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Everything posted by LB48

  1. Exactly! IMO if Josh plays a smart game at QB we could win 11 games!
  2. He's big. He gets open despite not having break away speed. Excellent route running skills and great hands. IF he's cut another team will scoop him up right away. Robert Foster has had his chances. Isaiah Hodgins was a 6th round pick with 4.61 speed in the 40 yard dash. As the Bills get better talent all over the field a draft choice won't necessarily make the final roster. Beasley, Brown, Diggs, Roberts, McKenzie, Davis AND Duke form a uniquely talented group of of wide-outs! All don't have to dress each game - and - injuries happen!
  3. On Friday, the Buffalo Bills kept their free agent workout training rolling. According to the NFL’s transaction wire, the Bills worked out four players, all of which were defensive tackles. The most prominent name on the list was Akeem Spence. A former fourth-round pick of the Bucs in 2013, Spence has also played the Lions, Jaguars, Dolphins and Eagles. In 103 NFL games, the 28-year-old has 10.5 sacks and 19 tackles for loss. Is all really OK?
  4. We don't have that big man in the middle that can plug gaps and take on double teams. Star was responsible for that but under appreciated by Bills fans. He made it easier for the rest of the DL to make plays by plugging up the middle. Jordan Phillips may have made too much noise for the coaches but he could pressure on the QB and disrupt the opponents defense. At 325 lbs and with agility he was a force. Now the Bills are bringing in FA & undrafted DT 's looking for someone to do the same job. It's an obvious concern for the coaches with just 2 weeks before the season begins.. Maybe a draft choice trade to get the big DT to Buffalo?
  5. Frank was solid! Didn't make mistakes and was a student of the game. Not a flashy passer but accurate and a team leader. What do you think???
  6. That 0-8 stat makes a great point! You can't expect any D to hold teams to 3 TD's because the offense is limited by the QB!
  7. I don't think the Bills staff wants Josh trying to throw for 300 yards! Maybe lack of trust? Is he really the FRANCHISE QB ?? Just because he has a rocket arm and can run doesn't mean he can really direct the team to play-off wins!
  8. Yes - I agree. Just wish he got more work against other teams!
  9. Every NFL team is faced with the same situation this year with no opponent team scrimmages or pre-season games. Josh needs work on pocket presence, retreating backwards trying to escape a pass rush and a relatively slow release while reading a defense. Can these obvious negative attributes be corrected by basically playing catch with your receivers and a limited pass pressure from your teammates during this camp??? I hope maturity will help!
  10. From OP - I thought it was an interesting article that I hadn't seen before. Just sharing w/o comment!
  11. Running back Christian Wade thinks his knowledge and skill set in football are far better this season than last. Wade is in his second season with the Bills as part of the International Player Pathway program. Prior to joining the NFL, the England native spent several years as a professional rugby player. The running back said rookie Zack Moss has helped Wade's knowledge grow. "Me and Zack are actually pretty tight," Wade explained. "Obviously I'm still classed as a rookie so we would do virtual meetings throughout the spring together. So we've already kind of built up a rapport and a relationship. He's really been helping me with my game and stuff, and I've been really impressed with the way that he's come in and obviously taken a handle on the playbook. And he's already out there, making some good runs, making people miss, and just really looking forward to when the games actually start."
  12. I wrote this post in regards to Brandon Beane. He has 22 years of experience in the NFL. As of now he is the "hottest" property in the NFL to run an organization. He's really more than a GM as compared to the rest of those within NFL teams. PRESIDENT is a sign of his value and not a challenge to the owners of the team. He deserves the title and compensation!!
  13. Thank you for this very intelligent reply. Kim was going to college and working as a waitress when she met her future husband. He divorced his wife and married Kim. Thus, she became a billionaire and the rest is history. I question her background in football.
  14. I forgot all about Duane Thomas! He was ahead of his time in being a messed up player!!!!
  15. 1973! The Bills lost all SIX pre-season games that year - but - the Juice emerged.
  16. 1st ever Bills home game in Orchard Park. I got stuck and stranded in traffic on Transit Road. We just went to the nearest bar and listened to the game on radio. That kick-off return by the 'skins' in the first 10 seconds was a killer. My ticket is below!!
  17. Agreed! Signing right before camp really gets started was mostly work by his Agent.
  18. I feel DT is a rather large concern. Star plugged the middle and we have nobody on the roster that can do that as effectively. Harrison Phillips is still a maybe for this season and the FA pick-ups at DT are basically 2nd tier players.
  19. Kim owns the team by virtue of her marriage to Terry Pegula. Let Brandon run the operation and keep her on the sidelines! So agree - Kim thought the red uni's looked 'fashionable'.
  20. Kim could remain CEO and spend more time re-building the Sabres! Really - Why Not??
  21. Place Kicker! You sit around all game and then are expected to make a 50 yard FG to tie or win a game.
  22. With team the Bills have built for 2020 they can't afford to take a chance on a rookie kicker!
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