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Everything posted by Virgil

  1. !@#$ Chan and this !@#$ing third down cute bull ****. God damm you piss me off
  2. What the ****? I seriously can't remember the last time we've run the ball on third and short, not out of the wildcat
  3. I guess I should have clarified what it would define. To me, it will dictate if it will make us a .500 team or a bottom 5. I think the playoffs have been done since the first pats game
  4. With the way the team played on the road against the Pats, CJ getting full carries, and a primetime game at the Ralph, I'm actually expecting a convincing win. We all know that the rest of our schedule is much easier than the first half. I'm calling my shot here. I'm saying we win by at least 10 and thus begins a streak where we finish 5-2. However, I'm also going to say that if we lose, it will start a domino effect that gives us a top 5 pick.
  5. We have one of the best 1-2 punch rb's in the NFL, yet we are 18th in the NFL in points game with 22. Yet, we need to go LB in the first round to fix the defense? On coaching alone we were better last year on defense. I'm sorry, but to think that the offense isn't equally an issue and not have any other option at QB makes no sense to me. I'm not looking at just today, because I think Fitz did great outside of a few plays. But overall, QB has to be upgraded for us to get to the next level. Sure, there isn't a surefire person we know will fix it. If it was that easy, everyone would do it. But we need to do it. I wouldn't even care if they drafted 2 QB's like the skins did. Going into this season, there was no way to know this D would be this bad and that's even with the "experts" predicting great things for us. Coaching and players gelling goes a long way. Draft a LB, CB, QB in the top 3, and maybe even another QB. Get a D coordinator with any form of brain, and we should be good. And I'm talking playoff good
  6. You are absolutely right. And I wish I could find solace in this. But that's what this team is, a bunch of woulda, coulda, shoulda's. Even with those games being one play away, the others were blow out losses which sets the reality
  7. So, what makes you believe we will win another game outside of Jax as a lock?
  8. They have lost 5 of the last 6 and they are going to win out? I'm sorry, but losing is both a product on the field and a mentality. We are a losing team.
  9. Even if TJ cut underneath, he would have already needed to be in that break before the throw was made an running horizontally. That wasn't even close to happening. Plus, Fitz expected him to catch it during contact, the throw would have been short of the endzone. I'm can't begin to predict positioning or who would have done what with the catch, but that would have to been a money throw and Fitz was having problems hitting people in stride all day. Even if everything went right with the route, again not knowing there was even an issue, it would have been a tough play to make.
  10. Absolutely Fitz made a pre-read throw. It's even worse when you watch it in slow motion. First off, any probably the worst part, is that Stevie ran a route up top with Choice that left him wide open in the top of the endzone. I'm not talking about him being open after the ball was thrown and the DB's ran away. I'm talking wide open with no one within 10 yards of him. As for TJ, it's tough to tell, but I don't see any route he could have run from the moment Fitz threw the ball that would justify that throw. He was looking to his left, then just made the decision to look right and sling it. I don't think it would have mattered who was there. As for those begging for him to throw to Jones at the 4 on the sidelines, there was a DB about 4 yards in front of him that could have possibly made a play. End of the day, he had his number 1 wide open, and followed the play call blindly. This helps me put it back on Gailey, but Fitz has to be smarter. He did go to Harvard
  11. You guessed it WEO...Fitz!!!! Ding ding ding. I'm just going to state some simple facts and fundamentals for winning" "The defense's job is to put the offense in a position to win at the end of the game." "It's not how you start, it's how you finish" "Winners win. Losers hope to win and say better luck next year" End result, Fitz was great up until that last pass. But that last pass is his responsibility to choose to make or not make. Brady, Manning, Rodgers don't make that throw. Fitz is the veteran and TJ is the rookie. Even if TJ ran the wrong route, it's on Fitz to know better. And even on the replay when I watched it again, the DB was already standing there when the throw was made. STANDING THERE!. The DB didn't jump the route or wasn't even covering him. Just sitting in the zone. That is Fitz's fault. His other stats don't win the game. His effort didn't win the game. He lost. Plain and simple. End of the day, when the ball in on the opposing 15 and you are down by 6 with 30 seconds left, do you want to be on D or O? Exactly. That's the situation. For everything else that happened, that's where we were and that's what we would have wanted. Sorry Fitz, you tried. You really did and you looked great. For a moment, I thought you would pull it out. But you are who we thought you are. A loser and the future ex qb of this team
  12. not taking it seriously by any means, but still the comment was indicative of everyone knowing what Nix won't admit
  13. I always find it interesting to see how people who don't follow the team think of the Bills. When you talk to a real fan of another team, I'm always interested in how different my perception of an outsider of the team is different. In looking at this mock draft, I found the last paragraph to be the most interesting. Also, I don't think there is anyway we pick at 10. We are in for a top 5 pick. If you read all the picks, Geno and Barkley go 1-2 http://bleacherrepor...on-mark/page/11
  14. I would have agreed with you until they changed the rookie salaries and we signed Mario. I no longer believe that Ralph is cheap
  15. I do believe that Nix wants to keep Chan next year. And honestly, I'm okay with it. However, Chan may force Nix's hand if he isn't willing to play ball. This is a business and a business needs customers. After last season, fans and the media were against the defense and thought that if it was better, then the average nature of Fitz would be overcome. So, in the offseason, the FO went hard after making the D better and everyone was in love with the Bills. In fact, had they been able to win the opener, you would probably see a lot more hype around the team with the Pats game being a fluke and they probably had the confidence to beat the Titans. This offseason, I think it will be pretty clear that the fans/media will be needing hope at QB, a new defensive scheme, and probably a cb and db's. I don't know if WR really is that big of a deal. I mean, who is really dropping them? (Besides Chandlers bad day today) End of the day, they need to sell tickets. If Chan isn't willing to go along with the changes that need to happen, then I think he will be gone. Either way, we will be drafting a QB and something will happen on D. If you don't believe in that logic, then believe in this....The Bills do one thing better than any other team, Give False Hope! That trend will continue
  16. and when do the Bills beat anyone to make this relevant?
  17. There will absolutely be changes because this is a business first and foremost, and they have to. If nothing happens, they have no chance of selling this product. If they don't make us believe that the QB situation will be better as well as the defense, no one will show up. Whether Chan believes in those changes or not, he will have to do it or be gone
  18. I was sitting at dinner, watching the Giants game and the Bills score flashed. And today, I wasn't really that mad about the loss as I'm just plain numb. However, as that score flashed, I just looked at 3-5 record and felt deflated. Another year where it's over at the halfway mark and we have the Pats on the road next week. This just blows
  19. I don't know why people blame Ralph. He hires the GM and pays the money. He definitely paid the money. Everyone going into this season was expecting more of our D. The Fitz situation was wait and see. Ralph could have demanded us to draft a QB, but who was worth taking? We weren't going to trade up to get Luck or RG3, so what then? Ralph gets a pass with me. Not that I think he has any idea what is happening with the team right now.
  20. Gailey!!! Takes a lot to steal that award from Fitz, but he definitely did. 12 rushing attempts between Spiller and Jackson. Our offense didn't have a player even walk into the endzone, without the ball! Ultimately, the Head Coach is in charge. We know this team has more talent than last year. That's a fact. Wanny may be the Defensive Coordinator, but Chan is the coach and has total control. Anything that happens on that field, that isn't a mistake by a player, is his ownership. He allows the lack of blitzing, DE's in coverage, and players taking plays off. And yes, Mario took numerous plays off. It was painfully obvious to watch. Chan tells Nix what he needs. Fitz didn't make the big mistake today, but you can see the lack of respect for the deep ball. Chan owns that. And i'm sorry, I get the rules the NFL has for practice time, but I still believe that if Chan wanted Tavaris in the game, he could get him up to speed. Chan owns the product on the field. There wasn't any ONE person who lost this game today. This was the sum of who we are as a team and we are not very good. This is Chan's mess. If Nix supports him, then it's also his mess. I like both guys, but we keep hearing it's a business. If you don't perform in business, then you go under.
  21. Man, this thread made me feels so much better. I enjoyed the first few posts then saw how negative it went. I thought I was down on the team, but man. Some of you....I feel like I should hide the guns
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