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Everything posted by JDubya76

  1. Is there no one available on this planet that can kick a ball better than Hack?
  2. Our offensive line is Miami’s best opportunity to stop our run game cold
  3. Body breaks down fast when you stop the juice. Dead because of heart issues at 63?
  4. Flores is not wrong. He is the coach, not the gm. It doesn’t seem like the Phins structure allows the coach as much input as our system does. I would hazard a guess that maybe that the gm’s silence and that he doesn’t have direct input may be a source of his visible frustration. Either way, Flores can’t really talk about someone on another team.
  5. I guess I can’t watch the end of the KC game I thought I got sunday ticket to watch all of the games, still at the whim of the networks
  6. Looking back at the gameplan leaves me still trying to figure out what our defensive scheme was trying to take away. It couldn’t have been the run game because if it wasn’t for the final whistle, Henry would still be running. Short to intermediate passing? After the first two series it was open all night. I am guessing the defensive scheme was designed to keep the Titans punting unit on the bench. Congratulations, mission accomplished.
  7. Touchdown on the kickoff leaves the Titans plenty of time to score again
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