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Everything posted by Shortchaz

  1. Really makes you think man. Like, wow man wow….
  2. The biggest concern/argument is that if they possess this rare measurable talent and also want to be great, why are they not already better/higher picks. (I get some sat out the year). we’ll see.
  3. We seem to have went heavy on raw talent/potential. What we don’t know is how many of these guys WANT to be great and WHY.
  4. Interesting draft. Beane et al. are trying something that has the risk of looking really dumb or clever in 3 years.
  5. I was in the camp that wished we had a stronger running game but watching the playoffs has solidified something for me. The bills run specific short pass plays that are essentially running plays. They’re 3-5 yard plays with potential for more.
  6. I don’t KNOW what happened. It LOOKED like the guy cranked his neck and caused him to pass out more than hit his head causing his brain to bruise. Like i said, I don’t know
  7. Ball carriers seem to always fall forward when facing the bills. It’s frustrating to watch. i don’t have any tangible evidence of this, it’s just a sense I get watching the games.
  8. Probably closer to a manslaughter charge than dude wanted to be.
  9. I agree that it’s financial but seems myopic. Watering down the product is not a winning strategy
  10. It punishes the two seed (relative) and rewards mediocrity. I hope it’s a one and done
  11. Are you suggesting that more doesn’t necessarily equate to better? 🤔
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