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Everything posted by daz28

  1. The whole idea of giving teams 10 more minutes to find a trade is silly. It's also a bit unfair in that teams drafting later have the advantage of more time to bargain.
  2. Marvin Harrison Jr., Ohio State - Cardinals Rome Odunze, Washington - Bears Ladd McConkey, Georgia - Bills Brian Thomas Jr., LSU - Colts Xavier Worthy Texas- Ravens Bonus Bills pick - Ladd McConkey
  3. It's pretty much the same thing. They both view each other as an existential threat. The thing is it's more than just Palestine. Israel has to play whack a mole with all the Middle eastern countries. Just depends on the decade. There isn't ever going to be any peace. Just lulls. Maga republican's are backwards in thinking Ukraine is going to keep syphoning off money, when it's actually Israel that's going to be the real money pit. The money sent to stop Putin is probably much more well spent, because it's hurting his economy, and limiting his military. He can't afford to go after any other NATO countries either. Then like they have for thousands of years, they dug tunnels under it.
  4. Not even realizing that this entire thread is BTDS. Klueless Karen.
  5. The pro-lifers don't even have any leg to stand on besides religion, which they won't even admit is the REAL reason they want bans. Simply ask them if they think it's murder. If they say yes, then that means that any restrictions AT ALL would be legalized murder. That has absolutely no grounds in law whatsoever. We barely even have any executions for multi-murderers, but we'd have a law that said the fetus can be 'murdered', because of other people's irresponsibility. Also, the idea of state's rights ISN'T to have different scattered very important social issues throughout the country adjudicated differently. States right's is meant to allow states to have freedom to have separate laws that are beneficial to/for THEIR particular state. Otherwise, why even have a UNITED states.
  6. This Supreme Court is full of idiots, lead by Alito. He's basically arguing, because it might rain here, you should consider evacuating into a hurricane. Some of his arguments were astoundingly stupid. I would have never thought the handmaiden might be the smartest of them all.
  7. Certainly a PITA, but it's helping him, and that offsets it some at the expense of trust in our government. I'm not sure how much is actually coming out of his pockets, but I know he is getting a ton of money donated from it, too. If the Dems really thought that, then they're very unaware of reality. The idea that there's a giant conspiracy is laughable, but I'd concede that there's probably a boatload of people getting away with some of the things they go after trump for. Some people still believe his ridiculous belief that 6 states all conspired to rig the election against him. Those people need help.
  8. He's the one who constantly says it's helping him. Him and right wing media. I never claimed anything, but that his followers don't care if he contradicts himself. That way he gets the cake and eats it, too.
  9. Look at my original post. I quote the source, who happens to be trump. The whole point was he plays both angles, and they eat it up, without the sense to notice the contradiction.
  10. You're implying that they thought the lawfare plot would hurt him, but it didn't? It's laughable to believe that after his supporters say Russia, Russia, Russia every third post, that the deep state made a bungle thinking they'd turn on him, but didn't. 🤣
  11. trump tweets 'Americans can see through what these liberals are doing. This is lawfare, and the real election interference!', and MAGA loves it. 10 minutes later, Trump goes on TV, and says "Americans know this is a hoax, and it's making me do great. Just look at the polls". Maga Loves it. Well which is it? Being logical, if the 'real election interference' is going so well for you, wouldn't you want more? I'd feel like a sheep if I couldn't spot the contradiction in that.
  12. Most people are. that's the point I was making. The problem is you're caught in the everything has to be this or that crowd. If it's not from Fox, then it's from some equally bad liberal sources. If like he said, it's 10-1 liberal MSM, then that's at least more choice. It's funny my analysis of MSM makes you think I'm being biased. They have you right on the hook, where they like you.
  13. The better question is how did everyone develop the need to only want to consume biased media? I get it takes a long time to research everything on our own, but it's better than gobbling down propaganda. Either way, I don't think being bombarded by liberal media really changes any conservative minds anyways. Fox has good ratings, because their viewers won't watch anything else.
  14. If this is a roundabout way of calling me a deplorable, I'd prefer you just be direct.
  15. Just gloss over the fact they were there to pressure Mike Pence to "do the right thing" by breaking the law, and initiate the fake electors plot(ie the coup to subvert the election). The right wing MSM has devised hundreds of ways to distract people from acknowledging that's what was happening. Hiding behind the violence is probably the worst way.
  16. I don't support either horrible hand-picked candidate. DC is a racket.
  17. Please take note hypocrites. Being against EITHER guy doing something, regardless of party, is how you fight Washington corruption.
  18. He didn't call them deplorables until AFTER they supported a deplorable. Do you disagree that supporting a deplorable is deplorable?
  19. Even if you ignore the obvious implications of impropriety, how can you think that investing Saudi money in America could possibly end up being a good thing for American workers. It's even dumber than trickle down.
  20. I can't believe that there are still people out there who listen to the politicians who pretend there is a way to "fix" this. I believe the interest payments are now more than all our DOD spending, and is about a quarter of a million dollars debt per taxpayer. While people are busy getting angry over "entitlements", they aren't realizing that they're going to lose EVERYTHING, not just the entitlements. Let's see how great the economy is doing after the 10th consecutive default.
  21. Iran(America's enemy) attacks Israel, with little to no casualties. The GQP immediately signals that aid is crucial, and will be first thing on the docket. Russia(GQP's ally) INVADES sovereign nation Ukraine, and MJ mulls over the idea of floating a loan with private citizen trump. Why even have a House, if it's controlled by one UNELECTED citizen, who supports Putin.
  22. Admits he's trolling, and they still won't admit his view on Billsy is projection. "I could shoot someone on 5th Avenue"=welcome to my cult. One team has bread and the other doesn't?
  23. I get how Israel was incensed about the terror attack on them, but it was incredibly naive of them to think they can route out terrorism in the area, considering they're literally surrounded by enemies, including ones they can't even reach by ground troops. Terror attacks are their school shootings. Unfortunately, they're part of the uneasy peace, that just have to be accepted. While the West is with Israel, are they really with Israel in the sense of an all-out conflagration? I don't think a military 'victory' is even possible for them if this becomes a major conflict. You'd just end up with mass destruction of the entire Middle-East. Their next move is a HUGE move. I'm watching Mark Esper right now, and he doesn't even seem to have a grasp on what could/should happen next. He's almost guaranteeing a retaliation by Israel, which triggers another strike by Iran. It feels like the collective Arab leaders are the only ones with a real chance to cool this down.
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