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Everything posted by MavBavButav

  1. That's a great idea! oh yeah, on a completely unrelated topic, does anyone have videos of "The Big Cat" at his job? I'd really like to put together a video of all of his screw ups over the years. We can sit around and laugh and laugh for hours at that pitiful fool.
  2. think of Josh Reed before you make posts like this.
  3. Not desperate enough to try and score some points by attacking the defense.
  4. no. cause if they end up 9-6-1 and another team ends up 9-7 they'll get in the playoffs over them. If they would have lost that game, they would both by 9-7 and would have had to go to the tiebreakers and may not get in the playoffs. the tie is just as ofiba said, worse than a win but better than a loss. it sounded good though, murra.
  5. I brought a steelers fan to that game in 04/05. I am part of the problem. Not the solution. Before we game, we had a lot of laughs. After the game, I wanted her to find her own way home.
  6. safety blitz. but that's in madden too. i have no experience calling plays in actual NFL games.
  7. yeah, i talked to him the other day. I asked him if Leodis was ready this week. His exact words were..."Yep". True story.
  8. i don't want to be hated by other fans...i'll take 11.
  9. funny enough, i had a similar situation. My DVR missed the entire 3rd quarter and the first half of the 4th. I was taping the game for my father. He's gonna be pissed that he'll miss the best part of the game, but happy that if I had taped the whole game, we may have lost.
  10. i'm calling a big play by whitner coming up. yes, another one.
  11. hey frez, how about you take the brian leonard links out of your profile. its bad luck.
  12. oakland up 12-0 early on SD. Maybe they're not that bad....
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