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Ya Digg?

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Everything posted by Ya Digg?

  1. Well then the new stadium better have a pitchfork section!!!
  2. Go to the home opener? For this terrible team? They will already be out of playoff contention by that time! Beane must go! Josh is terrible! McDermott is the worst!
  3. So if that’s the case (that they are asking for a first rounder) that makes an incredibly strong argument as to why these players are upset. The owners and GMs don’t want to pay these guys but are going to ask for a lot in return in order to trade them? Doesn’t add up…
  4. Why is he a clown? it will be very interesting to actually hear what Indy is asking for. The owner has come out and basically said that RBs aren’t valuable, so can the team really ask for much?
  5. It’s too bad you can’t make bets after things had already happened. You would be so rich and It would allow you to pretend to be the smartest person in the room! to actually answer your question-didn’t watch the game, have no idea how either played. I gather from comments that the O line didn’t play well and there were a lot of penalties
  6. Damn, I read the title and thought this was just going to be a summary of your posts
  7. I swear some on here long for the days of crappy QB play just so someone isn’t making a lot of money
  8. The jealousy and bitterness you have because he got paid is showing big time
  9. Ok I need to ask-why do you believe all of this? Because you saw a couple of pics and heard a couple of stories? So because of that he did nothing this off-season? You know exactly what he did the entire time he was away? So he never ate right, never practiced, even though he hadn’t been like that since he came into the league? I’ve read your posts for a while and most are pretty good, these rakes aren’t a good look for you. Back away from the edge with all of the assumptions and overreactions to preseason (the team not moving the ball was DEFINITELY not his fault-that’s 100% on penalties)
  10. I’ve missed these terrible in game takes-thanks for bringing some of them back fellas!
  11. Except there’s nothing sweet about flutie flakes-those things were like eating dried cardboard
  12. Again, you keep making your argument using hindsight. Think back to the beginning of last season/all of the off-season stuff before the season started. In your head last April-August your thought was I really wish we had drafted a LB to sit the bench all year and I would much rather have a 3rd round CB (that you still haven’t named btw) fighting for a spot on the team. Also, Rhodes was brought in because the secondary was decimated with injuries, not because Elam was playing poorly (which he really wasn’t). we can certainly agree to disagree
  13. You did say they could have taken Woolen in the 2nd round, and both Seymour and Wildgoose are listed as 3rd stringers on their current teams. The only point I'm trying to make is that the hindsight game is useless. Not to mention your plan had the Bills first round pick sitting his entire first season with pretty much no chance of playing outside of injury. So a MLB stuck on the bench, then a 3rd round CB battling a 6th round CB to start opposite a previous 7th round pick - that doesn't sound great to me
  14. But this is part of the problem with playing the hypothetical game. You have this completely different idea, but don't actually have a solution. Now you suggest taking a corner in the second (not in the third), but that obviously costs the Bills Cook, and you just throw out well I'm sure they would have found some guy
  15. Who's the 3rd round corner you're drafting last year? Or would any corner have been fine?
  16. It's crazy right? The overall prevailing theme before/after Edmunds signed with the Bears was that he wasn't that important and that the defense did so well in spite of him. Now there is a mediocre at best MLB in the defense, which many thought would be fine....yet many are freaking out about it? Gotta love this place!
  17. What has Shorter shown at this point that A) makes another team want to sign him and B) makes him so indispensable that you don’t want to cut him? There are 4,5,6 rounds picks as well as 2nd and 3rd year guys all over the league that are going to get cut…I don’t think Shorter will be in as high demand as you think
  18. Not sure how I feel about this take. i like at the end you mentioned the part about self control, everything else I’m not on board with. I don’t agree that guys have to be angry, in your face, yelling, etc to show they are competitive. Tim Duncan is said to be one of the most competitive basketball players ever but you never really knew it on the court. Same with Jerry Rice-SUPER competitive but just went about his business. it’s professional football, they are all ultra competitive, but getting into fights is just stupid. All things like this do during a game is gets a penalty against your team and the player might get ejected. Don’t take this as an attack on your post, that’s not the intention, but I see this said a lot and I don’t agree with it, that’s all
  19. So you need more information but have no problem completely throwing him under the bus? Sounds like you are contradicting yourself there
  20. This happens every year, and this year Shorter seems to be the guy. Teams aren’t lining up to get a guy drafted in the 5th round and immediately sign them to their team. There are 5th, 6th, 7th round guys, guys in their 2nd/3rd years fighting to make teams, and I can pretty much guarantee most if not all on here wouldn’t be able to name those guys, just like we couldn’t name those teams guys. The point I’m trying to make is every team has these types of guys that they want in their prestige squad, and they don’t have time to watch tape on how lower end receivers from other teams are doing
  21. This is being pretty nitpicky wouldn’t you say? It would be more of a story if they played well-there’s a reason why they are so low in the depth chart
  22. And at this point not even a good one. At least make an effort to try and piss people off. Even by your already low standards, your trolling isn’t amusing/entertaining/fun/annoying any more. It’s really sad
  23. But now looking back and seeing the mismatches Kincaid will cause, is Addison the better pick? At best he is battling Davis for #2 duties and based on everything said about Davis during training camp he would not have won that battle. So there would be 50 threads on how bad Addison is
  24. You can’t honestly believe this right? They didn’t do these things because they couldn’t. To think that older owners (by the way, there’s still a bunch of them who have owned teams for a while now) wouldn’t have done this is incredibly naive thinking
  25. Oh they’re definitely rigged, I can just picture it now: Goodell and his henchmen meet with the refs in a dark alley. Goodell throws down his cigarette and tells the refs to make sure certain calls are made. The refs say “that’s sounds like a really good plan boss” take their briefcase of money and walk away. For the really egregious calls, they put the new guy on those because they know there will be death threats. Then after the game Goodell and his cronies go into the losing team’s locker room, rough up a couple of the players, and tell them they “ain’t see nuthin” then walk out it’s almost too easy
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