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Everything posted by CoudyBills

  1. Did he just say Kansas City up 1 after 3?
  2. Step into a magic portal and somehow switch places with the Chiefs?
  3. Maybe I'm not the only one who thought Josh looked a lit more like me this year than himself with regard to the body shape?
  4. Because they don't have a quarterback. The one who doesn't know what they are talking about is you.
  5. You forget that 97% of western New Yorkers can't wait to flex their complex.
  6. Well that's because he's so young, you know.
  7. How many more first round picks should they burn on a defense in today's NFL? The NFL is a race to 40 every week. Whoever gets the closest wins.
  8. Infuriating? Like you pace the floor at night in a blind rage?
  9. Ah yes, the classic I disagree so you and everybody else don't know what you're talking about. Executed perfectly.
  10. I think you mumbled there, probably because Tom nuts were half way down your throat.
  11. Good chance. Not any fun. Skinny fellas can get it too, ask me how I know. 😔
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