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Everything posted by Ralonzo

  1. I'm remarkably copacetic with the idea of getting some nights/weekends back for the rest of the year should the Bills manage to accomplish the mission and lose here. Dorian is going to the showers for that one.
  2. Nobody could get open, Josh triple-clutched and finally threw it to the guy with size and hands that QB's universally use as a safety net in that situation, called the "tight end"
  3. 3 receivers right there. Maybe scouting is all upside down, you want guys with a rubber arm so your substandard receivers can catch the ball.
  4. For him, not helping the receiver make the catch is worthy of celebrating.
  5. He thought hitting Gabe Davis in the hands might be caught be a Bill instead of a Bronco.
  6. If I'm Araiza and see 716 on my phone, I'd tell 'em I'd rather bag groceries that have em throw me under the bus again.
  7. Text received just now: "I'm still at work and I'll probably score on Denver before the Bills"
  8. How poorly coached are these guys anyway?
  9. 3rd and 18, make sure someone holds a receiver.
  10. The guys in black jackets from the Houston playoff game are making their way down from the stands...
  11. Here's where the defense plays complementary football by not stopping anyone while the offense commits turnovers.
  12. NFL receivers can make tough catches? Is that allowed?
  13. Ok boys, time for a couple defensive holdings on 3rd and 14 and a long time-consuming drive.
  14. Hit Davis in the worst possible place, right in the hands. Yeah, I hope he gets at least a 4th roundable comp contract.
  15. That's not a penalty against KC, not even close
  16. mcGovern and Shnowplow caved the entire line, nice
  17. Only Allen being Allen will save this game.
  18. The Bills coaches are playing 1D Tic-Tac-Toe. And not doing well.
  19. You can still trade in leftover timeouts at Carl's Jr, right?
  20. Jets close it to 16-12, still needing 2 possessions though.
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