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Everything posted by Chaos

  1. Eagles channeling their inner Leslie Frazier
  2. Is there some legal requirement to describe Dak Prescott as "awesome". He is the epitome of NFL average QB
  3. Carolina appears to have blundered the draft bigly. You seem to be bitching that the Eagles shouldn't get a home game against the Cowboys.
  4. Do you not understand how divisional games work. Of the three non-divison games, one is away two are home. A 3 game count can't be split closer than 2-1.
  5. Its a divisional game. They will play the cowboys in Dallas too.
  6. Chaos


    The irony in this post, makes it one of the best posts of the day, humor wise. Every NFL fan understands this comment.
  7. Cowboys are the NFC version of the Dolphins
  8. expected response from a poster who is not on top his game mentally
  9. Its seems the refs view Mac Jones as the 5 year old in the dancing videos we were subjected too.
  10. Bills should be 7-1 and cruising towards the #1 seed in the AFC. Very frustrating season so far.
  11. how is that roughing the passer on mac jones?
  12. Its a tough spot winning it does not really guarantee much of anything. Losing it, doesn't end the season, but losing it will take the air out of a lot of sails.
  13. Not Breaking News: Deshaun Watson is awful
  14. Goodell is having the chiefs experiment with throwing a game, to see if anyone notices.
  15. dumbass play call from the great and powerful reid
  16. these open field tackles look so easy for both defenses
  17. lots of game left. But those that think the dolphins offense is a fraud, have some evidence to support that so far.
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