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L Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by L Ron Burgundy

  1. Then simply put you are an idiot. Nobody disliked him because his tweets. Most dislike him because he's an imbecile and a crook. He makes our entire country look like a joke on the global stage and that most certainly is not good. Yes, I know Joe isn't much better before you jump on that.
  2. Trump ate the swamp and shat out you dim-witted, conspiracy-loving, morons. I love how you all blab that liberals have tds all the while letting a serial lying blob of excrement absolutely lord over your party (though hopefully DeSantis ends that). Liz deserves a modicum of respect. She did what so few had the nads to do. She saw that the imbecile had zero respect for the constitution and she fought a losing fight. She may be a POS overall, Dick certainly was, but at least you know she has some morals. There is a line she won't cross. Can you say the same about those that didn't like Trump but still gargled his orange sack?
  3. You're right. Anyone that calls that demonic is probably not salvageable. You didn't mention covid in a post congrats.
  4. Cool we can be a Christian version of Iran.
  5. Do you think the people in on the fake electorates scheme should face consequences? I cannot believe that anyone that believes in the rule of law would be ok with that.
  6. Ladies and gentlemen it's looking we've moved into the next phase. The "oh yeah he did it but he had every reason to" phase. We'll be hearing all the splendid justifications and accusations that the left did the same for the next few weeks (or decades). On another note. Can't wait to find out why all these people asked Trump for pardons!
  7. This just keep getting better and better. Also, dumber and dumber. These people need to be held accountable.
  8. I'm sure you all won't classify those as mostly peaceful? Is it your contention that Jan 6 and these things are equally bad? Serious question. Again, I say anyone breaking the law should be penalized. Imo 99% of protests are pointless so you won't see me stick up for any of it.
  9. Did they riot when he won his first election? I'm referring to a hypothetical if Pence (and others) make different decisions. Had that happened yeah there would be craziness.
  10. I did that. I get a cookie? You won't find a comment of mine defending the summer riots. They still ain't the same.
  11. I haven't seen any progressive posters here defend the Summer riots like conservative posters defend Jan 6. Maybe it happened a lot and I didn't see but I'm doubtful.
  12. Those ARE similarities but yet not at all the same. I'm not going to through the many ways they differ its redundant and borderline stupid.
  13. I love how you compare this to the summer riots as if they're the same and a gaggle of jackasses jump to agree. They are not similar, and I'll be the first to say the summer rioters that broke laws should rot in jail too. We were one semi delusional man's (Pence I mean) decision away from having much bigger problems. If he goes with the Orange shart's moronic plan who knows what chaos comes then. Certainly the left would respond/likely riot.
  14. Yes Ted Cruz your moral authority. Cmon you're a joke. You will grasp at anything to deflect. Admit it those tools who rioted are heroes to you.
  15. Imagine if antifa or some left wing crazies did Jan 6. You think all the conservatives here would be doing gymnastics to stick up for them? You think there'd be 700 conspiracy theories about "what really happened "? Yikes you do everything to minimize, defend, deflect all the while saying prosecute those that broke laws....then some (most believe this i suspect) give innuendo that the fbi is somehow to blame. Ya'll sound like ya belong in qanon. Maybe those space lasers, sorry Jewish space lasers, are more powerful than everyone thought.
  16. No, absolutely not. Debunking all the absurd election insanity made it all worth it. Should they examine that one facet? Absolutely. There seems to be this prevailing idea that because most people were peaceful the whole event wasn't a big deal. Imagine if Pence doesn't do the right thing...terrible things may have happened.
  17. How does it not compute? Some that were there were peaceful and along for the ride others, oathkeepers and proud twatz had a more sinister agenda. It's not that difficult. A lot of detail still needs to be provided, certainly why more security wasn't present.
  18. Hindsight, they didn't have a clue at the time. This is conjecture but we'll find out. That's crazy, it's clear the Jewish space lasers were involved. And antifa of course.
  19. I think the most logical explanation for why some of those scumbags were let in is just as you pointed out, they were already outnumbered and overrun. There was no way they could have kept people out. Of course I'm sure we'll hear 10 more conspiracies about what happened there before all is said and done.
  20. Lauderdale is a lot of fun the days before the game. Great places to stay too. Usually enough Bills fans in the past we'd take over bars a bit.
  21. Thank you for taking some off from watching the view to post. We all know how hard that is for you.
  22. Well if he's mostly sitting his butt on the bench hopefully won't be an issue. Unless he slips on a banana peel. Hey if he looks bad in practice they'll cut him.
  23. I think he's purely here for depth and from that perspective he's a great signing. We're due for bad luck so if a wr or 2 get banged up I like that we have a guy like Austin there who can step in and be reliable.
  24. Please let this be serious. Wonder who would take over should this come to pass.
  25. You were watching the view? Lol. That's worse than getting caught singing along to Celine Dion in the car.
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