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Everything posted by wnyguy

  1. What in the SAM HILL does 2B zoist mean?
  2. That poor little one. My prayers will be for her.
  3. Is this the sort of editing you meant?
  4. The draft is for the future, I'm more interested in seeing what Free Agents we can bring in here so that we can win now.
  5. What makes this suspect is the report that Levy and Wilson are trying to talk him out of it.
  6. Yep. There is nothing they love more than the sports teams to fail.
  7. Wait a sec., let's get old school here. Why stop at Mike Marks? Why not bring in Don "Air" Cornell?
  8. I wouldn't mind Jim Hasley for DC either.
  9. He should be fired for the simple fact that he gave MM a 5 year contract even after his team failed to make the playoffs last year. This was his biggest blunder of all.
  10. I hope those who are passing on the links of condolence threads to the Colts organization have enough sense to actually read it before linking it. I am ashamed of some of the people who have posted here. A young man is dead. Family and friends grieve that loss. Show at least a minimum of compassion, of human decency.
  11. So you're saying you've never been tammied then.
  12. Thanks for the info. I wish Fergy all the best.
  13. It's simply proof that the guy will not give in, take a play off, stand and watch as a ball carrier goes by him. He may not be the fastest LB in the NFL but I'm proud to have him on my team.
  14. It should be mandatory that the Sabres play after a Bills game. It eases the pain of watching those knuckleheads.
  15. I am very impressed with Fletcher this year. I would have pegged him to be one of those who made a run for the bus, but the guy is playing his head off.
  16. Well then Donahoe and GR were right. You ARE a jerk.
  17. Actually when you think about it GR is actually calling their listeners jerks. TD never once said call GR if you want to be a jerk, he said there are other stations you could call if you want to be a jerk. What makes GR jump to the conclusion he was talking about their station? Do they believe their callers to be jerks?
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