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Everything posted by wnyguy

  1. Oh ok, can you give me an example of a POLICY that TRUMP MADE while he was in office that support your claim?
  2. So no Trump policy decisions that were made upset that you disagreed with. Thanks for the honest answer.
  3. They never seem to have an answer to this question. I don't know why.
  4. Not to you. What he said has already been presented to you and you choose to ignore it. Why? I don't understand it.
  5. I'm telling you they don't really believe the stuff they are posting. They do it to get attention. No one in their right mind would think like that.
  6. They know this already, it's a trap.
  7. n the words of George Bush “There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.”
  8. I said you got me, I'll know better next time you clowns push a lie.
  9. Could have played worse for many different reasons? I was watching Feliciano the whole game and thought he was doing a good job. When he went down the Chiefs D-Line made plays. Look, I don't care one bit for the 9ers or Feliciano I was just giving my opinion on the situation.
  10. I see your guys game, lol. You guys do this all the time. Endorse each others lies just to get a reaction from people. You got me this time, good on ya.
  11. See what I mean? Facts staring you dead in the face and you close your eyes. Unbelievable.
  12. Here is a more recent article that explains why Trump made the statement about NATO. Hint: It worked. https://www.reuters.com/world/nato-chief-says-18-countries-meet-2-military-spending-target-2024-02-14/
  13. I don't think I could convince you guys of anything. Your inability to see what's right in front of your face is proof of that.
  14. You're giving me a link from 2019 that has already been explained to you nitwits. Why keep pushing a lie when you know it's a lie? I don't get it.
  15. How'd the O-line do after he got hurt? They let the Chiefs D-Line run roughshod.
  16. Yes yes in a hypothetical situation in which NATO allies refused to pay their share. You get that, right? Yes or no?
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