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Everything posted by Chaos

  1. its like the ravens choking against the bengals in teh playoffs last year. what a gift
  2. will interesting to see if the Chiefs defense quits, since they will be able to blame any loss on Mahomes.
  3. The Bengals seem to have this wierd thing, where they are adjusting there play calls to the defense.
  4. Mahomes has really regressed. We need a long national conversation on what is wrong with him.
  5. really need the 49ers to start looking unstoppable again.
  6. absolutely average purdy running the offense like Tom Brady on that drive.
  7. what is romo rambling about, regarding Purdy's unique ability to run
  8. Mahomes runs too much. he should throw the ball away instead of running for the first downs.
  9. This really calls for an independent review of the situation. In my opinion the league needs to have an independent commissioner, on the order of Mountain Landis, tasked with ensuring/restoring integrity to the game.
  10. Kansas wore their Bill's look a like jersey's yesterday to show Sooner fan's how wrong this post is.
  11. I was told there would not be any math.
  12. KIncaid made a couple of catches against the Bucs that were not great throws. But he made the catches in stride and without drama. This is something no one on the Bills in the Josh Allen era has really done, with the possible exception of Diggs.
  13. Actually, Sean gets to the see the look the other coach wants him to see before McDermott calls the inevitable time out. Then he resets to his best call, which is why the Bills defense fails sometimes after the defensive time outs. McDermott is pretty predictable to the casual fan. It is like professional NFL coaching staffs have a pretty good idea what he is going to do in a game.
  14. Its not clear if the reason some people are criticizing your post is because they think McDermott is doing a good job at the end of games, or if they disagree with your reason. From my perspective, the end of games situations have been complete coaching chokes. I agree with that part. Your theory on why we keep choking is hard to know without being there. But I honestly wish the Bills would hire a clock coach for the final four minutes of game, and not let McDermott make those decisions. We need the closer equivalent of baseballs' Mariano Riveria.
  15. I don't think you know what objectively means. It was not that bad against the Pats =25 points. (even with Murray and Bass leaving points on the field) Q4 against the Pats was 10x better than Q4 against the Bucs. I did not say the offense wasn't good in either game. They ended up with similar results, because the combined combination of coaching and execution over the course of 60 minutes totalled the same basic outcome. It is clear you don't 'got it'
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