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Everything posted by Nephilim17

  1. Donald is still a beast. I hope he hits Mahomes hard and often today.
  2. Benford has already outperformed his draft status. I hope the kid heals up soon and continues to grow and contribute where the coaches see fit.
  3. Sorry, I meant as a back he lines up out of a running formation and, ideally, has a linebacker matched up with him or in zone. I didn't mean he lines up in the slot like that. It's about matchups; hopefully the D only as cornerbacks on the receivers and Cook finds some shallow open space where he can elude a linebacker for a big gain.
  4. Given all the injuries, I no longer hold a Super Bowl victory as the measure of a good season. If we beat the Chiefs in the playoffs, likely in an AFC championship game, I'll feel we got a monkey off our backs and feel like progress was made.
  5. I hear you about his pass-catching; it was a special trait of his in college and it's not happening right now. But I bet it will come. I disagree, however, on his runs; not everyone could make the same run and his longer ones — Singletary just doesn't have the wheels. But we shall see how it goes the rest of the way. I'm sure everyone would like to see more RB involvement as both runs and in the passing game. I really feel like Cook or Hines could just sit in the flats a lot of plays and catch a ball and get a big chunk of yardage in open space; linebackers just can't keep up. I don't believe Singletary has the same potential there.
  6. Great video, thanks. JT has a lot of good insight and doesn't think Josh was massively out of sorts; Josh just needs some fine tuning. A couple notes: JT actually liked the game-losing call (as did I) and thought the execution was bad; the ball needed to be higher and deeper. My own thoughts: on third and short, why do we see so many intermediate routes? Why not have short drags across the middle or slants? It seems like we're making the seemingly easy conversions harder than they need to be. Watch the video. Videos like this and Marino's are to be far better than the printed journalism from the Buffalo area which is really only good for giving quotes and no insight from the writer.
  7. Agree with much of this but think you're a little harsh on Cook who seems, in general, to be showing good signs as the season continues. Not saying don't play Hines, but I don't think Cook should be benched either. Singletary has out-performed my average expectations for him, so that's good.
  8. Josh gutted through a lot of pain to come through when it counted. Glad to see half the board gave up on this game and the season; should be easier to read posts around here.
  9. Good explanation by Romo: Cook messed up by not following through with the route.
  10. Josh's balls (the pigskin kind) aren't great (elbow injury) but he's playing smart and making good decisions. Great to see. His elbow will get better...
  11. Ok, I just started watching with 9 minutes left but we've scored 17 points, Josh is playing well with no INTs and we're winning and getting the ball back to start the second. But I'm seeing posts saying this team is a disaster... I get that the team is not playing optimally everywhere but it's a little early for these hyperbolic takes.
  12. Except a higher draft pick and a shot at a "top" QB. But yes, kudos to him for not playing safe.
  13. Campbell needs to do Viagara commercials now... he's got cahones and is delivering the goods under pressure.
  14. Huge play by Milano. Guys, sometimes even elite players have bad stretches. But they get back to good or great...
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