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Everything posted by Einstein

  1. They gave up 14 points. Yards are irrelevant when they’re not backed up by points.
  2. I won’t go that far, but he has proven to be a poor game day coach. That challenge was inexcusable and was never going to work. Cost us an important timeout.
  3. You want to blame Frazier? For all the yards the defense gave up on the ground, it was only worth 14 points. The scoreboard is all that matters. 250 yards rushing means whatever the point total is on the scoreboard. 14. That’s it. The offense still had multiple opportunities in the redzone. Diggs dropped a game winning TD pass. Knox dropped multiple first downs. Breida fumbled a ball when he wasn’t even touched. .
  4. It’s painful to say, but I agree. McD is not good on game day.
  5. I’m not worried about the QB: Im worried about them running it 50 times.
  6. But then it wouldn’t be about the millionaire player with a hometown far away.
  7. Again, that makes no logical sense. It’s like saying “Don’t shop at Home Depot, because one of their employees has a charitable cause and their Home Depot paycheck is how they support such charity”. The Bills existed before Tre and will exist after Tre. He is not the product. He is a short life component in a very large machine.
  8. That makes no logical sense. Nothing in what I said (and you quoted) indicated that I thought they went to Tre White.
  9. There are those who have become disinterested in the perpetual giving to causes of millionaire athletes.
  10. Chiefs may have a couple more losses in them. They still have to play the Chargers, Raiders, Steelers, and Bengals.
  11. Colts have 6 losses now and still have to play the Patriots, Cardinals and Raiders. They may very well not make the playoffs, so the tiebreaker over us may be irrelevant.
  12. Regardless of what happens today, Bills still control their own destiny. You realize that right?
  13. AFC East is ours to lose. It being #1 simply means we have to win our own games. It has nothing to do with other games. I 100% agree.
  14. This is totally fine in my opinion. Bills have 2 shots at the Patriots. I’d rather the Titans lose. The path to the #1 seed is wide open right now.
  15. Some people smoke 2 packs a day their entire life and live until their 90.
  16. NO is objectively horrible. Verifiable. Statistical.
  17. Opportunity cost. There we’re several runs that Singletary had room but it closed quickly and I kept thinking “Breida would have had several more yards there”. Youre reasoning may be correct but you’d think by a month into the season they’d be saying “Ok, we thought wrong, time to try Breida”. Yet it took until November.
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