough year, mother died 3 months before. I only knew a couple of team names, 49ers, Giants and perhaps Redskins. I remember the announcer saying Bills were favorite, arrogant and bickering, so i was for the other team. The next year, probably the 2nd full game I ever saw, they were back. I thought, well it's their turn now. The 3rd SB definitly sealed it.
  2. i'd be happy with one, but more probably zero 😢
  3. I'm not mad for the fake punt I went quickly from "WTF is that" to "defense couldn't stop a Vatican football team anyway so they had to try something" By that timestamp I believe KC scored every single drive and we were behind It isn't the play that caused the loss
  4. Are you nuts ? Another four losses in a row ?
  5. Sorry, this thread is about unpopular opinion
  6. Please remember me what our coach is specialized at ?
  7. Prayers from all around the world, France here 🙏
  8. Andy Reid will retire after this year and Bill will take over the Chiefs for the next 10 years
  9. The Giants went sure to let Brady the least possible remaining time in their SB (remember the halfback who wanted to stop near the goal line) and it worked. The Panthers scored as fast as possible on a deep post, they let too much time to the Patriots and they lost . We are on the exact same case here with the Chiefs. Honestly, this is strategy 101, that's not that hard to understand, and that play showed again panic mode on the Bills coaching at money time. Sadly
  10. Benching Nathan Peterman (trying my best)
  11. If that pass is completed, half the fanbase know Mahomes would march down the field for an easy TD, giving the Bills 13seconds left with no Time Out. It was all written on the wall ! At least we escaped that infamy 😓
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