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Everything posted by GregPersons

  1. You might want to look into a consultation. There's a lot of low-cost services, even in rural areas, if you're without insurance. Or don't. Your brain is obviously perfect. Cool. How did African-Americans come about? Where did they come from? Was it willingly? THEN what happened? Oh yeah? And THEN what? Are these questions toooo radddicaallll for you? Because they weren't covered in 4th grade?
  2. I'm sorry that reality is sometimes difficult. If you're still struggling with concepts like "white privilege" and "systemic racism" — ie, basic history — then yeah, you're not ready for this discussion. There's plenty of ignorant voices already, yours is not needed. Spend time to read, listen, learn. Or be committed to racism and ***** off. I don't care. There's no middle ground on this. You know your posts are still there, right? Go ahead and count the amount of posts you made about my location. Is this the way your brain works? Do you just tell yourself a convenient lie, then easily swallow it? Even when the reality in your face from like 20 minutes ago contradicts it? Have you ever seen a mental health professional in your entire life?
  3. I agree with that too. I definitely want a refund on my taxes spent on the ***** I'm seeing all over these videos. That's not where I want my taxes going. They can take my money for roads, schools, hospitals. I don't need civil servants — cops are not soldiers, they are mail carriers cosplaying commando, that needs to be remembered, they are CIVILIANS — using my tax money to play dress up with tanks and shields. To fight protestors? Are you kidding me?
  4. Yeah so why do you keep asking for my location, Nazi creep? Still looking for Anne Frank?
  5. Yeah, what's this concern with my location? Go ahead and post your address and SSN. If you want to mail a fan letter, DM me or ***** off.
  6. I didn't think it was possible to hear trembling in text until this post.
  7. That's nice. I'm in the continental US. You're so fascinated by me! It's making me blush.
  8. ""You are the one with the insults and labels wanting to tell people how to feel and what to do." -- Also you. Racists so badly want to put the idea of racism in a box and pretend it doesn't exist; you so badly want a way to dismiss it all, somehow, someway. It bugs you when you can't. It's obvious. You think it isn't, you think you're getting away with it. You're like a teenager who reeks of weed and air-spray.
  9. "You are the one with the insults and labels wanting to tell people how to feel and what to do." Lmao. Racists are so much fun to troll. Keep going, buddy. Tell me what you want the end of the protests to look like. Be honest. Tell me about the black and brown people you want arrested forever. Just admit it out loud. Don't you get tired of hiding? I sense great fear in you. Fear of yourself?
  10. You're all sorts of fun following me around tonight. Another go-to move by racists — ask them to name a black person, and they're going to go: Al Sharpton, Obama, MLK, Shaq. What's incredible is the racists never consider that they are oblivious. They're so sure they've got it figured out. You never meet a racist who's like "I'm not sure, I could learn more." They always know everything. And like a child they have no idea what a giveaway that is.
  11. Ahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahaahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA aaaaa.... HAHAHAHAHAH aaah. Ah. Oh man. I didn't think I was gonna have a laugh that deep again so soon. Oh man. You're so serious too. Oh my god. I can't even see your face and I can totally see your face. LMAO. I can't. I cannot. You're too much, my friend.
  12. I know reality is complicated and difficult to understand. You want it to make sense, and fit with what you thought you knew, in your childhood stories and fantasies and the TV shows and books and movies. You have a very clear framework of the world and it's gotten you this far, so how could it be wrong? How could you be wrong? You've already thought of everything, and concluded you could not.
  13. I love this. Reality Check, here is a reality check — I don't care. You want to center yourself in this. That is obvious. You are lonely and need attention. Also obvious. Very racist and ignorant. Again, it is flowing out of you, it is not difficult to spot. I don't care about trying to convince racists to not be racist. I'm here to tell racists to eat *****.
  14. The shove is one thing. It's not justified, but I'm less horrified by the shove, as horrific as it is. That nobody helps him when he's clearly unwell. Bleeding from his ear. You see them have the human instinct to help, and they're told to keep moving. Today, a bunch of Buffalo cops went on strike in protest of the cops being suspended (not fired!). They defended their actions saying "they were just following orders." Does that defense ring a bell to anyone? Yes, it is indeed the Nazi defense at Nuremberg. That's what's happening in America right now.
  15. Here is an idea. Instead of White people getting all of their information about Black people from other White people... what if.... they got that information.... from Black people? You might be able to find the answer to your questions better that way, rather than on a subforum full of racists. Unless you're just looking to confirm racist ideology that Black people are unreasonable, and that they're just asking for far too much to not be systemically imprisoned and executed by the state. Is that too much of a bother? It'd be really swell if you wouldn't mind opposing the demonstrated, repeated, and now indisputable video evidence of this claim. Black people have only been talking about this for generations. There's now tons of snackable content online for you to watch.
  16. They don't need training. They need to listen to the communities they serve. That needs to be their training. Please argue against this.
  17. OK I thought you were taking the piss. I can ***** with this. I'd rather have communities police themselves. It should be like volunteer firefighters. Unless the national union is dissolved and the US becomes more like the EU (also not necessarily opposed), then you still need national services. And so you still have the National Guard but you need non-violent mediative services. You need people for homeless people to give them what they need; for crazy ass people shooting bows & arrows in public; for domestic disputes — these require trained professionals. Essentially what I"m talking about are field doctors for mental/social issues.
  18. Lol, bro if you ain't mad you ain't paying attention.
  19. What's amazing is you think you know what you're talking about, or making a good point. You don't. This is a "strawman argument" you are fighting. Educate yourself. Actually I might be misreading you. You're either taking the piss, or you're earnest. You could be a libertarian and believe that all truly. In which case, we at least have some starting point. Defund the police. Do away with jails. Social programs are needed. Not modern slavery. People need help. This country has abundant resources. Just swapping the budgets for Education and Police would go a long way.
  20. I want the NFL to be specific about what they were wrong about — specifically Kaepernick. They should've just rallied around him instead of turning him into a figure of controversy and then a martyr. All of that was Goodell and the NFL's cowardice. The NFL could've been on the right side of this and came out looking pretty ***** smart and earned a lot of respect. Instead they look like cowards, racists, and morons who couldn't predict a rainstorm with a wet face. Goodell should resign, put Kaep in as commish. ***** it. Abolish the owners, too, they can all go screw. Put the NFLPA in charge of the franchises. Eliminate the non-profit loophole. Pay the insane amount of city, state, and federal back-taxes dodged from that, plus interest. And while we're dreaming, cut instant replay. Get refs who can judge accurately and just keep the game moving. This game doesn't need to suck so much ass.
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