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Posts posted by PromoTheRobot

  1. I think you can give Drew a game ball today too, despite 3 picks. It wasn't until the 2nd half that WM picked up steam. We built the lead on Drew's arm in the first half. The picks were almost a byproduct of a mad passing attack.


    Drew is starting to look like the Bledsoe of early 2002. Could he be finally waking from a 2+ year coma? Is Sam Wyche finally making a difference? Also, if DB continues on a tear, is he the QB for 2005? You can't judge much from JP Losman's two appearances, but to me he just does not look ready to start.



  2. The Bills have 3 games to make up in 5 weeks on the two AFC wild card teams, the Jets and Broncos. Plus with 6 other teams in the hunt, it's unlikely we can make it. The Dog-ass Jests should have lost their last two. They are the biggest playoff frauds in the AFC. (The entire NFC except for Philly and maybe Atlanta are frauds!)


    At least with a strong finish we may be able to keep Eric Moulds happy in Buffalo. The big question is who will be our QB?



  3. thank you so much

    i hope it works



    You can forget CKTB...the NFL makes them shut off the stream when the Bills are on.


    Here is a suggestion: could call someone who would be willing to tie up their phone for 3+ hours and put the radio on for you?


    You could try the 7 day free trial. One word of warning: The NFL stream on Real Networks turns off the commercials during the game, so you get minutes of silence during the game, so don't think you were knocked off. HOWEVER, whoever is in charge of turning the commercials off sometimes forgets to turn the games back on!! So you wind up missing parts of the game. I cancelled my subscription becuase of this and told Real Networks about it. I got a nice "we care about you..." e-mail back, but nothing much else.



  4. Howard Simon is the king of sports talk compared to "Schopp and the Dope." Listening to the Bulldog on WGR post-game is downright embarressing! I wonder if his bosses ever make him listen to tapes of himself? His phony indignation is so misplaced. And he always makes points with incorrect information. He should try cracking a sports page once in a while.



  5. Like any place, Buffalo has it's pluses and minuses. The economy and government are huge negatives. There is so much self-interest involved, no one thinks about the greater good. That's one reason why the city keeps sliding deeper in the hole. They are actually thinking of shutting down ALL the libraries because of lack of funding!


    One the plus side, the cost of living is very affordable. There is a lot of recreation. Many factors of quality-of-life are very good.


    One curious area that is a plus and a minus is the "party" factor. You can have a good time in Buffalo that would rival New Orleans! Bars are open all night. Casinos everywhere. Strip clubs where almost anything goes. If you can't control yourself, Buffalo would be the worse place in the world to live. You'd be dead in six weeks!


    There are two things on the horizon that bode well for the future of Buffalo. 1) They are reclaiming much of the waterfront that was once used by the steel industry. 2) There is massive amounts of fresh water available.


    As much as the Sunbelt cities are growing, there is a danger they will run out of drinkable water in the next 50 years. Buffalo would suddenly have a huge advantage. And if global warming does change the climate, Buffalo may become a very desirable area to be.



  6. University of New Hampshire is known for it's nationally-ranked hockey team. Otherwise, they compete at the 1-AA level in other sports like football and basketball. Frankly they usually stink at these.


    But this year a fourth-string freshman QB named Ricky Santos has led UNH to the #7 ranking in 1-AA football, and a #5 seed in the playoffs.


    They draw Georgia Southern in Statesville, GA. For those who don't know, GA Southern is a powerhouse in 1-AA, winning the national title six times. After trailing 14-0, they storm back and win it 27-22!


    Congrats to my home state Wildcats for beating a football factory in their house! Keep an eye on this kid Santos too. He may well be the first UNH QB to be drafted in the NFL.



  7. Bills are the #12 team overall in the AFC right now.

    3 loses out of the final wild card.

    They have 7 teams to climb over to get there.

    All with 6 games remaining.


    The good news is that many of the teams ahead of us still have to play other teams ahead of us. The combinations are too complicated to calculate. But the bottom line is WIN WIN WIN! If the Bills can somehow go 10-6, they have a shot.


    @Seattle - tough but winable

    @Miami - definitely winable

    Browns at home - winable

    @Cincinnati - tough but winable

    @San Fran - winable

    Pittsburgh at home - toughest game left - our playoff game!



  8. All you guys who trash Bledsoe seem so disappointed that he had a good game.  It is funny to read your posts that search for all of these reasons why we won the game other than because of Drew.  Yet, when we lose, you guys only blame Drew.


    The fact of the matter is that Drew had a good game.  Someone on this board graded him a "C" and claimed that the three TDs were "misleading."  That is total BS.  He had a good game and you guys know it.


    We won the game because the "team" played well yesterday.  We have lost the games that we lost because the "team" lost those games.   


    The two key stats on offense yesterday were "1" sack and "100 yards" by WM.  What does that mean?  That means the o-line had a good game.  If they have a good game, that allows the so called "skilled position players" to do what they need to do.  When they do not have a good game, you can pretty much guess the result.


    For those of you that are fixated on blaming Drew for everything, you just don't understand the game.



    Drew cinched his spot in the hall of fame with that perfomance. At least that's how you guys act. Refer to the performance record of Jim Kelly before crown him King Drew. We knew Jim Kelly...and Drew, you're no Jim Kelly!



  9. There have been some disturbing rumours as to why JP Losman is not "ready" to play in the NFL. His leg is apparently healed, but there is talk that JP is not making the mental effort, or taking the challenge before him seriously enough to suit the Bills coaching staff.


    How much you want to bet Coach Mullarkey decided to "slap JP upside the head" by throwing him to the wolves in New England? A little 5-minute wake-up call to introduce Mr. Losman to how the game is played in the NFL? It could have been a way to get JP's attention, and impress upon him his need to apply himself.


    What do you all think?



  10. You have to keep in mind when a team has only one weapon, it's much harder for that player to make things happen. That's because the opposing defenses put all their effort into stopping you.


    The Bledsoe apologists like to make the case that it's not all the Teflon Golden Boy's fault. But when you have a QB who telegraphs who he's throwing to every play, and when 90% of the passing plays go to one player, and you don't have much of a running attack, (as we did under Gilbride) then I can understand if Eric Moulds isn't doing much.



  11. You cant 'win' a war on terror.  But my philosophy is to make the terrorists sit up and take notice- you have to out-terror the terrorists.  Make them scared sh!tless to show their faces or pull stunts like videotaping the murder of civilians. Lets have some muslim outrage about that. I dont want to hear any crap about the U.S. taking the high road and the moral side, history is written by the winners.


    Didn't some other army way back used to dip their bullets in bacon grease? You don't get your 72 virgins if you got pig fat on ya.



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