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Milanos Milano

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Everything posted by Milanos Milano

  1. So who returns punts? Shakir? Because he’s #2 behind Tavon, and #3 is likely getting cut because I doubt he makes the team if we keep Taiwan.
  2. It’s more than that though, recent roster reveals have been an eye opener with Hodgins as the backup behind Davis. It’s weird that he would be listed there and not make the final roster.
  3. Do we still feel this way? Austin is listed as #1 PR on the depth chart. This year is going to be insane when it comes to choosing. I think Kumerow is screwed now with Hodgins playing well. Shakir is listed as #2 PR, but do we trust a rookie to do that over Austin who’s experienced? How do we keep 7 WRs if we keep 6CBs with Benford playing well?
  4. Honestly, this has been the most confused I’ve been in a while when it comes to the direction of our final roster. We could go so many ways with this depending on what McD values the most. I agree, I just don’t see how Shakir is left of the roster, although I guess it’s possible he gets IR if for whatever reason McD wants Crowder. I’m not sure Crowder is a lock like some people list him as. I agree with you that he’s on the bubble and could be a cut. Hodgins is behind Davis on the depth chart, I mean it could mean nothing, but I just find that as an eye opener. It could mean nothing, but who knows. I would have to imagine a punt returner is more important than a ST player like Kumerow. I just don’t see how he makes the team unless McD feels like McKenzie can do punt returns. Because of that, I have Austin higher chances of making the team over Kumerow. I doubt Benford gets to go to PS either with how much it appears McD likes him, which is another monkey wrench this year. That likely means 6 CBs is a lock. Which means sadly 6 WRs is likely unless like you said, Taiwan gets the ax, but that appears unlikely either. This year is so weird in a good way. Benford, Shakir, and Hodgins have made these camp decisions very difficult. As of now, I wouldn’t be surprised if this is the 6 we roll with. Diggs Davis McKenzie Shakir Hodgins Austin
  5. So Hodgins has been emerging and is listed behind Davis on the depth chart which is an eye opener. Tavon is listed as #1 punt returner. There are going to be a lot of tough decisions to come I feel like when it comes to deciding how makes the roster for WRs sake. We only kept 6 WRs last year and 1 IR. Do you think we still go 6 or is this the year we go 7? Hodgins has really thrown a wrench in all this. I have to believe that Crowder might be a surprise cut, as I don’t see Shakir getting cut or PS designation. It’s possible he might get the IR tag. Especially if McD determines that he really wants a player like Tavon for punts or a Kumerow for ST. I honestly don’t know what they do now.
  6. McKenzie likely returns kickoffs and Tavon likely does punts. The more I think of it, Crowder maybe the surprise cut, given Hodgins emergence.
  7. With the emergence of Hodgins, that likely opens up a new can of worms. No way do you put Shakir on the PS. Austin is currently on the #1 PR list, and Kum is a ST player. At Diggs Davis McKenzie The last 3 seem to be a toss up depending on what McD values the most. If McD thinks he can get PR value from Shakir or McKenzie, then Austin is likely getting cut. Kum is nothing but a ST player at this point, but so is Taiwan and he still manages to make the team every year in spite of that. I guess it’s possible Shakir gets the phantom IR tag, but I think that would be a mistake as I think he can contribute this year. Are we sure that Hodgins is a certainty? Being behind Davis on the depth chart makes it appear so, but who knows. So if that is the case, then that gives us. Diggs Davis McKenzie Hodgins I’m not convinced Crowder is a lock now because of the emergence of Hodgins, which is very surprising given that just a few weeks ago, most were writing Hodgins off. I don’t think we keep 7 WRs, given that our o-line has had issues and because of it, we might keep an extra guy there this year on the roster. The other 2 WR I feel are total toss ups at this point. I severely doubt Shakir gets the ax before a WR like Crowder, so either Shakir stays, or gets IR tag. Given that Austin is #1 of the PR designation, that likely means he barely survives the cut, so at this point, I wouldn’t be surprised that Kum is on the outside looking in. Crowder as well if Shakir doesn’t go to IR.
  8. Which makes it an almost certainty that we keep 6CBs unlike last year. So that begs the question, what other position sees less compared to last year. I think we keep 1 less DE, and it appears that Mike Love may be the fall guy.
  9. Lol it was a legitimate warrant issued by a federal judge. Last time I checked is that nobody is above the law.
  10. Lol this is gold, especially because a football related thread of mine got shutdown for similar reasons. And it was football, not MSNBC dirty laundry.
  11. People kill other people daily. If I wanted that kind of news I’d watch Fox or cnn. This is football. And last time I checked James didn’t do anything. At least that’s football related.
  12. That would be a shame, because I think he is useful for this season, no reason to hide him.
  13. Well hopefully nobody is bed ridden and needs to use it.
  14. Have you tried breaking in to someone’s house accidentally?
  15. It doesn’t have anything to do with our player. I don’t see how family drama pertains to Cook the football player?
  16. I wouldn’t be surprised if we keep 6 CBs either. Not sure who would be cut (5 last year), as this group of 6 is strong. Tre, Dane, Elam, Neal, Taron, Benford. I don’t see how he makes the roster though. Diggs, Davis, McKenzie, Crowder, Shakir, Hodgins (Tavon, TD J)
  17. I wouldn’t be surprised if we keep an extra O-lineman on the 53 this year as opposed to keeping 6 DEs last year. Mike Love is expendable, and I’d rather keep Ike/Ford.
  18. If we keep Matt over Araiza I’m going to be entirely disappointed.
  19. I really hope this new stadium has giant rails that go the entire length down so we can slide down it. Supposedly there will be romp rooms so fans don’t have to do their deeds in the parking lots.
  20. At least they didn’t slide down the rail and fall on Josh.
  21. I feel like it could be done provided you had a team of about 3-5 who know what to look for and coordinate pass downs. You would need at least one person who could take audio of observations or type extremely fast. You would probably need at least 2 guys with binoculars to round off any details that might be missed with casual observations due to the fast nature of switching out as you mentioned seeming how recordings aren’t allowed right? There is no way 1 or even 2 people could handle a camp report properly for the information I’m looking for. It could be done, but I don’t think many people are willing to do what it would require. Not much financial reward for such effort given the amount of money it would likely take to get the exotic reports many crave.
  22. I understand the secrecy aspects of things. But even then, I’m not fully convinced that some undercover dude couldn’t just easily infiltrate a practice and take detailed notes for some other team. I don’t really think it matters all that much.
  23. It would be nice to know those kind of details. Nobody is even reporting on the reporting do’s and don’t. I dunno, I guess I just generally feel disappointed in media in general, I feel like the lack of true reporting is a lost art.
  24. I guess it’s hard in general. Part of me would kind of just relax and enjoy the football atmosphere and casual watching of plays develop. To do some more exotic type reporting would likely need a team of 3-5 people everyday coordinating with each other and writing down plays with binoculars. Maybe someday I will do something like that if the finances allow it. Cover1 is generally fantastic, and I’m glad they’ve been trying. I would also like to have a total Bills podcast someday and just talk updates and discussion constantly. But I get it, it takes a lot of time, resources, and money assuming you do it full time and substituting it for a regular job.
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