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Everything posted by DeeRay

  1. Dude... I've got zero sympathy for you. You get what you deserve. Who the hell do you think you are that you can go around and make babies out of wedlock, #1, and #2 not be able to support the kid(s) thereafter. You're an excellent example of what our society has become. A bunch of losers that think there are zero consequences for whatever they do. Bottom line.... we reap what we sew. You made your bed.... be a man an lay in it. Do the right thing. If you've got to work six jobs, so what... your kids don't deserve to suffer because of your stupidity.
  2. How about we first make cars that run... then we can think about cars that crash. If we do go that route, I hope the japanese make the cars that can't crash,, cuz if we make em here in the good ole USA , I'd guarantee a failure rate of 50 % or more.
  3. HONESTY = PESSIMISM....didn't you get the memo? You are a "negative nancy"... No one wants honesty here... only fantasy.
  4. I had the same impression 2 years ago. What took so long? A moment of clarity or did the light finally go on?
  5. The ones predicting 10-6 think that the Pats are dead, the Jets did not improve any, and the dolphins aren't better than 2-14. But when any of these teams beat the Bills, these are the same complacent folks that will blame the Bills for being complacent in losing to these teams. JP, Holcomb, or Matthews is an improvement over Bledsoe... , I think the Bills will be in a lot of close games this season... which might not be good news. Both the offense and the defense choked a couple of times last season in crunch time... and if a game comes down to the right leg of one Rian Lindell, is there anyone here that won't soil their britches just thinking about that?
  6. Trading for the Corey Simon of two seasons ago for Henry and a late rounder would help wipe some of the egg of teflon Tom's face. The problem is... I'm not so sure the Corey Simon of today is a good deal because of his injuries. But then again, the Bills don't have many options left in regards to henry. If Simon can still play up to the level he did two seasons ago, then the Bills might be back in business on defense.
  7. DUDE... you're "conversating" with the wrong folks. If your message is not a positive one, don't bother posting. Many of the posters on this board cannot handle something that is not otherwise coated with candy. They've come from backgrounds in which they've been coddled and can't handle anyone ruining their fantasies by being truthful.
  8. Brien sucks... period. 83 % can be misleading... and 86% in Lindell's case is extremely misleading. When you consider the bills elected to punt or go for it on 4th down as many times as they elected to kick a field goal when the reached the 25 yardline, that says something... If I were the coach, the offense has to get to the 20 yard line before I call Lindell's name... and then i hold my breath.
  9. Whoa dude.... what's with the name calling for a guys honest opinion. Are you suggesting because he states the truth his unsupportive of the Bills? How is it any different than a company supplying a product to a market? Either the product and service cuts the mustard or it doesn't. Folks have a right to expect something. 5 years ago Bills fans expected that they would at least be a playoff team and then back to the superbowl. Well, teams in worse shape than the Bills 5 years ago like San Diego and Carolina and the Jets are knocking on the SB door. We have a right to expect that type of progress. Teflon Tom comes riding in on his white horse, formulates a rebuilding plan, hires a rookie coach the first year, gets his franchis QB the next year, fires his rookie HC after the third year and hires another rookie HC and begins the rebuilding process all over again. Well, I think that sucks and it demonstrates a degree of ineptitude on Teflon Tom... and one has to wonder, based on how many of us think Mularkey looked at the draft, how much time on the clock the Teflon man has left with the organization. We talk about how a coach loses the players, but we don't seem to talk about the GM losing the coaches. If it's being unsupportive to state the obvious then that's just too bad.
  10. wooduh, cooduh, shooduh... and if the queen had balls she'd be king. we need to stop coddling Teflon Tom and hold his feet to the fire. the bills organization under his leadership are on a "rebuliding" treadmill that they can't seem to get off. He's not done a great job of drafting, and aside from the Takeo Spikes, London Fletcher, Sam Adams, Lawyer Milloy signings, none of the other free agent signings in the 5 offseasons he' had have really made an impact... unless you count bledsoe... and the only impact he made was at the box office, certainly not on the field. So, let 26-38 and "NO PLAYOFFS" speak for itself.
  11. why would you suggest they're desparate at QB???? Even the less astute fan would have to give Feeley a "mulligan" for last season with all of the Dolphin turmoil... Ricky Williams saga, injuries, a young O line, the Offensive Coord. catastrophy, The HC resigning in mid season. Feeley performed well for the Eagles... especially when he had to, so he won't be anywhere near as bad this season..... and, if if he is, the Dolphins have Gus Frerotte to pinch hit... and he's a whole lot more dependable than kelly Holcomb at this stage of the game. Their third QB (Rosenfels) looks to be a career #3 until he proves otherwise. Berlin is just someone to keep arms fresh in training camp and perhaps fill a practice squad slot. So, what do you think fans of other teams think of the Bills QB situation???? Do you think they are trembling at the mere mention of Losman, Holcomb, Matthews, Thompson and the other dude they recently signed? JP may very well have a season much like Feeley did last year unless the O line gets straightened around.... and lets hope Willis doesn't go down, cuz it doesn't look like Henry is going to be around to pinch hit.
  12. Have I got this right? This is the Bills 1st draft pick and he's only going to run fly pattersn or outs?? If the Bills wanted a guy that won't go over the middle, couldn't they trade TH for Todd Pinkston and save the Parrish pick for another player??
  13. Would you have viewed it as a better draft if Adam Terry were selected instead of Roscoe Parish?
  14. Of couese. Now I have seen the light. I feel much better now. In 3 years, this guy could very well be our LT.
  15. trust me.... below the surface it is/was just as disappointing.
  16. sure... if the bills will be trading down to the later half. based on their 2005 finish, looks more and more like they're gonna be drafting in the 1st half of the 1st round.
  17. basically, he said hi Suzy. Very informative.
  18. If that's Teflon Tom's mentality, it is then no wonder why the bills have been spinning their wheels for the past 4 seasons. Teague was never a good LT, thus there was no one out there knocking down his door to sign a contract.... and he's, at best, a marginal center. So, Teflon Tom doesn't value a LT anymore than he values a practice squad player. If he needs one, he'll just make a run down to Walmart and pick one up.
  19. because the teflon guy thinks he can get a college FA LT real cheap. Stay tuned. Teflon Tom is on the phone wooing the LTs that don't get drafted.
  20. Why would you think that Ramsey would be moved period? Gibbs told him he was the man. Is Gibbs a liar? Sure they drafted a QB, but it ain't like Gibbs to throw a rookie in there. Ramsey is their QB, for now. Gibbs is giving him every opportunity to prove himself. He's already told Brunell that he's the backup. Snyder is not a patient man, as you know, and if they were to throw Campbell in as starter from the get go, they are exxentilly writing the season off. So, Campbell is coming in as a #3 and will get his shot in a year or two. A lot will depend on what Ramsey does with his opportunity. If anyone could be the odd man out, it could be Brunell. For what they're paying him for the horrid season he had has got to having him looking over his shoulder. The skins re-signed Hasselbeck and he lmay supplant Brunell as the backup.
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