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Everything posted by wvbillsfan

  1. Because he gets the ball out quick. Josh isn’t consistently doing it tonight.
  2. I know the sack took us out of running the ball but I swear if we don’t attempt to run the ball something is getting broken. I can take losing but I can’t take stupidity. They are just teeing off cause we aren’t attempting to run. Those defensive ends are going straight up the field. Run the ball right at them
  3. Run the ball. A three yard gain isn’t the worst thing in the world.
  4. This is the perfect script for how we lose. It’s cold Josh sucks We refuse to run And we lose the penalty and turnover battle
  5. I feel like fumbles just haven’t gone our way this year. 5 red jerseys around
  6. That’s the crap we have to avoid. Turnovers on our side of the field. Everything is hard.
  7. At some point we’ve got to either run the ball or fire short passes Hold the ball against these guys and it’s a wrap
  8. Hate the color rush uniforms. I feel like we always play terrible when we wear them.
  9. Offense looks lost so far. Stay heavy. Opens up the outside. Let Diggs go to work.
  10. They better at least run the ball every now and again you can’t let that front four know you’re just going to chuck it every down
  11. Let’s see how we adjust. I’m putting Diggs outside and letting him work against one guy short to intermediate.
  12. Less than two minutes in. Two penalties. We get penalized way too much
  13. Everyone left that doesn’t know After tonight they will. Go Bills
  14. This team can win a super bowl. This year. We don’t have to get lucky or catch a couple of breaks. We can win if we play our game and limit mistakes. Kansas City is the only team that could give us a problem. We were one play away from beating them. 3rd and 12 If it happens again we will make that stop. Get the ball. Drive it down the field and win the game.
  15. Which mongo would go left guard and Ike right guard. Feel like we would have a lot success running left with that lineup. Left side. Strong side
  16. Normally my strategy for almost any qb is bring heat. Try to make them make the mistakes. Against Pittsburgh they pass 50 times a game. Ball comes out quick. I’m really interested in rushing 3 a bunch this game. It’s been done against Steelers with success but hasn’t been done enough.
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