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Everything posted by Ralonzo

  1. You get the feeling this game is going to come down to nobody having timeouts.
  2. He remains the Wile E Coyote of game management.
  3. I'll save you the trouble, "play stands as called [CHEERS] 3rd down, 4th down, who cares."
  4. Under pressure. In pocket. No reasonable receiver in the area. What's the rule again?
  5. Everyone on that side of the field for the Bengals was open. Must be nice to have plays designed like that.
  6. @Freddie's Dead I dunno man. I think the Bills would do well with a #2 who can run route and separate and pluck with the hands and make contested catches.
  7. Kincaid is still more the solution than the problem here.
  8. The pump fake 5 yards past the line of scrimmage is just a troll at this point.
  9. 3rd and inches, I see a shotgun draw in the future
  10. Hey, ran that slip with Sample again and someone on the Bills D recognized it this time. Smort!
  11. What do you think the score would be if the Bills had Higgins and the Bengals had Gabe Davis?
  12. Scouting didn't lie, Higgens got no separation on Douglas. Nice read by Poyer there.
  13. Who was the sage poster here who said: "McDermott is the kind of coach that can take your garbage roster to a Wild Card. But he's also the kind of coach that can take your Super Bowl roaster to a Wild Card."
  14. The diff between 2022 and 2023 Allen was right there on that play, 2022 Allen breaks pocket takes a look and runs. 2023 takes a look and another look and hops toward the sideline and looks some more and by the time he finally decides to go the backside pressure is there.
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