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Everything posted by Jerboski

  1. Lot of receivers in this draft you didnt mention Lamb Ruggs Kid from Minnesota Claypool from ND Colin johnson from texas Just to name a few more
  2. Great thread, enjoying it I want yannick in free agency, I believe he would take this D to the Elite of the elite level, assuming Phillip's is back. For the draft, two possible scenarios I like: Trade up for lamb and if we keep our second take okwara from ND Or take simmons (love the idea) or the OT from Iowa in the first, grab Pittman in the second I also.wouldnt be opposed to Higgins or the kid from colorado in the first
  3. He played his entire career at dallas and knows alot of those guys personally, is it really that odd he likes to see them do well. I'm sure he hoped Dallas would win but his commentary was fine and balanced. I think its crazy we have people saying they had to mute their TV Was an educated guess, I think everyone believed Beasley would be the target on that play.... safe to say no other analyst would have predicted Singletary on that play either, romo was a ten year plus QB who was very good, he doesn't need to defend himself here or anywhere
  4. The people complaining about romo are absurd, he was nothing but complimentary of buffalo basically the entire broadcast
  5. Romo was great today and easily the best In the business.... some folks here just trying to start something, he was analytical and fair to both sides... people muting their TVs, give me a break lol
  6. I think the turning point was selecting josh allen and him walking into dallas stadium
  7. Sean has every right after this game to question the officiating, some absolutely phantom penalties against us today... if that hit by Hughes is a penalty how the ***** is it not a penalty on the hit on Allen the very first drive
  8. Dabol called a beauty that drive and Allen executed.... well done lads, well Done
  9. That hands to the face penalty was as gutless a call as I've seen in a long time, could be a game changing penalty
  10. Steve strikes back, just stupid playcalling that drive... starting with the read option on first down then a prayer down the sideline on third
  11. Dawkins needs to get his head out of his ass, giving up pressure all game
  12. They need to clean up the penalties, good to see josh allen looking more confident each week and hit his long ball
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