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Posts posted by PromoTheRobot

  1. We can catch the Jets. They are our backdoor into the playoffs. But they have to lose their last two.




    Am I wrong, or is there No way we can catch up to the Jets?


    If they lose two, and we win two, we are both 10-6.


    We split with them,

    Next tie breaker is conference record.


    Winning out means we beat Pitt, leaving us at 6-6 in the conf.


    Losing out means the Jets are 7-5.


    So, why do the Jets matter anymore?


    We are fighting for one last playoff spot, no?


  2. I play goalie in adult league hockey twice a week. After playing some as a teen, I picked it up again at 28. I'm now 46. The league I play in has a mix of 40-, 30-, and 20-somethings. In the summer, we get some players from Div.III college teams. I take it very seriously, and work hard to play well. My teams have won the league title 7 times in the last 27 seasons. (they play 3 per year)


    I sometimes wonder if I had taken up goaltending seriously at an earlier age, I may have been good enough to play in college, maybe even in a low minor league. These days, I am really fighting my age. My knees are killing me from the constant up-and-down. (I play a butterfly style) I also go through some deep slumps when I can't stop a beach ball. I probably only have another year at this level, before I go into a senior (40+) league. But even then, with the stress on my knees, I may have to give the game up.



  3. I just got back from it, I live on campus, it was the wildest game I've ever seen. Stressful. Mark Bortz played huuuge, made Juan Mendez his b***h.



    I just saw it live too. I saw TV there. Was the game on Empire? It was a fight to the death!! UB could not put Niagara away until the end.


    This is UB's 3rd OT win this year. I have to say when you win games like this, you learn how to face adversity. If you beat UB you have to get a big lead early because they are dangerous in a close game.


    The Bulls could be an interesting team come tournament time.



  4. Like many Trek fans, I thought B5 was going to be a lame ripoff. But once I started to watch it, I realized not only was it not a ripoff, it was actually a BETTER show than Star Trek!


    What made B5 different from Trek was that it was one long story, being told over a five year season. Also, unlike Trek where humans have become so perfect they don't use money or go to that bathroom, the universe of B5 is like the one you know. They watch TV from Earth. They follow Major League Baseball, (there is an arguement whether home run records for the Mars franchise should have an asterisk!) They even have USA Today (only it's Universe Today) and pizza!!


    The show was dead on from seasons 2, 3 and the first half of 4. When it looked like it was going to be cancelled, the makers rushed to end the story in 4 seasons. When they got a reprieve, then they had to tack on 22 more shows to a story that was essentially done. That completely screwed it up, needless to say.


    Still it was a damn good show.



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