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Everything posted by Assquatch

  1. I like the David Ranch ones
  2. I may have missed an episode, but why does Jin have have a handcuff on his wrist at the end of Exodus, Part 1 (aired 5/18)?
  3. Page's is still there on the corner of Military and Packard Rd. The whistle pigs are good but you can feel your arteries hardening as you eat one even more so than with a normal dog. The "whistle pigs" are wrapped in bacon, and smothered in a cheese-whiz-like substance, served in a steamed bun, and come in red or white (presumably beef or pork?)
  4. One word: Tivo. (or was that three words? or ten?)
  5. It's not a sport if you can't play defense.
  6. I couldn't disagree more. Teams were not desperate at the draft. Someone will be desperate when their main back gets hurt. Henry may in fact be the third best available back, but he is the best cap-friendly one when most teams dont have the cap space to sign the best available back when their star gets hurt, especially if they just plan to use him to fill in so their season isn't tanked because their back is out for 4-5 weeks. You say Henry is useless to the Bills so we won't get much for him. I believe it is not his value to the Bills that determines his value, but his value to some desperate team. It will happen. There are 32 chances someone will get hurt in the preseason, and Henry is a good bet to replace him.
  7. Everyone acts like it was a huge mistake not to trade Henry before/during the draft. Am I the only one that thinks the Bills will get better value for Henry during training camp or in the preseason? Of the 32 teams, one of them (including possibly the Bills) will lose their starting running back before the first weekend of real games. Having Henry on the roster when that happens will be a great asset. Even if they end up with a 3rd rounder in '06 for Henry, that pick should be better than a 3rd rounder in '05 would have been. When someone loses their starter, I imagine getting a 3rd round pick next year won't be very hard when they realize how much better Henry is than their backup, even if it is just to fill in while their main guy heals.
  8. I agree 100%. My point is, those aren't on the wonderlic.
  9. 16-0 for the next five years, and lots of people would be bills "fans" Even T-Bone.
  10. I can't remember the last time a DE asked an LT a multiple choice question on his way to sacking the quarterback.
  11. I was at the D&B near DC a couple years ago. Man, they had the coldest beer on tap I have ever had. It was almost slushy.
  12. What is SUW? I've figured that its an off-topic of some kind, but what does it stand for?
  13. We call the night before Halloween "Beggars night" but that wasn't one of the choices...
  14. The Bills will not get swept by the Pats again this year. You heard it here first.
  15. Anyone have any thoughts on the connection between Jack yelling "Don't tell me what I can't do!" and Locke repeating the same thing ad nauseum several times in earlier episodes?
  16. So we should all tune in to the beta ones to increase their number of listeners. link?
  17. There's a space between "Personal" and "Full Name". Could that space have said "likes to eat marshmallows" 6 months ago?
  18. Good thing the punchline wasn't in the topic name or anything...
  19. Is it going to be on the same channel (25), or will it be above 100 so I'd need a digital package?
  20. This pickup reminded me of that one as well. Everyone sitting around waiting for something to happen.... And it was Bob frikkin' Corkum.
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