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Everything posted by bbills17

  1. Nah, now that we have killed our season, I'd like to lose so keeping JP and WM in there is best case scenario. If they put KH in there we might actually finish .500! (flame away)
  2. I would agree. I think people are too critical of our line. Did you watch all the other games yesterday, every single QB gets pressured, some often! How many times did Peyton throw the ball away or get hit as he threw? How many times did he step up to avoid pressure, or roll out away from a collapsing pocket? Tom Brady did as well. What is the difference? They know how to handle the pressure and they have a lot more awareness than JP. I'm not saying our line is equally as good, but it's not near as bad as people make it out to be. I think Jp was quite possibly the worst I've ever seen him with scrambling, avoiding pressure and getting the ball out.
  3. People need to look beyond the stats, and I think that's what the majority are doing. Our QB was inept, and our backup, journeyman RB looked better than anything we have seen from WM all year. That's what is discouraging.
  4. Sorry, you are wrong. He had broken ribs. Don't even bother making an argument regarding heart, commitment, attitude, etc because then you are just going to make yourself look ridiculous. WM doesn't even come close to Travis in this regard.
  5. They were very solid, especially in the 2nd half when GB was clearly looking that way and stacking their defenders to that side.
  6. I hate to say it, but I agree. All this talk about our crappy line is not entirely true, remember how Flutie made our line look just fine after Rob Johnson? What would our record be with Kelly Holcomb? How would our line look? I know KH seems to be public enemy number 1 here for a reason I have no idea, but we would be .500 or better with KH and even A-Train in the backfield.
  7. I'd love to hear your theories. I evaluate players in every position by watching the games first, stats are secondary. It's amazing how many people think Willis' 1200 yards were this great feat or something. In this day and age, if you're the feature back that is nothing to write home about. Tell me you wouldn't want to draft someone like Maroney and have him in the backfield vs. WM? I can name a dozen RBs (at least), I would rather have on my team than WM.
  8. But all of the WM lovers here (peter, where are you?) love to twist the stats around to find SOMETHING that says WM is the greatest. I've been saying this since last season, WM is a has-been, and average on his best days.
  9. Right, and Willis would have made that diving end-zone play to get the TD right?
  10. You're wrong! I always liked Travis for what he was, a loyal, hard nosed RB who hit the holes. I've never liked WM for what he is, an over-hyped pre-madonna who will never be this 'great' RB he thinks he is. We did not miss a beat without him yesterday, and I wasn't the least bit suprised.
  11. Of course the overrates WM, led by WM's boyfriend Peter.
  12. Travis Henry was, and is, a good RB, arguable better than Willis is. Shove your stats where the sun doesn't shine, watch them play and that's all you need to know. If TH holds on to the ball, he is the far better runner (and he has been lately).
  13. The point you guys are missing is that this move is not necessarily because the line play has been that bad, it's to get a look at the kids and see how they play. This is a move for next year, to see what we have and what we need.
  14. You guys always pin WM's rushing on our O-line, take a look at Dallas' O-line! Geez, no comparison, those guys have been worse than any game we've played all year. Did you see JJ's speed and acceleration on the screen in the first half? Did you just see Brandon Jacobs run for the TD on the goaline? Did you see where he was hit initially? There is no way Willis would ever have got that TD.
  15. I was at the game, and our entire section was cursing him out, and the Pats fans were laughing. His quickness is sub standard (watch the RBs tonight for quickness), no breakaway speed whatsoever, and he's tiptoeing out of bounds? Give me a break!! This guy is as average as you get but Peter will rip you apart for criticizing his boyfriend. All these holes that everyone wants our O-line to open up might actually appear if we had a better RB. The guy is neither fast, quick, or tough. He's as average as they come and I don't understand the people who defend his every move. Travis Henry was a better runner than WM (they both can't block or be a receiving threat out of the backfield). But Mike Mularky was an idiot for taking him out on 3rd downs right? He was wrong for calling him out for dancing around the hole wasn't he?
  16. Willis also made more than a few bad runs, a couple of times he had holes to cut back to and kept trying to round the corner only to get caught. I think he played OK, but if you don't think there were any holes created by our Offensive line, you need to watch the game again. If a RB makes a bad decision or is slow to the outside, there isn't going to be a hole. We had good push vs. their D-line all day. Every single football game played in the NFL yesterday had a run of 5 and 15 yards and a dump-off pass, please you can do better than that! They played very well actually. There were at least 7 or 8 plays where everyone in my section stood up and was ready to celebrate Tom Brady being sacked where he would just step up/sideways, lose the rusher, and buy 3-4 more seconds to get the pass off. JP didn't do that all day, because he has no idea how. He starts scrambling all over the place, all the while taking himself totally out of balance to be able to throw or continue to read the field. He just does not feel the pressure or know what to do when it's coming.
  17. Everyone always complains about our offensive line. It's always, 'we need to start there', 'they suck', blah blah! Our offensive line played very well yesterday! JP had plenty of time to get the ball out a number of times, he just didn't get it done. The OL was also opening running holes for WM all day. In contrast, watching the NE OL made me realize they played WORSE than ours did. We had consistent pressure, but the big difference is that Tom Brady really seems to have eyes in the back of his head and knows when to step up in the pocket, get rid of the ball, scramble outside, etc. JP has no clue what to do in the pocket, it's almost like he'll guess and 50% of the time he'll run right into someone. Everyone will blame the lines again as per normal, but both sides of the ball played very well yesterday. The main difference I saw was Tom Brady vs. JP and how they handled the rush. A lot of it seems to be how relaxed Brady is, while JP looks like a chicken jumping all over the place. Everyone in my section (220), was catcalling and making fun of JP all day, it really seems like he has no support at all. After his last fumble everyone was calling for his head.
  18. I've absolutely noticed this as well. I'm wondering if it has anything to do with keeping the offence as simple as possible? Or possibly because the plays we call are quick developing plays which don't allow for as many double moves or complicated routes? What I do know is JP has been sacked a number of times where it was not the O-line at all, it just looked like he couldn't find anyone open (and the replays supported this).
  19. Did you watch the game last night? Leinert looked like a vet, and he was really composed and making great plays under pressure, with no run game to speak of at all. Compare that to JP's performance after we recovered the onside kick a couple games ago. He had no clue how to manage the clock or take charge in the huddle for the last minute or so.
  20. And Willis has breakaway speed?! hahahha what a joke!
  21. Yet the Willis fan club here will tell you it's all our line's fault, WM is the god of RBs, and Travis Henry is outperforming him only because he's surrounded by stars and a great team in Tennessee. The real story is, Willis is not the answer at RB, and is as average as you find when you consider everything a great RB is (enter Thurman Thomas). Another note, I notice nobody here mentions A-Trains blitz pickup on JP's blindside while WM was on the sidelines yesterday. If that was WM there would have been 5 threads dedicated to it.
  22. I concur. If WM ran as hard and with as much determination as Travis Henry we would be in much better shape right now. TH always played hard and would have got those failed 4th and 1s and goal-line stands we've had so much trouble with this year!
  23. Despite the fact that we're playing the 'Tampa 2' defence, I'd love to see a huge run stuffer in there at DT. Everyone here said we didn't need one to stop the run in this defence, but it hasn't worked. If you've watched the Bills you know their run defence can be (and will be) exploited more and more as teams watch tape on us. Watching other teams around the NFL, I can't help but think we could have a dominant defence if we had a Grady Jackson, Ted Washington (you'll all say he's too old, but he's still bringing it in CLE!), Jamal Williams, Tommie Harris, etc. Basically someone to clog up the middle.
  24. Translation: My name is Peter and I don't have a girlfriend because I am in love with Willis McGahee.
  25. I'm not sure how you can blame JP for fumbling when we have people allowing blitzers to run free at him from his blindside multiple times per game? While I wanted KH to start and think he gives us a better chance to win now, JP has been doing OK and is definitely improved.
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