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Everything posted by BillStime

  1. Is that when she was talking about transhumanism? I thought that whole part of the conversation reeked of paranoia. I found it humorous that she talked a lot about Epstein and made it clear (from her POV) that yes, Trump had a relationship with Epstein, but Bill Clinton's relationship is worse... and then went down the rabbit hole of Robert Maxwell, fund raising, and recycling conspiracies and Vince Foster. She never shared anything about Trump and Epstiein's relationship - not even once. And I don't think she ever mentioned Trump's name more than a couple times, if that. She also said she doesn't want our government run by the mob. Which is ironic - she failed to acknowledge the GQP's mob boss: Conald.
  2. Wow, you freaks are on a ROLL! Injury in Massachusetts field hockey game renews debate about co-ed sports Pathetic simps
  3. More FAKE NEWS from our cult. These simps are so easily manipulated. From the actual case: A Health Board v AZ & Ors (Termination of Childhood Pregnancy: Guidance) The parents had had time to consider the risks and benefits to AZ of the pregnancy and had concluded that a termination was in her best interests. Pathetic SIMPS
  4. You and Conald have credibility issues. Dive into Donald Trump's 4,095 lawsuits
  5. If you had watched it, you would be eager to discuss and share your thoughts, especially since I've asked multiple times. And you KNOW I watched it. lmao.
  6. Why do you not call out the same people - @BillsFanNC, @Doc, @B-Man, @Tommy Callahan , and others - who spend all day cleaning up after Conald’s mess and race baiting people? Your friends literally created another message board because their cult leader got kicked off this site because he thought he was above the rules and you call me obsessed? get the heck out of here
  7. Wrong - Trump claimed that Ted Cruz's father was involved…
  8. If you didn’t care you wouldn’t spend all day eyerolling disparaging posts about Conald and cleaning up his mess.
  9. No problem with the aid but only one party is playing games - and that’s yours.
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