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dollars 2 donuts

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Posts posted by dollars 2 donuts

  1. Had some questions as to whether he actually saw any of the Bills games, as he mentioned Roscoe as a dangerous slot receiver. Don't you actually have to have receptions to be called a threat? Also he has Butler at RG, when everything I have read has him at RT. I think 3-13 is low but unfortunately I not so sure they will repeat the 7-9 of the last 3 years, as this schedule could be a monster. I could see anywhere from 5-11 to 10-6 depending on how things develope. Obviously I'm hoping for 10-6.





    I honestly can agree with this, but I don't deem that so horrible given the circumstances.



    3-13, though, is complete ineptitude.


    I don't think this team is going to tie for the worst record in 24 years.

  2. 6 year extension


    I searched for a prior thread and could not find it...Hence posting it....


    Will the Bills be able to pay Trent Edwards that kind of money if he has a successful year. After all, Matt has parlayed his one starting season in NE which is a SB bound team into a 63M contract. It is not like Matt at this point is a TOm Brady or actually won a championship. For Gods sake, the Patriots did not even make the playoffs.





    Look, I know it is a little foolish for the Chiefs to pay him that much, but I will say this, Cassel put up what should have been pro-bowl numbers last year (about 70% completion, almost 4,000 yards, 23 TDs and 13 picks).


    I hope Trent has a good season, but I don't think he's going to get 63 million dollars if he, lets say, goes 65% completion, 3500 yards, 24 tds and 18 interceptions...oh, and lets also say, 8-8.


    If he hits 70%, 4k and 2.5:1 TD to int ration, maybe.

  3. No. I still play Madden '94 on my SNES, which is great because the Bills were good then...





    Madden 93 on the Genesis...look, I know it is cheap but I could send Thurmal out on sweep, take'em right to the sidelines and then...gone, 80 yards. It worked 90% of the time.


    Man, I loved when I could buy these games and the bills would be good.

  4. Honestly, I know it's going to be a long fight for a rookie cap, but it seems like the easiest thing to do is to lock rounds 4-7 onto standard contracts. How much variation are there in those things?


    Those guys also seem like the players who could benefit most by being under contract as early as possible. Not that there are any hold outs, but still - get them some certainty before they even take the field for OTAs.





    I believe in a rookie cap. However, as far as compromises go, silvermike, I like your idea very much.

  5. How many Madden players are on this board? What do you hate or like about the way the series has gone. Do you think all the added improvements they are looking to implement into this years version will work out? When was the last year you bought a Madden game?


    I usually buy Madden every other year. The last year I bought was 2008 so by that pattern I would be buying Madden 2010. My biggest gripe with the series has been a slow show of progress since EA bought out the NFL license in 2005. Which meant the NFL 2k franchise stopped and Madden was left without any competition. There are things in NFL 2k5 that have taken five years to be put into Madden.


    Even little things like the half a sack stat take forever to be put into the Madden games. I also don't like fact that they feel the need to put in gimmicks into the game rather than focus on making the game more in tune with real football. For example in Madden 2008 they put in the weapons system (Example a guy who was a heavy hitter had a hammer on his player icon and it meant he was likely to cause fumbles.) which didn't make the game any better it was just kind of a gimmick.


    Yet this year I am really liking the way the game is shaping up. It looks like they have found a lot of the problems with the game and are trying hard to fix them. They have a new pocket forming system which looks like (From Videos I have watched) that the offensive line will form a realistic pocket around the QB and maybe having a good O-line will actually matter. They also added in a new animation system that makes it much more realistic in regards to the way a player reacts to the tackles of other players.


    I also like the new rating system. The presentation looks better. The online franchise looks cool. The game appears to have slowed down a little bit to reflect football a little more accurately. In conclusion I want to play that demo you get for preordering it to see if they have improved it but I like what they are doing in concept at least. I will likely buy Madden 2010.




    I think Madden 09 was the best edition of the game since Madden 05.


    I believe from what I have seen, some of it you referred to above, that this is going to be even better than 09 and not just simply 09.5.



    ...I will be buying.

  6. I was listening to Wgr today Mike Schoop and the Bulldog and he suprised me with a remark saying " Most people in Buffalo perfer the Red Sox to be there baseball team". I was very shocked he never metioned the Toronto Blue Jays.. But shouldn't be like that in retrospect. Shouldn't we like the Blue Jays because there the closest team to Buffalo. I never go the fact why people in the Buffalo area where mets,yankees,sox's, and indians fans when we have a team 90 miles from buffalo. So I was thinking unless you have a direct tie to one of those club's cities why are you a fan of theres and not the jays





    I went to school in Ohio for a few years, was there for the 95 series and identified with them closely b/c of their 13 year tie with the Bisons.

  7. BTW - nothing compares in my history for Buffalo QB heroics than Fergy playing on one leg against SD and almost actually pulling it out - what an unbelievably gutsy performance - arguably one of the gutsiest ever.




    Back then we all thought and were told it was a sprain.


    Fergy KNEW it was broken.


    Can anyone here say "Great Big Ones" because that's what that guy had, and still has with his health battles, today.


    Thanks for the memories and God bless you, Joe.


    Oh, and yeah, he would be good today.

  8. I have such a hatred for the other AFC east teams that it carries in to my Madden player selections. For example, I refuse to pick Tom Brady at any cost. I'll pick dumpy JaMarcus Russell over TB out of spite.

    I also will not pick the Jets, Pats or Dolphins uniforms for any fantasy draft.







    It is just too hard, unless the player is a really good guy...and pretty darn good.




    ...however, with franchising online this year, it is going to be tough to pass up some of those players come draft day.

  9. Being a huge NOLE fan the kid was a great possession WR for us and had an absolute horrific injury at the combine. It was so bad a few of the coaches there had said it was the worst injury they have ever seen. The fact that he is walking around is short of amazing. I hope he can make the practice squad at least.





    Geez, BT, I remember this guy with FSU and I usually don't remember anybody. Yeah, he had some skills and I'm kinda interested to see this kid and how he has made it back.

  10. http://www.footballoutsiders.com/under-cap...-cap-efficiency


    Interesting that the Bills had the HIGHEST team salary in the League last year, and (in the author's view) "squandered" their spending by rolling over $0 into next year's cap.


    Yet another piece of evidence that this team is horribly run.





    Some of us have touched on this before and this is part of the reason why we scratch our heads over why some teams spend a ton of money but still seem to have great cap space year after year.



    Nice catch, HoB.

  11. My Bills team is simple. I got to buffalobills.com and get the updated roster. Then I go to IGN or some other website that has the current player ratings and build my Bills team from there. I do a lot of audibles when I get into passing situations and a lot of hot routes. Moving people around also opens things up. On Defense I keep it simple. I move a LB to the weak side and blow up the QB or hit the the RB in the backfield or as he squirts in the hole. When the other team goes to punt get in a return formation and take a DB from the left side of the return team and move him to the right and rush the punter. I get him every time.





    You and me both, SW.


    I am not a great Madden player and I did not play a lot last year, but i gave some good Madden players a run for their money with hot route/ audible laden Bills team that had no business hanging around in games that long.

  12. It's worth saying:


    Ngata could've been a Buffalo Bill. But as we've been told ad nauseam, he didn't fit the Jauron system. Two years after wasting a pick on a DT and selecting a DB who is above average but not spectacular (because he doesn't have the players around him) Buffalo traded 2 picks for Stroud.


    Team Building 101 courtesy of the Buffalo Bills, Russ Brandon, Marv Levy, et al.




    BillsVet you are being ridiculous. Why would you want Nagata, the third highest ranked DT, we you already have the third highest ranked safety in Whitn...oh, wait...that's right. Good point.


    Well, we as Bills fans didn't want to draft Nagata anyw...oh, wait, that's not quite true, is it.

  13. I was here too. And I find it hard to believe you think today's 24/7 media cycle is anything like it was in the '70s.



    Maybe, I just know that back then the media was television, movies and advertising:


    I remember OJ on the big screen, not the 15"-19" little screen of the internet.


    I remember watching OJ on SNL when SNL was THE thing at the time.


    and I remember OJ in almost every magazine for Dingo boots and on TV seemingly every 10 minutes flying through airports for Hertz, not just doing plugs for MNF.



    The 70s just called apologizing for not having the internet or reality TV, but yeah, he was pretty damn big...and not just in Buffalo.




    EDIT: Surprisingly enough, i think he may have also pushed a little orange juice in his time.

  14. I think you'd have to put an asterix next to Orenthal's name on that designation. A 'media magnet' in the pre-Internet, pre-ESPN era is a lot different than what TO's experiencing today.



    Not really, he was a movie star and had hosted Saturday Night Live (as edgy as anything in the 70s) long before his career in Buffalo ended.


    Trust us, some of us were present during the 70s while it was going on.

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