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dollars 2 donuts

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Posts posted by dollars 2 donuts

  1. :w00t:


    Thanks for clearing that up. I was wondering the same. Front loading the salaries up to the cap on a specific year is brilliant.






    Juice, the actual article I read was from a couple of years ago. I think it was in Sports Illustrated and it was a great, great read. I am lazy and bad at looking up stuff, but hopefully someone can find it.


    Oh, and right back at ya :thumbsup:






    EDIT: Well, i guess I am not that lazy, here is a similar article compliments of Mr. Frank -





  2. How do the Eagles have so much money left under the cap?

    They signed Peters and Andrews, Samuels last year, have Mcnab, Westbrook (who recently

    resigned) and a core of other good young players?





    I mentioned this in a post awhile ago but can't find it; if memory serves me The Eagles and at one point the Vikings were two of the first teams to really manipulate the salary cap. In other words, and i am not exactly sure how on point I am with this, they front load contracts and/or do away with or use up cap space in a particular year to leave more money for following years.


    Sure, there was a risk and it is pretty free with the money, but it seems to have worked because they ALWAYS seem to have cap space.

  3. There was a post I made a week ago or so saying something similar. It just angered me to think that if the Bills were putting together different schemes, why telegraph it to everyone, especially the Patriots. They are one of the best, if not the best, at game planning. We just aren't good enough to show our hand yet. And, we're proven not to be smart enough to fool anyone with trick planning - except in Special Teams. The Patriots came out against us one year with like two defensive linemen, and like five or six linebackers, and a bunch of secondary - I don't remember exactly, except that it was a very strange formation. They might even have been standing...the point is, everyone was like - "what the @#%^$ is that!" It was NEW and there's no way we knew it was coming. Until we prove to be good enough to go out and enforce our will on opponents, we should stay much quieter.





    offde I mean no offense, but do you really think it makes a difference what hand we do, or don't show...to the New England Patriots...on Monday Night Football...on the road?


    In the last 17 games we are 1-16 against this team and have been outscored 432-181 and if they were banned from looking at any film on us leading up to kickoff it will take them all of three plays into our first drive to figure us out.


    I hate to be THAT guy, but we kind of live in THAT world.

  4. LB first and foremost (Hill?) Then DT (Henderson?) Then LT.






    Honestly, if the above happened (lets say even Jones at LT) and I can't believe I'm saying this...I think we should be considered a playoff contender.



    Mind you, not a playoff team.


    Not a division champion.


    Maybe not even a winning record by the end of the season, and possible not even out of last place (given our division), but we should at least be one of the teams on the radar.




    Go Bills.

  5. Buffalo Bills — This draft could produce five starters in DE Aaron Maybin, C Eric Wood, S-CB Jairus Byrd, OG Andy Levitre and TE Shawn Nelson, the first two of whom may have Pro Bowl potential. However, the subtraction of a high-level performer such as OLT Jason Peters brings an exceptional draft back down to earth. Projecting Byrd to safety involves some risk, but he will likely wind up at cornerback eventually. Overall, there was a higher emphasis on character than there has been in Buffalo with many recent acquisitions, which is also a plus. GM Russ Brandon and vice president of college scouting Tom Modrak upgraded the roster significantly via the draft.


    Grade: Good



    Geez, I'm sorry, i know it is a "Good" grade, but I don't understand comments like this.


    If you want to state the loss of Peters necessitated them getting an OT in the draft and they didn't, THEN SAY THAT. Otherwise the comment is wrong.


    Other than the picks we got for Peters he has nothing to do with this draft class. Why not just mention that because we lost Crowell in free agency this draft wasn't as good b/c we did not get a starting LB? Yes, I know, even though he wasn't the starting LB for us last year, but you get my point.


    Additionally, have the bills made any comments along the lines of, "We see Byrd as a Safety, but come on, he'll eventually go back to corner because we see him excelling at the position due to his one-step-behind lack of corner speed."





  6. Everyone made fun of the Bengals for making a "reach" pick on Levi Jones in that draft.



    Of the top three tackles taken in the 2002 draft which would you have wanted the last few years; Jones, Mike Williams, or McKinney?




    Yeah, I'll take Jones, please. Maybe not now b/c of his injuries but I always liked that pick for Cincy.

  7. If Schobel and Moorman play with the bills after next season it will be their 10th year with the team.



    The thing is, off the top of my head I can't even remember the last "10" year Bill.



    I'm seriously asking the question b/c I want to know, but doesn't that also show the bad state of this team for drafting, retaining and obtaining talent?



    Ok, OK, rhetorically question, I know, but it is still pretty sad when you think about it considering the number of players from previous iterations that spent 10 years here.

  8. The Patriots are trying to move into the Top-10 of the draft, according to SI's Peter King.

    The Pats are believed to have offered their first-round pick and the middle of their three second-round picks for the Jags No. 8 overall pick, but Jacksonville turned it down. King does not believe the Pats are after Tyson Jackson despite his obvious fit as a 3-4 defensive end. The Pats' target is said to be a "surprise." Apr. 24 - 12:29 pm et

    Source: SI.com


    Who would they be targeting?




    I'm sorry, you lost me at "three second-round picks."








    Look, I know it's the patriots and they always have a ton of picks each year, but I am just sick of it. It's like extra monopoly money for them.

  9. I think it is definitely 50/50 between Pettigrew and Wells/Moreno at 21 for Philadelphia. Even though TE is a more pressing need, they may have a shot at getting the top RB in the draft. It's a tough call. It should be interesting to see what happens, that's for sure.



    From what I've seen they love Moreno and considering the tread (or lack there of) on Westbrook's tires I think they are going to go RB.

  10. When the last of the Polian team (John Butler and AJ Smith) left town in 2000. Regardless of what some people around here say about Butler and the cap mess that we were in, we made the Playoffs 2 out of his last 3 years.



    Polian, Ferguson, Butler, Smith...10 trips to the playoffs in their last 13 years (88,89,90,91,92,93,95,96,98,99)



    Honestly...HONESTLY, do we even need to look any further?

  11. What do you guys think:



    5 million per year with a good percentage guaranteed (maybe 75%) for the first player drafted, sloping to 3 million per year for the 16-17th pick and 1 million and over per year for the 32nd pick.



    Just an idea, tweak as you like.



    EDIT: Even with the dramatic change from the numbers you see nowadays I find it hard to believe that any college graduate...err, sorry - former college student would walk away from a 5 year, 25 million dollar deal with 18.75 million guaranteed.

  12. Also, you guys, isn't Philly one of those teams that plays around with the cap like Minnesota started doing a number of years ago? I guess clump would be a better person to answer this question, but I think it involved front loading contracts, the way bonuses were handed out and squeezing all cap space out before the start of any given year to make room for the next season.

  13. I keep reading that people think Roscoe Parrish could be like Wes Welker in the right system, but isn't Josh Reed really that guy. With Owens and Evans on the outside could we see Reed catch 80+ balls for 850 yards and 7-10 TD's. He really played well at times last year as the de facto # 2 receiver. He could eliminate the need to spend a high pick on a TE and give Fine a year to show what he can do. Sorry if I'm hitting a topic that has been done alot, but I'm newish to TSW.



    I used to rip on reed...i don't anymore. This guys just plain keeps getting better the older he gets, or at least better each of the last couple of years.


    Yes, it will help, but I would be thrilled with 60 + and 6 TDs for Reed.


    I'll be even more honest with ya, I would be OK with our starting 3 receivers catching 200 or so balls and 18 TDs. Its not stellar, but it would be passable.



    EDIT: just some additional info; our starting 3 WRs caught 143 balls for 1,846 yards...and 5 TDs.


    Could I be asking too much for 18 TDs?

  14. You think this is a weak draft? Do you think 2010 is stronger? I think some years when a strong draft is followed by a weak draft a 2nd rounder in the strong draft is worth as much as a 1st rounder in the weak draft.



    No, I am not 100% sure about 2010.


    I just know from everything that I have read that THIS is not a strong draft and I am not sure we are quite at the state to see how many FIRST ROUND draft picks we can stack it with, or give up for it.


    What do you do if AFTER the 2010 college season the 2010 draft is deep at a position of need, wherein you might be able to fall back in round 1 or get more picks later in the draft?


    My one overall feeling this year is that I do not want to stretch in this years draft. Get what we need, get deals if they are out there, and that's it.


    hmmm, why can't i get the image of JP Losman from the 2004 Draft Class out of my head?



    NOTE: Thank you, G.Host, I had not yet seen your post before i revised mine, but your point is my point.

  15. As I see it the Bills do not have enough high draft picks to fill all their needs this year. I do not think it is realistic to expect players to start after the second or may be even the third round. At best with the picks the Bills have now they can fill 4 needs maybe five if they package the 2 fourth rounders to get back into the 3rd round. As I see it the Bills have 6 needs. A TE, 2 starters on the o-line, a DE, a OLB and someone to man one of the other sfety spots next to Whitner. The way to fill these needs. Trade the 2010 first rounder. Another reason I could see it happening is that Jauron has to win NOW. If he's not around future draft picks are meaningless to him.





    No offense, but this is not the draft year you try to put all your eggs into.



    ...No, this is not that year at all.

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