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Biden is Mentally Fit

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  1. Who are the rest of us? A truly weak and embarrassing response. Better to not respond at all. By the use of the scare quotes I take it you have doubts as to the reliability of this reporting from the nation’s foremost reliable mainstream outlet.
  2. Nobody cares about their personal lives. It’s the “news” they report. It’s not surprising that someone who describes a journalist he disagrees with as a “self-hating gay man” finds this of much interest. Any thoughts on the “Paper of Record” and the fine bit of journalism regarding the IDF shooting kids? The one with the fake X-rays?
  3. Clear, coherent, and well thought out. Thank you for this amazing post.
  4. I remember when your opinion on the pandemic was “much ado about little”. You come off as a Martha Raddatz. Hilarious.
  5. They can apparently decide they are any of 72 things. Does that mean that sane people need to be accommodating to their madness? If someone identifies as a cat, are you personally going to be accommodating because that’s what they decided they are? https://www.medicinenet.com/what_are_the_72_other_genders/article.htm from the link: Astergender: The person has a bright and celestial gender identity. How did society ever progress prior to things like “astergender”? Good grief.
  6. Part of your schtick here is pretending others don’t know the definition of certain words and here you are pretending you don’t understand. Good stuff. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/disingenuous disingenuous adjective dis·in·gen·u·ous ˌdis-in-ˈjen-yə-wəs -yü-əs Synonyms of disingenuous : lacking in candor also : giving a false appearance of simple frankness : CALCULATING disingenuously adverb disingenuousness noun
  7. He really looked like he knew that Beretta inside out didn’t he? Go Coach! Shocking that Mr Susan Collins would disssemble when it comes to the lies of Tim the Spastic Beta.
  8. No. I meant exactly what I asked. Your immediate deflection makes you look disingenuous. How shocking. You obviously buy into concepts such as genderfluid and nonbinary. I’m just wondering at what point in your life the buying-in occurred and what was the catalyst for your seeing of the light. Not difficult questions.
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