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Everything posted by OrangeBills

  1. It's just the Global Leftist Cabal's joyous creation of their Dependence Class, which they dream and envision will eventually include...all of us
  2. I love it...21 months into this, the moronic media and gov't are still touting that "1,500 people died of COVID yesterday"... No you morons, actually 7,600 people died yesterday, on average, the majority of whom are old and die of such things as a matter of course. More convinced than ever there is some Leftist Global Cabal over-seeing all this, it's working out too smoothly for their desired outcomes. Soon we will see the rationing and price caps and lines and "passes" that tend to accompany Socialist Authoritarian shifts
  3. you're witnessing the great failure of American Leftist thinking just today....the moral/intellectual superiority effect... The very basics of the economy are falling apart at the seams, because of policies and incentives put in place by the FEDERAL GOV'T So they gather people in Washington to address the situation and declare the solution in play, but of course it's not. It's just a soundbite mechanism for the MSM to distribute to their followers for effect...Pres Biden and Secty Buttigieg met w/ Titans of Industry to solve these bottlenecks, relief is on the way. (of course it's not)
  4. There is so much wrong in that article that it speaks to how truly screwed we really are
  5. It's mostly all of them...since Leftists don't really comprehend basic rules of Economics. But to answer your question, there are specifically THREE policies that have inarguably led to my likely conservative cost increase: 1) All of the policies surrounding energy that have led to significantly higher natural gas and gasoline prices. All of that is not free, it gets passed on...I know Leftists want to increase the price of Energy so that new Green-Energy sources make more sense (unfortunate that Greens/Leftists don't like Nuclear these days), but predictably they will hurt countless lives on their quest to get there... 2) All of the policies that convince people that they don't have to work, and that the State will care for their livelihoods. Yes, when the gov't shut down the economy to "stop the virus" (hilarious concept, BTW) they rightfully issued checks to those people whose lives they'd ruined...BUT, when the virus was a YEAR OLD, this idiotic "Administration" launched its "HISTORIC PANDEMIC RELIEF BILL of $1.9T" that was not necessary and really trapped citizens in a world of "I don't need to work because they're just sending me money". Now they want to borrow more money just to hand it to citizens, absurd Leftists won't understand this but excessive borrowing just means that IRs will remain low/zero forever, creating asset-price inflation that ultimately means your increased Transfer Payments aren't enough to actually buy a home, for instance, or afford the type of life you want to live. This is most clearly demonstrated in the national housing market which is obviously pricing out those in the lower-income area (and no, more transfer payments won't help this) 3) The arbitrary Minimum Wage hikes very clearly only add to inflationary pressures; the market could/would/should force wages to rise in accordance with commensurate economic balance, but Leftist's don't understand this, and it will only hurt those they're trying to "help" as has occurred throughout all time.
  6. HEY! Here's $3,600 for each child you have! Now, because of our policies, it costs $15,000 more to raise said child, but you'll figure it out through our government representatives! Enjoy!!
  7. Yeah, but what does the Constitution mean anymore, if it stands in the way of anything the Means To An End Party wants to get done "for the people"
  8. As a fellow human and American and Bills fan, I feel for you, I really do.
  9. He's lost it, but more importantly, he's lost most all rational people. "Drive-by parties? Zoom dance parties?" Have these people lost their minds? And it should not have...end of the day, if there was ever an honest analysis, they'd find that everyone had it, some people were more at risk and (allegedly) 700k people died over 2 years (out of ~5.9m people who actually died so what are we talking about here?).
  10. If this is a serious question, you haven't been paying attention... So I'll just say they know what it's now tied to and they're trying to save our nation.
  11. Yes, and the Nazis erupted from the Left, not the Right. Biggest misconstruction, and most dangerous, in history. Leftists/Socialists are the most racist people on earth. Just look at Europe for the last 30 years. National Socialist German Workers Party
  12. That is nowhere near accurate. Even if you take the absurd 660,000 death number as correct, the new incidence rate from the CDC of 90m "cases" would imply a 0.7% Mortality rate vs. 0.1% for Flu, or 7x. But that's not remotely accurate either. For starters, they've only done one extrapolation on the Case number, when they doubled it from 45m to 90m last month. For Flu, they use multiple layers of guesses and extrapolations to create their "incidence rate". The Covid Incidence rate is at least another double, to 180m, which would imply a 3% Mortality rate, or 3x worse. BUT, that death count is over two years, vs. one year for the Flu (actually 4 months for Flu Seasons) and thus the incidence rate for COVID is actually well over the 180m over two years, so you've likely got a Mortality rate of 0.2%, or maybe twice as bad as Flu, and certainly no reason to do this nonsense. What we had here were 2 lean Flu seasons playing catch-up during a new coronavirus that was a little worse than before.
  13. Geezus, what a moron, DC votes 96% Demo every year, and the morons therein haven't had an original though in decades. Yes, they're thrilled to see the embodiment of more "destructive power".
  14. This is the problem vis a vis COVID. Just 5 human generations ago, like 1880, the human life expectancy (that I found on Google) was like 38 years old. Now we're living until we're 78 and beyond. The human immune system was designed, through Evolution, to protect you through childhood and adolescence, then through reproductive years and child-rearing, and that's about it. 5 Generations is not enough time for Evolutionary Biology to adapt to a doubling of life expectancy.
  15. I'd like to have what you're on; you are so far from reality it's actually quite scary. People are generally not dumb (well, at least non-Democrats ) and realize that free gifts are not sustainable.
  16. Either stupid or sinister, or both
  17. Gosh, we should really disrupt Life & the Economy for what is really the same old Cold/Flu (albeit hystericized by the Left/Media) I have news for people...there haven't been enough human "generations" for Evolutionary process to catch our Immune Systems up for the fact that Life Spans have basically doubled from 38 years in 1880s to mid-70s in 2020s. Thus this common cold coronavirus could cause a problem for older people (and of course immuno-compromised)...we can not and should not ruin society for 2 years every time this happens -- they didn't in 1969 and yadda yadda, they just didn't have Social Media and Left media capable of freaking everyone out.
  18. Laughable, and that ignores the fact that over 10 years, it's much, much more than $3.5T, prob 3x that
  19. Actually the incidence rate is 2x that 43m, the CDC recently announced that change as they've begun to stop lying to the public (although you won't read this in the NYTimes or see it on MSNBC)...it's now in the mid-80m range as they begin to execute the normal guestimates and extrapolations they do to understand the incidence rate of any airborne Respiratory virus. Ultimately it will probably be another double to the 160-200m incidence rate (meaning most people have had it, like any endemic Respiratory disease). Obviously, these dramatic increases in the Denominator work to seriously knock down the Mortality rate, which is why they've delayed these extrapolations because it undermines the fear-mongering message the Leftists in power want to project. We know the 660k deaths number is incorrect, I don't know anyone that's died from COVID, but I do know three people who were dying and in Hospice care for other ailments who were no longer being nourished who "Died with COVID", so we KNOW that number is too high. So a Numerator that's too high, and a Denominator that is dramatically too low, means this Mortality rate will drop down into the 0.1-0.2% range like any seasonal Flu in the end. They don't want to address Natural Immunity because it doesn't bestow any power on the Leftist Democrat state they want to implement here.
  20. It used to be appeasing Lowest Common Denominator, now it's just Leftists are Dumb
  21. This is simply a function of the of the overreach of the Federal Gov't into our lives with Regulations that, surprise(!), lead to societal inefficiencies Title 9 was enacted when the split was 54% Male/46% Female...now it's an egregious graduation split of 65%/35% the other way, but we don't seem to care. Also, the Feds ingeniously felt that subsidizing the Consumer would help Collegiate finance, when of course it only really helped the Supplier (because Gov't is stupid). So here we are, in a world where among other things Men's Sports are limited because of Federal laws and men are creatively being added to Women's sports rosters to help balance out a disingenuous law.
  22. To be fair, the Leftists on here and elsewhere have no idea what you're talking about. They think money is free.
  23. Well, they can just find a good, high-paying Union job elsewhere, of course! Nevermind the externalities and frictions that go along with that! Just up and relocate no problem! Of course, I'm a Liberal Leftist and therefore don't exist/operate in the Real World
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