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Like A Mofo

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Everything posted by Like A Mofo

  1. Until this team sits Drew, they have NO shot of going anywhere, I was one who thought they could be 10-6 myself, but if Drew is under center, forget it.
  2. But you know darn well if the Sox won, E$PN would have had wall-to-wall coverage, now they will probably will get on the Yankees about $ as they backup whining plan
  3. I agree 100 percent with ajzepp, this is the SAME thing we went through with Rob Johnson, QB hold the ball too long, hes too easy to sack etc. Why not play Matthews? Bledsoe is our SHORT TERM QB anyway, so why not try another short term solution???? IT CANT GET ANY WORSE!!!
  4. I agree R.Rich with your assessment of our Nittany Lions...at least they are winning games they should.. Anyone catch the Florida/Tennessee game? Kid from Tenn missed an extra point, what redemption, drills a 51 yd FG to win it...clutch kick..excellent game
  5. I did a double take when I saw that too....I was like WTF?? Why not have Sam Adams returning punts while were at it?!?!?!
  6. Just dont hold onto the phone too long, you call may be dropped
  7. I agree 100 percent. And when it comes to Drew, he is CLEARLY the 32nd best starter in the NFL, and Id take several backups over him as well.
  8. Im very much in on this one. In fact I may not watch the Bills UNTIL they sit Drew or cut him, thats how unwatchable this team is with him at the helm. I have finally lost a lot of confidence in TD as well. Its gonna be a long fall and a loooooong cold winter.
  9. Oops my mistake!! 13-0 Only 1 win though, not gloating much at all
  10. Of course not, dont you know St Louis has been awarded the World Series this year? Why bother even playing? 12-0 Yankees now, but I still dont feel great about this team in October
  11. I 2nd that Steve!! I havent laughed out loud that much about a post since the 3rd pic down real estate ad with the dogs doin their thing! LOL
  12. First there will be no NHL and Vince wants out of Toronto... Its gonna be a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG COOOOOOOOOOOOLD winter in Toronto
  13. Love when some moron posts as a guest about a DODGERS fan and makes a Yankee statement. Idiot.
  14. AKA Fred "Coupon" by some of my friends who are Mets fans .... Im a Yankee fan but I still watch enough of the Mets, there are so many issues with this franchise. Is Art Howe to blame? Definately, but management is their biggest problem, and in a close 2nd are some of their veteran players. Al Leiter I believe is the one who lobbyed to bring Victor Zambrano, which may turn out to be one of the biggest blunders in recent memory (Kazmir). I would trade Leiter and maybe even Glavine at this point while they are still valuable. Piazza would be tough to deal because of his contract, I would keep him if I were the Mets, hes still a somewhat popular player there is a face for their francshise in the interim.
  15. It will rank up there with their other horrid shows, including "$ea$on On the $tink" with Bobby Knight. ESPN is a joke. Case closed.
  16. ICE, fantastic post and loved the TD story.....nice to hear he took some time to talk to you.... As for the Bills I agree, and we cannot lose sight this is a new coaching staff with a new offense, etc, it WILL take time for the offense to get in sync, still a LONG way to go before going into panic mode.
  17. Wait, is this Foxboro Mike under a new screename?? OL is a big problem for us right now no question
  18. After this thread is seen by most here, expect to feel very very confident about winning this week. Bills are d o o m e d
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