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dollars 2 donuts

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Posts posted by dollars 2 donuts

  1. I have a size 50 from China. Im 6'1'' 200lbs and it fits me like a baggy t shirt would, maybe a tiny bit bigger than a size xl tshirt. Itll fit over a hoodie which is nice at games but if I wanted a more fitted shirt a 48 would do. Just FYI if anyone was going to buy one.




    Thoner7, that helps a lot, man, Thank you.


    I'm thinking I probably need a 52 and comments like yours, with your size description help us who haven't gotten jerseys yet.



    Again, thanks.

  2. You know this year more than any in the Jauron era, I think there will be surprise cuts. There was a thread earlier on this subject that could be resurrected.


    Regardless I just don't see Ryan Denney getting cut (been wrong before, will be wrong again of course). In my book he's a much better player than Chris Kelsay. He's better against the run and also as a pass rusher. When he can't get to the quarterback he's very good at getting into the passing lanes with his length.


    I know that Ellis finally showed some flashes against Chicago and I think Copeland Bryan is a developing talent with natural pass rushing skills. I have Bryan ahead of Ellis but I don't think either of them will get cut. So there is a logjam at this position with Schobel a lock, and Maybin (hopefully) waiting in the wings. The Bills might be able to defer a decision at DE if Maybin reports real late and they get a roster exemption for him. And of course there's always the possibility of an injury at any position.


    I would say this: Do not forget that the Bills tried moving Kelsay this offseason. He might still be trade bait, especially for a team suffering injuries at defensive end. If I were the GM, Kelsay would be the odd man out, even though I love his attitude and humble, team-oriented approach.



    I agree with a lot of this, and I don't know, Kelsay may be better than Denney, I just know I feel better when Denney is in there.

  3. Try using Buffalo Dogs (in 4-3 Over Defense), and make sure you insert Maybin into the starting lineup over Kelsay. I'm averaging about 6 sacks per game.




    That is good info, Cap.



    Additionally: I really just seem to be having more problems with Edwards this year over last - what is it? Believe me, I am not against saying that it is me, but it is bugging me.



    Additionally, lets keep this thread going.

  4. I'm with Matty, I'll take the over for $100 please!


    Queue up the Boys II Men "It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday"



    I know Dean will love that link.






    As I live and breathe, please let me never read the phrase 'Queue up the Boys II Men" on this Board ever again.

  5. http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/players/4930/c...XQJIubMbOz.uLYF

    Mark Campbell caught 3 touchdowns in a game and 5 in a season.


    That said, our Tes have blown pretty bad.



    Forgot about him completely.



    BTW, do you think when he finally retires he's going to sweat out the five years until his eligible for the Hall, or just be nonchalant, like a Pro.








    Who am I to judge. He has 146 receptions and 12 more TDs in the NFL over the 10 years than I do.

  6. I think he makes some interesting points about Trent, Owens, and the defense - Fewell imparticular.


    Clayton Article




    Nice read. Thanks, KO30.



    BTW, the stat that no Bills TE has caught more than 34 balls and 3 TDs since 2001...stinks.






    You really just have to see it in writing first before you really say to yourself, "what the hell have we done at TE this decade?!"

  7. This should help the Maybin negotiations along even more. With Moreno at #12 signed, they have a figure to go higher than. With Raji at #9 signed, they have a defensive lineman drafted in close proximity to base a deal off of. At this point, you really don't need Crabtree to sign. You're not going to base a DE/LB's deal off of one that a player at a skill position gets. Raji's deal getting done is most likely more crucial to Maybin signing.










  8. Okay, so I know the first Bills/Titans pre-season game will be on NBC, Sunday night, August 9th. The Bills/Bears game at the Ralph will be broadcast live, on the NFL Network August 15th.


    Here is a schedule of the rest (though not complete, I think):





    Here are the Bills games, for all you fellow ex-WNY'ers who have to watch some on the NFL Network rebroadcasts:



    Week 1

    Sunday, August 9th - Bills/Titans - Hall of Fame Game- NBC LIVE-7pm est)

    Monday, August 10th - Bills/Titans - Hall of Fame Game (NFL Network- rebroadcast- 9am est)


    Week 2

    Saturday, August 15th- Bears @Bills - (NFL Network- LIVE- 7pm est)


    Week 3

    Sunday, August 23rd- Bills @Packers - (NFL Network- rebroadcast - 4pm est)


    Week 4

    Sunday, August 30th - Bills @Steelers - (NFL Network- rebroadcast- 1pm est)


    Week 5

    Sunday, Septemeber 6th- Lions @Bills - (NFL Network- rebroadcast- 7am est)




  9. obviously i hate, absolutely hate what vick did. And i see the entire moral dilemma with it, but I can forgive the guy for that. It's a mistake, a big mistake, but its not a human life. I guess what gets me is how a guy like Vick is put away for what, 2 years? for some horrible acts done to dogs, living creatures yes, btu still dogs. While a guy like Donte Stallworth and be wasted and kill a HUMAN BEING and get a month. Obviously this is far more political than the normal stuff I talk about on here, but it blows my mind. That guy, no way, no how, should be allowed back into the NFL. I think Goodell is a straight shooter so he will really F up Stallworths come back, if its even allowed. But I think Vick has really taken on a huge penalty for his sins, and I think his stardom is part of the reason people came down so hard on him - to really make an example.


    I really hope we don't get him, I do not want a QB controversy here. That said, if TE gets hurt - i'd much much rather him take over than fitzpatrick. and if at that point he outplays TE, then fine. But I stand by the notion TE was 7-5 when he wasn't hurt last year. if he can beat some of the AFC East teams this year, we have a legit shot. And I am afraid Vick culd mess that up.



    Well said, my friend, and, although i would hate it, would it be better if Edwards goes down and we had Vick...Yeah, damn straight it would be.



    The more important thing is that you made no comment with respects to my suggestion to pan-sear deer meat, the only proper way to get true flavor and juiciness out of it.


    I'll forgive the avoidance if you are making sausages out of it, or if you are marinating it, but no other excuse, rp.



  10. hey buddy- these are dogs. i hope you get just as upset about abortion, cause otherwise it's pretty sad you can't forgive the guy. but what do i know - im an evil hunter who likes to shoot bambi and use my dogs to hunt wabbits!!!




    rpcolosi, no offense my friend and fellow bills fan, but you are missing my point, well, some of my point, that's cool, though. (actually, maybe you do, may be you don't)


    Hey, I am glad you are a hunter, hell, I love hunters, you want to bring the venison over my friend, I will give you the address and i promise to do it up in the the skillet to make it nice and juicy...mmmm deer meat!!! The mistake, is grilling it, too lean to grill!!!



    Check Petrino's post who I quoted from, I was mainly agreeing with his thoughts.



    However, i highly doubt, as a dog owner, you would do what was indicated in that Real Sports story.


    if you did though, I doubt I would cheer for you. :blink:

  11. I have to get this on record, but anyone who's spent five minutes with me knows this already ...


    I don't want him here. I still can't forgive the nature of what he did. I am an animal lover. All three of my cats ae rescues. A crime against a domestic animal is particularly aggregious because they are ... well, DOMESTIC. They are bred to trust us. It's not like shooting a bear or a deer while hunting. You don't say "Here, bear..." and the bear comes running - eyes wide with unconditional trust - to be shot. What Vick did would not allow me to ever pay money to support a team that signs him. Including my beloved Bills. And again, if you know me, you know what it takes to say that... Fan since '68 ... attended 275 games (so far) ... It would take a LOT to get me to boycot. This would qualify.






    Two cats right now and I hope to get a dog some day. I couldn't agree with you more, Petrino.


    I can forgive Michael Vick, but I don't think I can forget enough to cheer for the guy when he crosses the endzone in a Bills jersey.


    ...sorry, I just can't.



    PS - sorry to make this more horrible, but during an episode of Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel last year I saw in a story they were doing on dog fighting that they will kidnap long since domesticated and gentle dogs out of people's yards, tape their mouths shut, and let them be tortured as training fodder for the fight dogs.



    ...so, you out there tell me that I should cheer for him?

  12. Feel free to rip anything I post to shreds! :o


    This Maybin thing is probably just the usual drama queen stuff that seems to waft around high picks not yet signed. WRs seem to get the Oscar for such...


    I'm interested to see him play - I can't recall watching him at PSU last year. I read words like "one-trick pony" and can't play the run etc. And that he's greased lightening off the edge.


    So...we have something to look forward to.






    I read my post again and considering my poor writing skills I thought to myself why didn't I just say, "great point, cincy, I agree." but nnoooooo I had to get wordy!!!



    Yeah, I want to see the goods, too. He needs to get in.

  13. I'll start out by saying I predict an 8-8 season, which is unacceptable, but reality. I'll also say that my opinions are usually panglossian to a fault.


    That said, the usual post-preseason game meltdown has been hilariously extreme this year. Every thread I read has turned into an everything Bills-related hatefest. I could start a thread that says, "the water boy is doing a great job of delivering water" and it would turn into a thread about how Edwards should deliver a ball even if someone had grabbed his balls and stretched them into his shoes, let alone have an offensive lineman pushed into his throw.


    Anyway, some things to remember:


    1. The owner of the Buffalo Bills was just inducted into the HOF!

    2. Bruce Smith was inducted into the HOF!

    3. We are 0-0 and anything could happen!


    Not only that, two things can happen this year, either of which should make any real Bills fan happy:


    1. The Bills make the playoffs.

    2. Bills don't make the playoffs, and DJ gets fired.


    Those are both excellent outcomes, so how can anyone be upset?





    It is who we are, Todd. We are powerless to fight it.




  14. 1) there's a suggested 12 minute limit for the inductees speeches...

    Asked whether he'll stick to the suggested 12-minute time limit, Wilson said: "I got 50 years, and they give me 12 minutes."


    2) The Titans have a set of twins on their cheerleading squad...

    Alyson and Kristin






    Lets see here, Just Jack decided to post, OK, blah blah blah, Oh, there's pictures, OK, I'll just click and see...and I am still heterosexual, good to know very good to know.





    Man, they have great skin.

  15. I'm glad someone else see's the DE position as a huge problem. IMO, we should have picked up a veteran DE along with a rookie DE. I was hoping for Orakpo, but we drafted Maybin instead. I fear Maybin won't have that much of an impact this season, maybe 6-8 sacks at best. We're gonna have the same problems with our pass-rushing as last year. It doesn't matter how many and how good the DB's, CB's & Safety's we draft, if we don't have a decent pass-rush (I can't say good because our pass-rush is horrible), then we're gonna continue to get eaten up by the good QB's in the league. Hopefully somebody at OBD see's this and overhaul's our DE's next season.




    Man, you guys, this is the 800 lbs gorilla in the room that people outside of this board don't talk about.


    "Oh, the line has issues"


    "Is T.O. going to cause problems."


    "I don't know if Edwards is a true starter in this league."





    Uh, no, talking heads, how about, "Is it my imagination or are the Bills' DEs getting eaten alive?"

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